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Everything posted by doped0c

  1. So i got this issue... lets say im standing in dorutar and i load a felwood profile, why does the bot "run through" all the spots for mobs in dorutar, barrens, ashenvale etc instaed of just running to the area where my profile is? Thx
  2. Currently using this with 2 profiles. When i use 10 usa warrior fightclass profile it works like a charm, once u start using this plugin its a must have one.. Altough, when i switch over to my paid frost mage fightclass wrobot/the game freezes after i cast frost nova and character turns around... Is there someway to work around this? All help would be much apprecieted.
  3. Problem solved updated DX
  4. Watch ss. Running default settings in wow, no addons, vsync on, vsync on and set to 60 in radeon graphic settings. Using click to move. Running 1-60 horde grinder profile and paid frostmage fightlcass. No plugins. Keeps gettng errors.. 144hz screen. Thoughts? Sry messy SS
  5. Give us a link to your discord, or pm it to me if you dont want it out there.
  6. I tried to both higher/lower the percentage of when the bot should sit down and eat, but neither of it works.. :(
  7. Why, after dying does my character first thing it does jump the closest mob instead of buffing upp/eating upp to full hp/mana? Getting reaaaal anoying, if i decide to afk, only chance of me being able to get out of that place is someone else coming to the spot and killing the mob close to my corpse. This also happens sometimes after killing a mob, just like it ignores the percentages i've set and walks onto the next mob with like 10% health.... Help would b really apprecieted....
  8. Another one, bot seems to have trouble deciding wether to attack a mob or not. Sometimes when someone gets tag just before me, i throw a frostbolt, then it goes back to not targeting him. Then it starts spam targeting it, casting 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving, cast 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving. Looks shady as f. Solution to this?
  9. Another one, bot seems to have trouble deciding wether to attack a mob or not. Sometimes when someone gets tag just before me, i throw a frostbolt, then it goes back to not targeting him. Then it starts spam targeting it, casting 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving, cast 0,1sec of frostbolt and start moving. Looks shady as f. Solution to this?
  10. Yeah alliance that is. I was wondering about horde mate, i even capslocked it ^^
  11. Is there a way to make the character use first frostbolt when exactly in range to use it? As of now my character keeps running into the mob so first frostbolt dont land on the mob before before the mob actually gets the first hit of me.. Seems kinda not efficient imo. Any way to work around this? Thx in advance. Doped0c
  12. So, ive been checking around the forums for a DECENT HORDE question profile. And all i can find is (i mean no disrespect to the ones who made em) but not fully working ones, you need to babysit them ALOT, might aswell play the game yourself. My question is, have i missed something, or is it that simply that no one yet just havent actually released something good enough? Im not shy to pay, grinding profiles work, but questing could be alot faster, if there were any good profiles out there. Thanks in advance. doped0c
  13. Maaan, this worked like a charm! Thanks a million times. Perhaps you should pin those "Fixes" so people in the future dont have to make threads like me. Idk some kind of thread with usual q&a. Anyhow bot running ALOT more smoothly now, no more frost novas being broken before i get to turn around. A million loves ❤️
  14. But, is there no way i can make my character move around 180 faster? When nova breaks i loose shatter effect etc.
  15. Try to increase memory usage. And disable a few addons, for example questie. Or just move Interface map out of wow folder while youre botting and this wont occur.
  16. Using this on vanilla right now, absolutely amazing. Altough there is a problem, sometimes bot just get "stuck" and does 360s jumping around and not following path.. Known problem and can this be fixed?
  17. To give you an idea what im talking about, sometimes when i frost nova and turn around. The nova actually has time to break before my character is turned around.. This cant be normal is it?
  18. Hey guys, first post on wrobot forums i believe. Be kind ;) So i got issues with how my bot is walking.. For example when i frostnova a mob and character tries to turn around, its like its hacking when moving around. You can very clearly see its a bot movement.. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Preferebly the bot should just in 0.1 second turn around in one sweep. I tried the SmoothWalking plugin but that just makes bot stay in 1 location jumping around and not following the original path.. Suggestions folk? Thanks alot! And btw, is there like any forum post where someone has gathered all usable plugins for vanilla, settings to use, etc?
  19. I mean if i use the "Use click to move" suddenly profile gets screwed and character is just running into walls n stuff not following path :/
  20. Btw, for example when running is there any way to make the character look less bottish? For example its targeting mobs, taking up the wand, taking 1 step, trying to wand, 1 step, etc until its close enough to start frostbolt basically like im w+w+s+w+w+s to the mob, if you understand what i mean.
  21. Actually it seems the problem was on my side, i THINK my character followed someone with a pet to run out there. Disabled pet action and it didnt go out there anymore. Thx for suggestions
  22. Idk why but when i start the 12-60 v9 it keeps running out in fatigue in the water to the little "bay" area and keeps getting killed by lvl 30 mobs... Did i config something wrong am i using the wrong profile? ?
  23. A hundred times better without freemode thanks alot.
  24. Hey guys, expecting a slight problem wich im sure can be avoided with the right settings so i thought ill ask :) Im having some problems with the pathing in bgs, for example in WSG (horde side) in the start, instead of running through the right door in horde flag room it keeps running for like 30 seconds straight into the wall on the left side of the wall. Looks really botty, i tried pressing the "add current zone to blacklist" but yet it keeps running too far left and goes straight in the wall then spamjumps. This can happen in other bgs aswell, but mostly because it chases other players. For example inside blacksmith house on Blacksmith in Arathi Basin. What can be done to prevent this? I find only running AV right now is secure enough to avoid reports. Help would be much apprecieted.
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