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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. ObjectManager.Me.Target = wowUnit.Guid;
  2. yes, you can turn off permanently stealthing
  3. No, because movement is handled by wRobot, I just tell it the coordinates. It's using CTM, not keyboard and even if it was using keyboard movement, it'd be near impossible calculating a direction using strafe.
  4. No, wRobot will not support official servers anymore. wRobot will NEVER work for 8.x It is a PRIVATE server bot.
  5. overrideCSharpPulse The method inside this gets called OVER AND OVER by wRobot (basically anytime the quester pulse state is called). If you initialize the path list inside that mehod, its state gets reset every time wRobot restarts the state... See my explanation above
  6. You can try starting wRobot with the NoDX shortcut and see if it helps.
  7. [E] 00:03:17 - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Invalid window handle [E] 00:03:20 - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Invalid window handle [E] 00:03:22 - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Invalid window handle [E] 00:03:23 - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Invalid window handle [E] 00:03:24 - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Invalid window handle [E] 00:03:24 - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Invalid window handle Means it can't access your wow window somehow. You potentially spammed the start/stop button a few times before starting your current session.
  8. wRobot does not support retail anymore, you you probably had a retail subscription
  9. wRobot does NOT SUPPORT retail wow...
  10. At 1 session, you won't run wRobot through different VPNs - unless there is an exploit that Droidz needs to fix where you can use several IPs and sessions despite only paying for 1? Only the more expensive multi session licenses are what HMP doesn't fully support yet. But I am getting around to it. Thank you for being understanding. I've updated HMP to fix the list of pots.
  11. Take a look at the already free and finished rogue poison class quest (entirety of it) I published in the vanilla section...
  12. I don't charge more than the bot costs and you can use either the previous version you originally purchased on multiple IPs but live without getting updates or you can wait until I implement a multi-session solution (which takes time). On my Discord I specifically announced for people to ONLY update if they run WoW through a different IP and not wRobot. That is why IN BIG LETTERS it says there is SUPPORT ON DISCORD - before you even purchase the product. I updated the thread to reflect this change so people know when purchasing the currently available license it is limited to ONE IP PER wRobot instance. If you aren't interested in running only WoW through another IP - you will need to wait. Also I'm not sure when you checked out wRobot prices last - but if you actually run more than 1 session, the plugin is definitely not more expensive. Restarting the bot and it adding some entries to your DoNotSellList is in no way breaking the product that would warrant a refund. It "not working at all" must be a joke accordingly. It's a minor inconvience and obviously much lower priority AFTER the multi-session system has been put in place. Also evident by the fact that this supposed bug has been in there for ages and hundreds of old and new users have NEVER complained. You are the ONLY one with this issue. Not only that, but I actually DID offer you support through the ONE STREAMLINED CHANNEL where I offer all support. Which, btw, is still part of me being nice and forthcoming with my users and not included in the price. Edit: When the multi session system is done, you will need to make your case (on DIscord, via PM) as to why you should get a free upgrade to a 5 or 10 session key anyway. Because for 95% of users there is no need for this and I need to weed out the people sharing the plugin with their friends for free.
  13. Please don't spam the comment thread, get on Discord if you need help and wait until I am able to make some time to fix this.
  14. You probably didn't buy it (downloaded free trial, not the product emailed to you), aren't using it on TBC or are using addons that break wRobot. I've used it 2 weeks ago without issue and there haven't been any API changes. Get on Discord and PM me your order id if you want support.
  15. Are you running a Quester with "save modified settings"? That's most likely why it keeps adding stuff. It's not supposed to be saved in the first place.
  16. If you have problems facing the target, look at the 1000s of topics regarding this issue where peopel don't run on 60 Hz with vsync enabled
  17. I think @Findeh's idea of them flooding ports on your LAN somehow before banning you seems the most reasonable. This would definitely an exploit in Warden though - it's absolutely not possible the way Blizzard (intentionally) engineered it. That would explain why some people haven't gotten hit at all (luck + different network architecture) whereas people runnign several VMs are also safe. It would just be so much better if you could spawn network adapters and route all traffic through them + still force WoW through a proxy. Maybe if someone took up mass-botting on a linux machine again this could work.
  18. Some people have said they have gotten mass-banned using proxies on the same machine and their idea is the server somehow scans your LAN. I don't think that's how they get caught - but you can do this through different VMs all the same - this won't affect HMP then.
  19. You can either run WoW through different proxies or force only WoW through your VPN or you can wait a week to update HMP, by which time I will have implemented sessions. There will then be a different product with 5 and/or 10 session. You have the assholes reselling all my products to thank for that. There were 3 different scammers I had to take care of just this week, not to mention all the "traders".
  20. It's always in the latest download link. Will be in the next update
  21. RotationStep takes a Rotation to execute, a function which evaluates whether the step can be executed (predicate) and a function which evaluates a target (there are some functions in CombatUtil already). The targetFinder function also takes a the predicate as a parameter, so that you can (and have to) evaluate if it applies to the target you chose. This is where you validate things like line of sight being available.
  22. I fixed it a while ago where it would cast cat form while in travel. Message me on Discord and I can figure out what your particular problem is
  23. Take a look at the free quester for alliance poisons, it has the solution by calling autoloot in memory.
  24. //bad pseudo code: bool reachedP1 = false; if(!reachedP1) { wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(p1); } //p1 is reached here if(ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(p1) < 5) { reachedP1 = true; } wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(p2); wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(p...); wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(pN); But keep in mind, you have to do this in full C# quest. NOT just overrideCSharpPulse! Or else it will go to P1 over and over, because everytime it sets reachedP1 to false in the start. If you want to use this in OverrideCSharpPulse, you have to use Var API, like here: Instead of just using boolean you will do if(Var.GetVar<bool>("reachedP1") == null) { Var.SetVar("reachedP1", false); } if(!Var.GetVar<bool>("reachedP1")) { GoToTask.ToPos(p1); //if close code Var.SetVar("reachedP1", true); } It's all a bit pseudo code but you get the idea
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