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Everything posted by Showboat

  1. Create a macro with this: /cast Feed Pet /script PickupContainerItem (0,2); In your first bag second space, place your food. Place macro on bar 1 slot 5 Set the macro in general setting / advanced / my macros to kick in every 5-10mins, will keep your pet green and happy unless you go through a continuos death period.
  2. Dont use ammo bags, just use normal bags, you lose a bit of a bonus, but not enough to worry about.
  3. Are you shooting the target before your pet has engaged it? My rotation is hunters mark , pet attack, concussive shot. Theres no way any target is closing down 30 yards before the pet has aggro.
  4. Lost one acount last night lev 45 i think. Its pretty easy to get anything up to around 40, but getting one from 40-60 has proved impossible for me, had about 6 banned ranging from 45-55, so close with the 55! I only want to avoid the grind and get to end game!!!!!
  5. Levelling hunters and warlocks, locks are much easier. Hunters have to watch with feeding pet and ammo. Both a pain, not to mention the issue if the mob is too close the hunter wont attack it. The lock doesnt have any of those problems.
  6. Thanks for the fast reply and fix :)
  7. Hi, i updated the bot this morning and now pathing seems to be broken, none of the 3 bots i run can navigate around anything. They just run straight into walls. My pathing-finding options are all defaults (All ticked and wall distance set to 0.50).Path finding for me has always worked well. I've attached the log. 11 Jul 2017 08H45.log.html 11 Jul 2017 09H29.log.html
  8. I havent tried this, but if you put it at the top of your spells / rotation. How does that work? I thought the bot was able to detect if a spell was available (That might be one of the options in the top right)
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Will pickup and complete the hunter class quests at level 10. Enjoy!
  10. Might be an issue when dismissing the pet from the previous quest. Might have to logoff between missions if your pet still shows...
  11. Pretty good effort! I had issues when i got to level 9 with the quest you need to get to the anvil and smash stuff. So many NPCs, very difficult for a bot to get there, i ended up doing it manually in a group!
  12. Version 1.0.1


    Hi, this will complete the three taming quests needed when you hit level 10 as a tauren hunter. When complete you just need to pick up the final quest and get to ThunderBluff. I've no idea how to get a character up those lifts so cant add that part...
  13. Is it possible to have the bot run from valley of trials to orgrimmar? It would be useful for newly created accounts and level 1 bankers. This is on the vanilla version of the bot!
  14. I have mine setup as a macro, and i call that macro every 5-15 mins depending on how loyal the pet is, a level 6 loyalty will do with one feed every 15mins.
  15. Resting without food / water in inefficient, you will spend ages standing around. If you really want to, just set the values to whatever you want in food / water but dont actually buy the stuff... (similar to when you run out...) The bot will just stand and "rest" when its below those values.
  16. Set it to fire once per target, you should rarely need two.. waste of mana. edit, looks like you are using conditions in the bottom left.. look at the options in the pane to the top right . Cooldown or something (near the top!) I dont have the bot on this comp so cant check
  17. Donald does your hunter stand with with mellee weapons out between shots?
  18. Confused as to how to use it properly.. Do i just cut / paste into my existing config, or do i need to change spell setting for auto shot to c sharp or lua? (Not spell is c# code or not spell is lua script)
  19. They aren't perfect, but you can get them working / levelling. What doesnt work for you?
  20. I took most of this from an exising profile and tweaked it for vanilla. Its far from perfect, i cant get heal pet to work... But its grinding away for me ok. I also included the fixes for auto shot. Been using this since about level 15, now nearly 20. Legion lowbie BM Hunter2.xml
  21. Hi, I noticed a problem with the ammo bag on a hunter, it counts it as free bag space. So if i have 3+ free spaces in my ammo bag and the bot set to sell when it hits 2 free spaces it will never sell! Will continue to try and loot and fail everytime. Can we have the ammo bags blacklisted so it doesnt count? Also, was looking for an option to buy ammo, but cant see to see it on the advanced setting, options for dont sell your ammo and hearthstone, but nothing for buy. Is this coming? Or am i a dope!? Great product! Keep up the good work and support :)
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