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Everything posted by Mykoplazma

  1. Hi I have problem with tauri cannot inject into the game with Dx or without Dx. 3 Mar 2018 07H39.log.html . Directx is installed and EWT cannot inject into the game either they do something to prevent injection? ;)
  2. Zalezy od profilu bg bota nie polecam bo robi takie ewidentne głupoty że ban po jednym dniu z reportu. Jak sie umie c# to można robić rotacje na poziomie płatnych z wczesniejszych rotation hackow ( pqr, soapbox etc )
  3. Is there a possibility to read cursor position and return the current position of x y z of it? ( for casting aoe spell without targeting something on the ground) . The goal is to cast the aoe spell under current cursor position when some keybind is pushed down.
  4. Rather is not the rotation is always cluncky. There is possibility to write the angle directly to the memory of wow but you still need to make some kind of movement to send the new angle to the server ( jump or move a 1 yard etc ) so this is too some what not nice.
  5. Ahh well becuase you dont understand how the gathering bot works :) Everytime where node is in scan range ( you can set it in global settings ) the bot is breaking the standard route and searching routine is generating shortest way to the node. Sometimes between player and the node are trees rocks or other crap and well the pathfinding routine is 'blind' to that things sometimes? ) (well soooome times) and bot will try to get the node and stuck on that crap. The solution? Reduce searching range to 20 yards and fly over the ground 20 yards when recording. ( i have a tool to set the point exactly 20 yards above the ground and only when I wish the point is added ) I created a perfect path and the bot can fly around 8 hours without any crazy ideas and the water - yest the water just fly higher to prevent some crazy water digging :P And all above all - the bot is for ground mount not for flying mount and the fly mount's landing procedures and avoiding are well - in beta.
  6. Yea that path finding system is quite well - in beta stage. Solution? A global file with blackliist containing all possible trees and other obstacles? At least that will not force me to use wmo hacks ^^
  7. The bot is using method Interact which is a mapping to right click on x y z ( in that case mob position ) look what will happen when you click something using right click :) You may check if the autoattack is on and then stop it using IsAutoRepeatAction(slot) function? ( I suppouse )
  8. The macro /stopattack is for that and only this is working on tbc I think.
  9. http://devil.tauri.hu/~kimbatt/english.html Get torrent or mini client. Delete all wow.exe files except wow.exe from main directory. ( 64 no crc check etc ) . The bot is working normally.
  10. f = 0; spellName = "Flash Heal"; spell,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ = UnitCastingInfo("Focus"); if spell == spellName then f = 1 end; You must add that to Lua script part and check the f value. If f = 1 then you can cast the interrupt spell ( in that case that will interrupt Flash Heal) If you need to interrupt anything that is interruptable or interrupt a list of spells or interrupt channeling well check the lua documentation ;)
  11. if vUAflag==nil then vUAflag=0 end; -- If we're CURRENTLY casting UA and the timestamp isn't already set... if ({UnitCastingInfo("player")})[1]=="Unstable Affliction" and vUAts==nil then -- Record that UA is being cast and record the time at which we observed the ongoing cast. -- Setting the flag to 1 will prevent UA from being cast again. vUAflag=1 vUAts=GetTime() end; -- If the flag is set...but the time at which it was set was more than 2 seconds ago... if vUAflag==1 and GetTime()-vUAts>2 then -- Reset the flag and timestamp to allow UA again. vUAflag=0 vUAts=nil end Ripped example - here you see how to cast Unstable Affliction when the time difference between start and now is > 2. If vUaFlag=0 then cast
  12. CS rotation only perhaps. Some kind of pseudo code ( to prevent double cast of immolate in this example ) public long immolate_StartTime; public bool immolate_ResetTimer = true; public bool immolate_CanCast = true; public long immolate_Time = 1500; ..... wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.EventsLuaWithArgsWaitTime = 1; EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += (id, args) => { if (id == wManager.Wow.Enums.LuaEventsId.UNIT_SPELLCAST_START) { if (args.Count >= 2 && args[0] == "player" && args[1] == "Immolate") { if (immolate_ResetTimer == true) { immolate_StartTime = GetTime(); immolate_ResetTimer = false; } } } if ((GetTime() - immolate_StartTime) > immolate_Time) { immolate_CanCast = true; immolate_ResetTimer = true; } else { immolate_CanCast = false; } public long GetTime() { long startTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; return startTick; } In this example the immolate will be casted again only after 1500 ms ( and this is preventing to overcasting ) To check when something start and count the time to push the event again. Well. IDK :) Or maybe its not about that at all :)
  13. I only use macro ingame to pass the value to the wrobot cs rotation. You can create a global variable assign a value to that variable and read it in wrobot. Lua.LuaDoString(@"SLASH_HELLOWORLD1, SLASH_HELLOWORLD2 = ""/Lux"",""/lux""; local function handler(msg, editbox) setglobal( ""Lux"", msg ) end SlashCmdList[""HELLOWORLD""] = handler; "); In that example when user in game write : /lux 1 the global value Lux will be set to 1 and then inside the cs you can read the value in something like that: var Lux = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("value = Lux;", "value"); Of course if you make an addon which is setting the certain globals in certain way you will be able then to read the values from inside the wrobot. So something like that is possible and it was done in pqr with pqi.
  14. Maybe is time for some education here.:P https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/h21280bw.aspx
  15. If you creating healing rotation from my own perspective is always better to use lower than < condition and then make a priority with strongest spell on top, the limits with >= are not so good ;) If you don't know how to make simple priority system ask me.
  16. There is a problem with some spells which are messing up the time - they are appearing in the SPELL_CAST_SUCESS event but they are trinkets, and other buffs from items ( back etc )
  17. Something is generating heavy load for wrobot and the bot don't have time to 'do all job' in the frame and then well it looks like that. It may be a plugin it may be a fightclass it may be even a quest itself. If some loop is broken and is generating a lot of load then it looks like that. Maybe get a new wrobot install put it in the separate dir put only the quest profile in it and try to run it. Then at least you will be sure that quest profile is not buggy by itself.
  18. Sorry if I'm creating a mess here. I don't think so that there is any topic about c# rotation. You can use part of that code and make a check inside lua in fight class editor ;)
  19. There is a reason. The reason is the dot is appearing on the target after the cast is done. And the checking is done before the dot is on the target. So for example during the casting the button of the spell will be 'pushed' second time because the dot is not on the target yet. You need to make a delay to try to cast spell only after one second or more ? :) There is a solution an was done very very long ago in lua unlockers time. public bool canImmolate() { int canImmolate = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(@" vImmolate=0 local i=1 while(i<=40)do local a={UnitDebuff(""target"",i)}; -- Get the debuff's info if a[8]==""player"" then if a[1]==""Immolate"" then vImmolate=a[7]-GetTime() end end i=i+1 end if vUAflag==nil then vUAflag=0 end; if ({UnitCastingInfo(""player"")})[1]==""Immolate"" and vUAts==nil then vUAflag=1 vUAts=GetTime() end; if vUAflag==1 and GetTime()-vUAts>2 then vUAflag=0 vUAts=nil end spell = 0 if vUAflag==0 and vImmolate<1 then spell = 1 end", "spell"); if (canImmolate == 1) return true; return false; } Immolate example ( it's working with c# rotation for me ) in sense if (canImmolate()) - cast immolate etc. Of course the problem is with all 'dot's with cast time'. Other bots have something like preventDoubleCast procedure but this is not here ;)
  20. IMHO only the proper rotation with priority queue can make what you want and only method of prevention against casting spell is well not casting it at all.
  21. Version 1.0.1


    Simple Blood Tank cs script (rather unorthodox approach :P ) , glyph of outbreak mandatory.
  22. check that but set the grinder to kill only specific mob ( that buggy wotlk servers have skining flags on unskinnamble mobs on ; ) )
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Just force the bot to skin the mob always when possible.
  24. You can force certain skill to be casted always first adding the condition - if that buff is on mob I can cast other spell etc.. but you must add that check to all spells.
  25. It's not about that. I can deal with the wrong values etc. but there is a problem with something else. You can spam immolate again and again but the raport is showing up 1 time per 30 immolate casted .... ( inside loop without any thread.sleep )
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