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Everything posted by headcrab

  1. Try this plugin, it has skinning workaround
  2. This can happen when your grinding profile is short and mobs are neutral. In this case killed mobs remain in blacklist some time after respawn, and "not visible" for bot. So it mounts and goes on route. If it your case, you have to clear blacklist in any point of profile
  3. Warmane has lags on high populated battlefields, like IoC. And if your fightclass has high fps settings, it will 100% freeze wow client, because client cant handle all robot commands. Simply leave such BG's or slow down your fightclass and all plugins. If you lpay random, use BG blacklist and this plugin:
  4. You can also try Battleground Helper plugin - it can track enemy players on battlefields when Radar3D switched on, but there are few nice WoW addons (like HHTD) that can do it much better. But Battleground helper can autofocus enemy healers, visual part is just for fun
  5. Yes, it was my mistake, fixed in v1.3.8
  6. Why not? Tricky but not impossible. Use c# condition like this new Func<bool>(() => { WoWUnit u = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile() .Where(u => ObjectManager.Me.Target != u && u.IsAlive && u.GetDistance<20 && bla bla bla) .OrderBy(u => u.GetDistance) .FirstOrDefault(); if (u != null) { Interact.InteractGameObject(u.GetBaseAddress, true, false); return true; } else { return false; } }).Invoke this will switch target for cast current spell and return true (so, enable polymorph cast)
  7. OK. I tested it in vanilla client and fixed all errors. Disenchanting and tailoring now works (except Skillups sorting)
  8. Lua function IsEquippableItem called in disenchant procedure. Did you put true for "DE green items" option? Anyway, IsEquippableItem is present in vanilla WoW: http://vanilla-wow.wikia.com/wiki/API_IsEquippableItem I did not tested disenchant in vanilla, maybe it not works. You can try to fix this error: open plugin in notepad, find 'IsEquippableItem' (line 77) and comment this line like this: //if (!Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsEquippableItem(" + item.Entry + ")")) continue;
  9. Read desription: this plugin binded to loot event. Run any product, bot will kill mob, loot, and right after loot it will craft recipes if there is enough ingridients. So it keeps empty place in your bags.
  10. Could you copy-paste this error here? Perhaps, your plugin file or plugin settings is corrupted
  11. It binded to loot event, read description. Will craft right after loot mob, if you have enought ingridients. With which product did you run it? It there any error in your log?
  12. there is plugin
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This is developer's plugin. Sometimes is usefull to see what Lua commands robot sends to WoW client. But for now all Lua strings in wrobot are encrypted. There are many ways to see this strings, but i found Harmony library with which the process became very simple. Also this library can be usefull to patch wrobot code on runtime. copy 0Harmony.dll to Bin folder copy LuaSpy.dll to Plugins folder enable plugin and start any product In console window you will see Lua commands like this: [D] 16:15:22 - [LuaSpy] Int32 GetSpellCooldownTimeLeft(System.String) [D] 16:15:22 - [LuaSpy] local t = 0; local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown('Snake Trap'); if enabled then t = math.floor((start + duration - GetTime()) * 1000); if t < 0 then t = 0; end end return t; [F] 16:15:22 - [Spell] Cast Snake Trap (Snake Trap) [D] 16:15:22 - [LuaSpy] Int32 get_LatencyReal() [D] 16:15:22 - [LuaSpy] local _, _, lagHome, lagWorld = GetNetStats(); return lagHome + lagWorld; [F] 16:15:23 - [FightClass] Launch C# code: /*castOnGround("Snake Trap",40)*/ There are always 2 sequental strings marked with [LuaSpy] calling method signature called lua In settings you can also add filter tokens for calling method. There are no screenshort, because in 2.x they all like this main picture:
  14. Some private servers detect and disable protected function AcceptBattlefieldPort. If so, you have to patch wrobot and use plugin:
  15. I have freeze problems since february-march this year. Not playing often, so its not big problem, but before robot worked better. My notebook is old, but i am playing on private server, and it is good enough for pandaria (core i5, 12 gb ram, ssd, external video card, win7). WoW clients works fine until loading wrobot. I think something was changed in robot (maybe stronger protection, maybe new alghorythm), but this is fact: since february-march its really freezes on my notebook, random. I've saved old copies of robot, and run it in heavily loaded instanses.
  16. Both will work. Usually i use grinder to collect bolts of cloth and DE all new looted green items. I think any other products sutable too, except battlegrouder (i disabled it on battlefields)
  17. If you want to save this code, simply copy it to notepad and save to file. And yes, if you open my plugin in notepad, you'll find almost the same code there. And why you want to save it? 1 time DE all your green trash and forget, because plugin will DE all your new trash
  18. So, what do you want? You have plugin with immediate DE after loot, and part of its code here to DE all your green trash. 1 time DE your trash and then use plugin and it will DE all new trash immediately. You say plugin DE only 4-5 items at once - it can be, because wrobot runs many threads simultaneously, and any of this threads can interrupt long action like DE a few dozens of trash. No problem, simply wait until next loot, and plugin will try DE again.
  19. This plugin keeps free space in your bags and DE items right after loot. You'll never loot full bags at once. But if you want DE already looted items, simply copy this C# code to developement tools and run it. It will return count of disenchanted items: Func<WoWItemQuality, int> disenchant = quality => { int result = 0; foreach (WoWItem item in Bag.GetBagItem()) { if (!Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsEquippableItem(" + item.Entry + ")")) continue; ItemInfo info = item.GetItemInfo; if (info.ItemRarity != (int)quality) continue; Lua.LuaDoString("CastSpellByName(\"Disenchant\")"); Logging.Write("disenchant ["+info.ItemName+"] " + info.ItemRarity); result++; List<int> bagAndSlot = Bag.GetItemContainerBagIdAndSlot(info.ItemName); Lua.LuaDoString("UseContainerItem(" + bagAndSlot[0] + "," + bagAndSlot[1]+")"); Usefuls.WaitIsCastingAndLooting(); } return result; }; wManager.DevelopmentTools.OutPutCSharp= disenchant(WoWItemQuality.Uncommon); If you want DE blue items, replace "Uncommon" to "Rare" in last string
  20. This is not robot issue. On some servers you have to cast skinning spell before interact with skinnable mob. Use plugin, it has this skinning bug workaround:
  21. there was small bug with open contaners, new version should work
  22. You can try my plugin, it has workaround for skinning bug. Dont tested it in vanilla, but may be will work
  23. Yes, disenchant method binded to loot event. You have to start any product and it will DE on 1st-2nd loot
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