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Everything posted by marrvin

  1. @Droidsz also have a look at Slack - the limitation of the free version will be no issue
  2. Unfortunately one of the biggest issues can only be solved in the core: the performance during combat I used both HB and TNB before and ran multiple WOW+Bot on one PC (i7 6700 @ 4 GHz) with 30 FPS. But with WRobot as soon as combats starts the FPS drops from 30 to 0.3 - 1 at best. (yes I tested multiple fight classes with multiple specc) Also the lack of pathfinding when flying can not be added with a plugin AFAIK.
  3. Hi Droids, what about the "24. Feb"-release version 24780 of the bot? Do you think it was unsafe so that accounts using it are flagged now ?
  4. Wrobot running again! Thank you !
  5. here you are .. ;-) 20 Feb 2018 12H03.log.html
  6. all my Windows installations are 64 bit
  7. Hi Droidz, no I have no Anti-Virus installed, no Spy Bot, Windows Firewall is deactivated. Also Windows Defender Real-Time Protection is disabled as well. I also tried with above pre-instralled Wrobot extracted to Desktop - same result unfortunately.
  8. Still does not start. Windows 7 SP1 64 Bit with .net 4.61 20 Feb 2018 10H09.log.html
  9. The log file will be created in the wrobot/Logs/ Subfolder nonetheless. There maybe tons of files in it so just sort by date and drag newest log file from windows explorer onto the paper clip at the bottom of the text-input field when answering to this post.
  10. Even after fresh install of wrobot I am still getting this error in log: [D] 19:32:19.936 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.8.5 (31863) for wow: 7.3.5_25996 [D] 19:32:19.953 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/ [D] 19:32:19.953 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 [D] 19:32:19.955 - [Info] Lang: German (Germany) [E] 19:32:21.036 - wManager > Pulstator > Pulse(int processId, string secretKey): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainModule() at MemoryRobot.Memory.FindPattern(String szPattern, String szMask) at MemoryRobot.Memory.FindPattern(String pattern) at wManager.Wow.Memory.GetOffset(String pattern, Int32 position, Boolean isFunction, Boolean rebase, Memory memory) at wManager.Wow.Patchables.Xamaqefo.Uruhuiga.Sinaun() at wManager.Pulsator.Pulse(Int32 processId) 19:32:21.036 - [Memory] Select game process: 9140 - Hoc... I am using windows 7 64 Bit Last try was at 20:03
  11. same for me . Bot won't start. Log is [D] 19:32:19.936 - [Info] WRobot Version: 1.8.5 (31863) for wow: 7.3.5_25996 [D] 19:32:19.953 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/ [D] 19:32:19.953 - [Info] Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 [D] 19:32:19.955 - [Info] Lang: German (Germany) [E] 19:32:21.036 - wManager > Pulstator > Pulse(int processId, string secretKey): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainModule() at MemoryRobot.Memory.FindPattern(String szPattern, String szMask) at MemoryRobot.Memory.FindPattern(String pattern) at wManager.Wow.Memory.GetOffset(String pattern, Int32 position, Boolean isFunction, Boolean rebase, Memory memory) at wManager.Wow.Patchables.Xamaqefo.Uruhuiga.Sinaun() at wManager.Pulsator.Pulse(Int32 processId) 19:32:21.036 - [Memory] Select game process: 9140 - Hoc... (same goes for different PC as well)
  12. Hi, thank you, Droidz! the robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Status == "Farming" trick is working quite well ;) I also want to add some JumpOrAscend when gatherer detects the "next/new" gatherig node that is "above" the char. Because currently the movement looks very stuttering when gatherer flies to a node with node.z > me.z (looks like it runs up stairs). How to readout the position of the current node/POI gatherer is focused on ? Thank you in advanced.
  13. Hi, is it possible to "intercept/override" the "move-to-gather node" state of gatherer? I want to add some basic anti-stuck when flying to a node via a plugin. Like ascending / strafing some yards when distance to the gathe rnode does not change for like 5 seconds. Thanks for any help
  14. I investigated the dismounts further: 95% of the time the unnessecary ... dismount to start fight before farm. will happen when the mob that attacking the char puts a debuff on the player (like bleed or a curse) or when the herb/mob is surrounded by an area effect that gives a debuff. Examples: - Shadow Horses in eastern Azsuna (put slow debuff on char) http://www.wowhead.com/npc=109349/veil-shadowrunner#abilities http://www.wowhead.com/spell=221738/aura-of-lethargy - Bears in Stormheim (put a bleed on char) - Vrycul NPCs in Stormheim inside the "misty areas" ( area/environment puts a debuff that char ) I hope that helps.
  15. Thank you - will try that plugin
  16. Yeah...from my observation it is mostly when herbing next to sleeping mobs, that "wake up"/aggro just thew seconds the char lands next to the node to gather it. Same goes with "rare" mobs.
  17. As WRobot has no flying un-stuck when it heads to a gather node, it is looking very bottish when the char tries to fly "through" a rock for 30 seconds as the constant click-to-move commands are resetting the flying animation whin in turn results in a very awkward "choppy" animation (normal idle / afk flying against walls looks very different) As the char hat no chance to reach a herb node when there is any obstacle in its way I would love to reduce the blacklist time out from 30 seconds to like 12 or 15. This will reduce the chance of player reports and also gives more Nodes Per Hour when farming. Thank you.
  18. Although I disabled every attacking/fighting etc when farming in the options, and NO plugins installed there are still a lot of: [Farming] Player is attacked and near the node, dismount to start fight before farm. ... messages in the log - so a lot of unneeded fights .. it is a druid that can herbing w/o dismounting (that works like 4 out of 5 times, seed log). A log can be fight here: https://wrobot.eu/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13785
  19. If the char dies in a flyable zone, it could reach its corpse fast by flying to it. But instead wrobot uses ground navigation (riding/running) to reach the corpse. This is not only a huge time sink (in some areas the ground path is like 5-6 times as long as direct way paired with slower movement ofc), but sometimes leads to "stalls/bot halts" when pathfinder fails to find a ground path.
  20. If the char dies mid-air (from a dot or a PvP Instagib) , the ghost is realeased immediately resulting in a corpse sitting mid-air above the ground sometimes leading to "unreachable" corpses. Solution : just wait some seconds or better : wait until the corpse isn't falling moveing anymore before releasing ghost (ofc with a like 20 seconds timeout or so).
  21. Oh and @Droidz I forgot to ask: Is there any way to shorten the "cannot reach gather node" timeout from 30 to like 10 seconds ? ty in advance -- marrvin
  22. no he said : with zone given as a string it not that complicated to test it against a given zone name to check if hearthbinding was successfull
  23. you can use LUA to get the Bind location: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_GetBindLocation
  24. HI, 1.) please see attached a log and a screenshot of my dead druid trying to reach its corpse endlessly, running against an obstacle. (see screenshot) a simple hit onto the spacebar (lifting the char a few meters) solved the stuck. I understand that they may be situations where unstuck does not succeed. But after like 30 seconds it shoud then try again (by clicking "return to corpse") or rezz at GY with sickness. 2.) also you can see in the log: Although I disabled every attacking/fighting etc when farming in the options, and NO plugins installed there are still a lot of: "[Farming] Player is attacked and near the node, dismount to start fight before farm." messages in the log - so a lot of unneeded fights. Why ? 10 Jan 2018 08H13.log.html
  25. Hi, unfurtunately switching to lua makes no difference. The char tries to reach a node behind a rock or tree when gathering - flies into the obstacle and just makes a very bottish looking "stuttering" for 30 seconds, blacklisting and continue its path after that time.
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