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  1. aha is this profile still on sale? @Matenia
  2. @Droidz i got all my acc banned on Stormforge do u have an version that works on stormforge mop server? thank you
  3. hey schaka i have bought almost all your profiles. but i'm not good at code i don't know how to make these source code into .dll since your auth server will shut down soon. i'm afraid i can't enjoy your profect files without your help. can you just make these codes into .dll without auth system? thanks a lot! have a good day!
  4. hey @Droidz how to add these codes into the IsCompleteCondition? thanks a lot!
  5. it works, thanks a lot!
  6. i have used @Droidz profile Setting backup.cs using System; using System.IO; using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager; using wManager.Plugin; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; public class Main : IPlugin { private bool _isLaunched; public void Initialize() {} public void Dispose() {} public void Settings() { var f = new FormSettingsBackup(); f.ShowDialog(); } } public class FormSettingsBackup : Form { public FormSettingsBackup() { InitializeComponent(); Directory.CreateDirectory(PathFolder); } string PathFolder { get { return Application.StartupPath + @"\Plugins\Settings Backup\"; } } private void ButtonLoadClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var file = Others.DialogBoxOpenFile(PathFolder, "General Settings file (*.xml)|*.xml"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file)) { if (File.Exists(file) && File.ReadAllText(file).Contains("</wManagerSetting>")) { var s = XmlSerializer.Deserialize<wManagerSetting>(file); if (s != null) { wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting = s; wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Save(); Logging.Write("[SettingsBackup] New setting loaded: " + file); } else { MessageBox.Show("Cannot load selected file."); Logging.WriteError("[SettingsBackup] Cannot load selected file: " + file); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Selected file is not valid."); Logging.WriteError("[SettingsBackup] Selected file is not valid: " + file); } } } private void ButtonSaveClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var file = Others.DialogBoxSaveFile(PathFolder, "General Settings file (*.xml)|*.xml"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file)) { var s = XmlSerializer.Serialize(file, wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting); if (s) { Logging.Write("Setting saved: " + file); } else { MessageBox.Show("Cannot save setting."); Logging.WriteError("[SettingsBackup] Cannot save setting: " + file); } } } #region FORM private void InitializeComponent() { SuspendLayout(); // // buttonLoad // var buttonLoad = new Button { Location = new Point(12, 12), Size = new Size(151, 23), Text = "Load settings", UseVisualStyleBackColor = true }; buttonLoad.Click += ButtonLoadClick; // // buttonSave // var buttonSave = new Button { Location = new Point(12, 41), Size = new Size(151, 23), Text = "Save settings", UseVisualStyleBackColor = true }; buttonSave.Click += ButtonSaveClick; // // Form // AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6F, 13F); AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; ClientSize = new Size(175, 76); Controls.Add(buttonSave); Controls.Add(buttonLoad); FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; Name = "Form1"; ShowIcon = false; Text = "Settings Backup"; TopMost = true; ResumeLayout(false); } #endregion FORM } but this plugin not back up the other settings like HMP. @Matenia everytime when i create a new character i have to set the HMP once. its really anonying. so is there a way to edite this profile to make it save the HMP default setting too? then i just need to click a button then all set. thanks for advance. the settings about HMP profile name: CustomPlugin-Master-xxx.Nethergarde.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PluginSettings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <TransactionId>123456789</TransactionId> <AutoEquipBlacklist> <int>7005</int> <int>7005</int> <int>7005</int> <int>7005</int> </AutoEquipBlacklist> <FirstAid>false</FirstAid> <TrainFirstAid>false</TrainFirstAid> <Food>false</Food> <Drink>false</Drink> <BlackListIds /> <Looting>false</Looting> <Skinning>false</Skinning> <TrainingLevels /> <TrainerBlacklist /> <EscapeElite>true</EscapeElite> <EscapePercentMana>0</EscapePercentMana> <EscapePercentManaEnemies>0</EscapePercentManaEnemies> <SmartPulls>false</SmartPulls> </PluginSettings>
  7. i wanna make a 100% afk profile but i have checked the forums,there is no information for how to train pet to learn skills like "Growl" anyone can share me the code for train pet? thanks
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