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  1. Hello eeny, i just wanted to DL the file again as i have come back to priv server botting. It seems you have deleted your shop, at least that is what selfy is telling me. Any posibility of you somehow making it avaliable to me?
  2. [HumanMasterPlugin] Couldn't find bag slot count for Empty Draenei Supply Pouch, please report this item=23389 4 Slots
  3. well i play on a server where you get kicked/banned if you play more than 3 accounts on 1 ip edit: do you think it would be possible to change such communication with droidz' plugin in order to ensure communication between 3+2 chars running your dungeon plugin?
  4. how hard would it be to setup internal communication by /say or /party? like "/p Healer" and "/p rdy" that would enable doing dungeons on servers where you are not allowed to multibox.
  5. Hi, is there a more elegant way to check for whether or not we already did that quest according to our /settings/FinishedQuests-Name.Server.xml than what i am using now: <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="Quest.GetQuestCompleted(9616) == true" /> <QuestsSorted Action="GoToStep" NameClass="9" /> <QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="FarmBloodElfCommunication" /> <QuestsSorted Action="PickUp" NameClass="BanditsPaladin" /> where BanditsPaladin is step 9. Also: is it possible to run a script on TurnIn where we check for our armourclass and weaponskills in order to atleast choose a 2Hand maul instead of a sword we don't have the skills for. I am dreaming of sth. like this: get player.armourclass get questreward1.armourclass get questreward2.armourclass if player.armourclass == questreward1.armourclass then chose elseif etc
  6. So i know how to start a quest from an item. how do i tell quester to farm mobid 17202 until said item is found?
  7. Hi, i just started my own questing profile and would like to know how to tell WRobot to "take quest reward 1 (leather) if class hunter&shaman" and "reward 2 if class paladin&warrior" etc. The quest i am working on is 9280. I tried to make a quest entry for every class but then i get the following error: edit: it seems like changing the name to "Replenishing the Healing Crystals1" 2 3 4 etc worked
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