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  1. Or: EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += (LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) => { if (id == wManager.Wow.Enums.LuaEventsId.PLAYER_DEAD) { Lua.LuaDoString("StaticPopup1Button1:Click();"); robotManager.Products.Products.ProductRestart(); } };
  2. Left click makes target
  3. Use this: Interact.InteractGameObject(mobs.GetBaseAddress, false, false, true);
  4. @youthemannowdog Idiot, make your own profile. ONCE AGAIN, WROBOT API IS NO WORSE THAN HONORBUDDY! When will you be banned?
  5. @Smokie I am really amazed at these two. Wrobot has a high-quality community that helps each other, many great programmers sharing code snippets. There are no other bots similar to this, even Honorbuddy was only two versions: off and Cataclysm. Many have been making good money for a long time without even being a programmer. These two should be happy, not shout about how lazy and important they are.
  6. Two little girls who constantly whine. Stop creating idiotic topics.
  7. Man, calm down and go do the profiles yourself. These people who write "99% afk" can really have this percentage, I know this from my own experience. When I started botting, I had only 5 windows and my profiles worked 99% afk, but with an increase in their number to 50, I often had to do some manual actions. Just some errors rarely occur.
  8. If you need good code samples, try profiles from camelot10, matenia. They and many other people (including admin) also posted code on the forum
  9. Wrobot will not support classic servers from Blizzard. Aha-ha-ha, lol In fact, most Wrobot users have no problems with profiles. They either write them themselves or pay for an individual profile. Droidz has already created a wonderful API that allows people who do not own programming to create profiles.
  10. Why don't you write your own profiles? The api of this bot is no worse than Honorbuddy had.
  11. There were no other bots before the Cataclysm. The rest are pirate bots on which protection has not been updated. Wrobot only
  12. What the problem?
  13. Druid. Cat form - fast farm dungeons.
  14. Regarding the renaming of Wrobot, can better use this program? https://www.bome.com/products/restorator
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