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Everything posted by ScripterQQ

  1. I tested it a bit, not for so long, just some quest profiles and small grinding. Always watching/babysitting it, just in case. No problems so far, accounts are safe, but I wouldn't push it too far, in fact I do 90% of my tests on trash servers, because I still see banwaves on this one (maybe they are old report, maybe new... but still I'm afraid too of the situation and I don't have many account that I can afford to loose on wrmane.)
  2. I took another peak at his code, in fact on the first ship he didn't add a control basically because the ship is always in the zone, but the second ship actually appears/disappears from the zone and goes through "portals", so yea he added a check ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(ID).Count == 0 I guess both options are valid, I just didn't think about the item ID going out of the zone. Now I stick with the null check and I'm fine, the result is the same :) Still I prefer his code rather than the classic "Catch Zeppelin/Ship", but that's a matter of preferences
  3. I just had to change (after the tram != null check) var distance = tram.GetDistance(); to var distance = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(20808).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance; because it was giving me error (basically not running at all). Now it reads the ship position correctly, I just need to adjust the range and other settings and it should be good =)
  4. Sorry I just noticed I've posted into Official Forums, I'm testing this on private servers, so idk if this should be moved or what, maybe the problem it's indeed the private server object ID recognition.. Thanks.
  5. Hello, I used the following code to make the player use the tram on my profile: (thanks to Stauffenberg) if (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(176082).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance <= 25) { Logging.Write("[Quester] Tram already here - waiting for the next one to make sure boarding will not fail"); } while (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(176082).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance <= 25) {Thread.Sleep(500);}; Logging.Write("[Quester] Waiting for the Tram"); while (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(176082).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance > 25) {Thread.Sleep(500);}; I tried to replace the ID of the tram with the ID of the ship on Booty Bay (tried both ships, Maiden and Bravery) and I can't get it work. I tested randomly this code by swapping the ID and putting the ID of a mailbox and the code was working, obviously (I put a debug print like "im near the mailbox", "im far away from the mailbox"). This is basically the error I get when I try to put the ID of the Ship [E] 18:54:56 - QuesterState > TestCondition(string csharpCode): System.NullReferenceException: A reference to an object not set on an object instance. in Main.Pulse2() in Quester.Bot.OjuwidaiVejuowe.EriaqeivalJaubalaw(String akainuf, Boolean ekeqeureiNiatiok) I thought about the ship entering/exiting from the zone, so basically when checking range conditions the bot doesn't find the object and crashes somehow, but applied to Darnassus Ships it works so I have no idea honestly (also I don't understand the error..is it francais?). I tried even in a custom server where there are custom npcs and objects, and with development tools I took the ID of a custom object and still the same issue, it was not recognizing it. Any idea how to fix this? I would like to add this feature on my quester profile to move from Booty Bay to Ratchet.
  6. Err actually it is a big problem, I don't know how you managed to survive that long, but myself, got banned after just 2 hours of botting, and perma, not 6 months. By the way, I'm pretty sure the protection is way lower than retail, so you could test on a new char (like I'm doing, and no problems so far), but try to be careful anyway.
  7. It happened to me too, sometimes. Most of times was because I had multiple wow opened or other programs that were taking ram/cpu (photoshop, sony vegas, ...), in fact I never experienced the problem with just the bot running without other processes.
  8. Version 2.0.0


    Hello, this profile automatically goes to Stormwind and then Ironforge to train weapon skills (Poleaxes, Maces, 2H-Swords, and so on). Very useful if you are leveling a Human Warrior or a Human Paladin. Tested on WOTLK expansion, but probably it works on other expansions too. Make sure you have enough golds in your bag (something around 2 Gold+) and you are ready to go. *What does it do?* 1) Goes to Stormwind Weapon Trainer and trains all 2) Unlocks/Visits Stormwind Flight Master (Flies to Ironforge if available) 3) Uses Deeprun Tram to reach Ironforge if Flight Master not available 4) Goes to Ironforge Weapon Trainer and trains all 5) Unlocks/Visits Ironforge Flight Master 6) Flies back to Stormwind 7) End! *What you need* - Start the Quester in Northshire Abbey, Goldshire, or Stormwind zone. - Enough golds, I suggest you minimum 1 gold 50 silver, but let's say 2 golds just to be sure, the cost of spells may differ from server to server. - If you have a Mount, set it in the options so you move around in less time - Patience (it takes around 10 minutes without using mount, starting from Northshire. Watch video below! Its a bit speeded up but it shows how it works) I wanna really say thank you to Stauffenberg which basically gave me this idea, by looking at his "Teldrassil to Northshire" profile, I managed to convert the code for the Tram path use. Check his stuff, he is really amazing! Feel free to try it and see how it works for you. If you have any suggestions or problem, contact me. Have Fun VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjN6gxqLLdA
  9. Probably yes, I never pick up Shadowdance, it's mainly Hemorrhage+Rupture+Garrote+Ghostly Strike, so it may work.
  10. I had some problems in Silithus too, with the repair npc (a Tauren). Do like Droidz said and see if you still have the problem (also consider to add Un'goro repair which is for sure closer than Tanaris). I'm doing some tests soon in Silithus to see if the problem happens again.
  11. Were you leveling 4 accounts at the same time, with the same grinding path? Did they get stuck somewhere? If you can share some info it could be helpful. I myself used the robot 1 day ago for several hours with Quester and no warnings or bans.
  12. Maybe the bot wasn't attached to the game somehow, try restarting it?
  13. Already using that code, you missed my point
  14. Hello, I'm working on a Quester profile (initially it was a Grinder, but I switched to Quester in order to have more features). For example I forced the bot to use my own repair NPCs and it works pretty good. The problem is I have a grind zone in Duskwood which is near to Stranglethorn Vale, and I can't put the STV Repair because it will go there if "ToTown" or repair, and dies in loop since mobs are way too high level. So I used another repair, in Duskwood, far but safer. Now once I finish with the Duskwood zone, I need to move to STV, so this time I have the appropriate level but I don't have the repair NPC in the list (to prevent going there when low level) and this makes the bot stuck without a city, because if I don't add the repair vendor in STV, when I need repair or even better I force "ToTown", it does nothing, like there are no option available. So just to make a test I added manually the repair npc in the northern STV and worked perfectly, it went to repair and when forced ToTown it was going there. But I can't keep the NPC in the list since the beginning, so I was thinking about forcing adding it through a code after a certain level, i.e. level 30. Is it possible somehow? Or any other suggestion about this issue, how to assign specific NPCs to a certain level range? Thanks for reading.
  15. I was kinda whiny time ago, specially for the lack of documentation about what does "this thing" do and what does "the other", I myself spent more time testing features and trying to understand the behaviour, than botting overall. But think about that, right now it's kinda easy to create profiles and stuff once you learned what to press, but imagine having a product 100% "noob-friendly", it would not last long, this robot was (and still is) one of the strongest talking about server detection, About making a human like fight class, for sure you can implement C# but imho you will never obtain a perfect rotation, my suggestion is yes, implement as many features as you can to protect your bot and not look like a machine after 2 seconds of watching you, but always keep an eye on the bot, never leave it alone.
  16. Yea I understand, I need to work on it because as already said I would like to have a Quest profile that fits all classes, but a training level profile/plugin changing from class to class (I usually do 5-10-15-20 and so on, but on certain classes I prefer to customize when to visit the trainer)
  17. I didn't pay attention to ToTown... right now I'm low level and leveling below Goldshire, so when the "go to trainer" triggers, it goes up to Goldshire, but from south, so it may happen that the trainer (in my case: warrior) is closer than the repair NPC and maybe this is the reason it trains before repairing. Maybe. I should do a test and see if approaching Goldshire from North, the bot does first repair and then Trains spells, because coming from north the repair npc is closer than the trainer.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Alliance Battlegrounder profile for The Battle of Gilneas. Cycles through bases. This profile worked good for me (tested on MoP), if you experience any problem feel free to report it. Have fun
  19. I'm using the plugin Trainlevel.cs (modified with the levels I want), I guess I need to write additional code in there. Or add the entire plugin inside the Quester profile, but this doesn't sound good to me honestly, because I want to have a Quester profile that works for every class, meanwhile, the Trainlevel.cs is different from class to class.
  20. Hello, I'm working on a Quester Profile 1-80 that basically is a Grinder path but more accurate and with extra features. For example, at the start of the profile, I Immediately override some wrobot settings, so each time I create a new char I don't have to mess around with switches and various options. I forced to dont attack elite, don't go at trainer (I use separate plugin for that), don't calculate range by size and similar things. One thing I would really like to have is something that forces the bot to repair before learning new spells, because at the moment, when it triggers the "training spells" it goes straight forward to the trainer, and it doesn't have enough money.. I would prefer it goes to the nearest repair, sells all the stuff to get some money and only after that, go to learn new spells. Is it possible somehow? Thanks
  21. Yea I noticed that too, Quester is way better. I could switch to that ..
    Tested from Night Elf Start Zone (Teldrassil), Level 1, works perfectly. 5/5 Good job!
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