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  1. Any fix? My helpers pet is attacking but not the warlock itself.. if I dont manually target the mob that is.
  2. Bump on this one. I would gladly pay someones dinner for something like this and Im sure many more would! Instances should be quiet safe to bot :D
  3. Its being extremely slow between spells (latency added inbetween). Makes it look kinda botlike. Thanks for sharing :)
  4. Thanks I managed to solve it by blacklisting that area :) I dont have any logs, but It was doing it right infront of me. First killed the master mob, then the pat was attacking me and the bot was sitting down to eat, had food buff active untill it was hit again by the mob. Very strange indeed...
  5. Hey, I dont know how but my bot can eat while a mob is standing next to it and while being attacked, of course it breaks the health gain and this ends up in all food being wasted away. On my way from my grind spot to town it runs through an area where the mobs have pets, and I have "attack pets" turned off because I dont want it to chase hunter pets. However this leads to the pet mob being ignored and then the bot tries to rest while the pet is still attacking it. And it actually works, eating in combat shouldnt be possible but apparently it is with wrobot? Just wanted to let you know about this bug :) wow 1.12.1
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Hey all, Here's my warrior fight class I used up until about level 35 on vanilla. Should work beyond that too. Enjoy :) birgppawarr.xml
  7. So the condition would be "Buff", buff is "Cannibalize", and how do I make it not eat? :) Thanks alot for your help
  8. Well yes, but my intention was to make it spam it so it would trigger before eating. I tried all theese not combined but separate.
  9. First profile I try, thanks I will give it another go :) Thanks for sharing
  10. I tried putting it in as a spell to use both outside and in combat , with target health 10% or less, when my hp is below 75%, and more I can get it to work when I dont have any food in my bags, but I want to use food still just want cannabalize to be prioritized. Thanks for your answer :)
  11. Hey all, Trying to configure my undead to prefer to use Cannibalize before using food after an enemy has been killed. Tried around with different conditions but I cant get it to work. Any ideas? Best regards.
  12. Just grinded from 30-33, now it accepeted the corruptor quest. However now it keeps flying to Thunderbluff no matter where I am, then running to barrens and flying back to thunderbluff. Any ideas? "10:41:54 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains to Thunder Bluff, Mulgore, go to npc."
  13. Thanks for sharing! Will test it out :)
  14. Thanks for your answer. So for example in my case, I have set 2 vendors in a town, 1 for repairs and 1 "vendor" in the NPC DB. I have removed all other NPC from the DB. I have specified which food to buy in settings and a quantity of 50. If I start the bot and press "go to town", it goes to a completely different NPC to sell items, problem is this NPC has no repair and sells only water. My warrior is struggeling :D I am using i think one of Eenys profiles Gelkis Village 33-37 with questing. Appreciate any guidance.
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