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  1. ¿Que necesitas saber? Edit: Agrego un enlace donde se explican algunas cosas más específica. Es simple crear misiones una vez entiendes la lógica.
    Very useful, auto reset instance included so you can do it none stop.
    Work very well with a prot pala, prot warrior, BM-hunter. not well with bear druid, when humanoid run the bear walk behind the mob without killing it.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    My own questing profile, worked well for undeads to lvl 15 with Quest_Undead_1-15v5.xml then you should take the zeppelin and run the othe profile Quest_Crossroads_10-20 hibrido.xml or othe similar, really dont remember you should get level 2x in the barrens with no problems. then you can run the quester Quest_20-30_Stonetalon-Mountain.xml Grinder Profiles Horde.rar Plugins_Used.rar enjoy it
  3. for those who dont know what addons is, i found oCB3 was making false positive. thanks Droidz.
  4. Thanks for this tip!!! very useful
  5. My Bad, i ran 2 instance and one of my PC was with a VPN client opened in background. ty for replies.
  6. Its true only when my character is eating, any fix for that?
  7. Hi, the new update make the bot close a few minutes since start, any recomendation thats not rererereinstall? Edit: From log and is supposed to run any times bot instance for vanilla clients: [E] 21:23:43.744 - Connection error, close bot, you have probably launched 2 times bot with same license key, please contact WRobot team if it is not the case. WRobot FOR PRIVATE SERVER (3 reviews) Gives you access to WRobot FOR WOW PRIVATE SERVERS and all its products, unlimited WRobot sessions on the same network (ip).
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