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Everything posted by EXILE
This plugin is an absolute necessity for anyone that is serious about botting with WRobot. If you don't want to have to be constantly babysitting your characters you need this plugin. Droidz (the developer of WRobot) has actually taken certain functionality from HumanMasterPlugin and slowly started incorporating them into the base program, that's how good this plugin is. Stops your characters from drowning. Provides customize-able functionality for fleeing combat which is extremely useful for many classes, especially melee. Auto equips gear if it's better than what your character is already wearing, also auto equips bags which is a very nice quality of life feature for AFK botting. Will train and level up First Aid for you, another extremely useful feature for melee and even some ranged classes. Has an extensive trainer and vendor database, which many profiles are lacking, so it makes up for the lesser-developed profiles and makes them usable. Automates buying ammo, food, and drink at that is appropriate for your level. This plugin has many more positives that I couldn't live without, too many to list here. Schaka (Matenia) is absolutely amazing with support for the product and as other users have posted, he'll even help to answer general questions about WRobot as well as other plugins that he's knowledgeable on. He also develops and maintains a plethora of fightclasses that are leaps and bounds ahead of most of the others you'll find here.
This thread existing doesn't make it any easier for them to detect "us" or botting. Anyone with that mindset must be new to the botting scene. The methods used to detect botting haven't changed. They may have some things that are unique to their anticheat/bot detection strategy, but generally it comes down to: Player reports (leaving your bots on too long, bots doing stupid things/dying a bunch of times, bots not answering whispers, bots running "bot trains") Once the original report happens, it gets investigated and they ban you, then: Your IP is flagged Your HWID is flagged After that it falls on the botter to take the measures to protect themselves. Both my IP and my HWID are flagged, so if I start a new bot it gets canned by level 10 if I'm lucky, usually by around level 5. That's why you need to run VMs + Proxies or VMs + VPNs. If anyone's interested I can make a guide explaining how to set all this shit up so you can feel more secure and not worry about people posting on the forums ?
There's definitely some form of detection running on Northdale now. It's pretty good at catching lower level characters, not as good at getting higher levels, so it seems. Definitely bot at your own risk, and make sure you're using proxies and private profiles if you do. Being on a public profile right now is asking to get banned.
Seems like I found the fix. Turned off "Locked frame' in my fightclass' settings.
Just started an alliance warrior and it seems to be crashing everytime the fightclass casts Heroic Strike. It's weird though cause I have a horde warrior running the same profile and that hasn't crashed at all. Log file is attached 20 Oct 2018 13H19.log.html
Gotcha, thanks
Bot is working now, but spams another error and clutters up the log 16 Oct 2018 20H12.log.html
Logs are attached. Get an error anytime I try to run quester profiles 16 Oct 2018 01H10.log.html 16 Oct 2018 01H18.log.html
thanks bruh
I've been running the bot on 60hz so it works properly, so I'm not sure if the logs will show you anything. But here's the two I've been running for the past few days: I can switch my monitor to 144hz and let them run for an hour or so if that'd be more helpful to diagnose the problem. As far as I've seen when I put the monitor to 144hz the bot has problems facing mobs and using pathfinding. 6 Feb 2018 09H16.log.html 6 Feb 2018 09H18.log.html EDIT: I probably should've specified I'm playing on a vanilla server/using the vanilla version of WRobot
Bot doesn't function properly while using a 144hz monitor and wondering if there was any plan to add functionality/support for 144hz monitors. I want to have my bots running in the background but in order to do that I have to keep my main monitor on 60hz instead of 144hz and it really ruins the quality of the game I'm playing while the bots run in the background