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Everything posted by Rinrin11

  1. It works just fine, though tWoW has a pretty solid detection system for a 1.12 client so go easy. I never had much success there.
  2. Have people been having luck with TurtleWoW at all? I used wRobot a few years ago and just came back. Wondering what the state of play is.
  3. Anyone botting on the new Nightbane server? Wondering how people are getting on with it. I did a trial yesterday and used FNVs questing pack to get up to about 27. It was quite a bit slower than grinding but I guess much safer since I was somewhat present to babysit it. All went smoothly. I decided to try grinding for a few levels and got banned within 2 hours of grinding (also vaguely watching it on one screen while I played League of Legends). Didn't see anybody around, nothing said in the log or anything like that. Did I just get unlucky or are they doing a good job with the bot stomping? Anyone else having luck?
  4. Population has dived a bit for the time being while people go to play retail BfA I guess. Should lower the ban rate a little with less people around to report.
  5. Unsure if it's possible but are you able to make it strafe away from combat instead of running straight? Strafing has a lower chance of being dazed so lower chance of death.
  6. 10-15 days is pretty fast to lvl 50 ?
  7. Just got my first ban as a level 46 hunter. Leveled the first 38 levels with FNVs Quester followed by about 5 levels done by hand and some grinders. I used other grinding profiles to avoid using the ones built in to the quester (a mixture of my own grinders and Bambo's). It was my first propper attempt at botting on Northdale, prior to this I only got a few 20s which have not been banned. I was banned while grinding in Swamp of Sorrows, I saw my pet do some odd shit and that caused the bot do some odd shit, possibly work of the GM. Before I could stop the bot I was tele'd to the room of death. Time for attempt 2.
  8. He said he's tried two different fight classes so I would suspect it's not anything on your end. Matenia's point sounds like a likely solution.
  9. It sounds like the issue may be your settings or something if it's happening on multiple FCs. I used Eenys hunter script to level 40 with no problems at all. What FC are you using, out of interest?
  10. As Bambo said, if they don't get you within a few days after you stopped botting it's unlikely they will ever get you... unless someone provides them with some kind of evidence you were botting (such as a video clip) later down the line. I'd say you have a high chance of not being banned if you've stop botting.
  11. Does the ban rate actually increase at 40+ or is it just the "danger zone" because there's more to lose if you do get caught?
  12. @binbin @AmberLaHotee Were you guys questing or grinding? Had you leveled primarily by questing or grinding prior to your ban?
  13. If you're looking to do it on Northdale you'll definitely want to be mixing in at least some grinding profiles if you're looking to bot the whole thing. Some quests are just too tough at the times most profiles will have you do them because of other players. For example, FNV will send you to STV at level 30 to do Panther Mastery part 1 and Tiger Mastery part 1. If you go to STV at lvl 30 with the current population then expect 7k exp an hour because you will ALWAYS get ganked. Better to grind a few levels and go at more like 34. Also it will increase your questing speed if you're over leveled so it does negate some of the time lost by grinding.
  14. If you're not babysitting then I would actually say grinding is safer on Northdale, if you use your own grinding profiles rather than a public one. The problem with questing is that there's so many people in the quest hubs that if something goes wrong im the script you'll likely get a report. And things are far more likely to go wrong on a questing profile because it does so much more.
  15. I think itd be very hard to make. The closest thing to it is probably Matenia's party plugin. Alternatively you can set a hunter/warlock pet to aggressive and have them follow your bot around, killing whatever it tags.
  16. If you want to afk you will want Matenias Humanizer plugin. Even if you're going to babysit it's still worth it in my opinion. It gives a lot of features that I feel should already be in wRobot but they're not so hey ho. It also helps with performance around water, anoung other things. If you want to level with quests you can drop 5 euros on Eenys 1-35 profile or 20 euros on FNVs quester profile (which is more fleshed out) and will take you to 48 currently but eventually will be to 60. If you want to grind then you're probably better making your own profiles and mixing in a few quests and dungeons by hand here and there. You can bot the whole way but of course the further along you get, the more you have to lose. If you get a good FC it can be hard to detect you. I've been botting on Northdale and got a few characters to the low 20s and one to low 30s with no ban, but I know a few people on here have gone over level 50 with primarily grinding.
  17. How long do you typically recommend running this in a single session? I assume that running it for 24 hours would raise suspicion and likely result in a ban.
  18. Id really like to hear from one of the more technical people on this. It seems unlikely to be possible in my mind but I just base that on a general understanding of what I would expect a game client to facilitate so base it on nothing concrete.
  19. I have an issue with a different quester on Northdale sometimes because it doesn't have all the quests that were in 1.12.1 yet (because of their progressive release) which leads to the bot getting confused. It may be that he's referring to something similar to this.
  20. Are you all grinding or questing? I've been doing some questing but the high respawn rates make it get stuck quite often (kobold mines, for example). If you're grinding how are you dealing with the high mob contestation?
  21. It's a real shame you have to spend an extra 15 euro on this to get the features that should really be included in the core bot its self. Looks like a great release but for the time being I'm going to try and hang on to my 15 euros.
  22. I've tried a few things but I can't seem to get the bot to open Benedict's Chest in order to get the Admiral's orders. I've tried to set it up as a gathering quest and used his chest ID as the item to gather but it doesn't seem to want to do it. What would be the best way to set this up?
  23. I'm trying to set the bot to accept a quest from an item in my inventory (one of the "this item begins a quest" items) How would I go about this? Is it even possible?
  24. Thanks... but I might be being dense here, but it doesn't look like that is a fix to telling it when to go use the vendor. Is the a way to include is as a step in the "Quest Order Editor" style thing? It'd be real handy to be able to say: [3] Turn In > Quest One [4] Turn in > Quest two [5] Pick Up > Quest Three [6] Sell Items > Vendor ID Or something to this effect. It looks pretty bot-like (not to mention inefficient) to leave town with 1 inventory space, get to your next location, kill one mob which fills your one inventory slot, then run back again to town to sell stuff.
  25. Hello, I can see how to add NPCs to the vendor/repair list for the bot however I would like to be able to manually say when to use them to optimise it with the questing route (use vendor when going back to town to hand in quests). Is there a way to do this?
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