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  1. Rent self a chinese, He is Doing it for you ?
  2. Possible is too, that You find it boring to bot and played self from hand. At the other side it could be possible, that You changed the Server and use this bot there....
  3. The bot lost over a great distance the leader, maybe If you are in the middle of the Dungeon and the bot dies, He runs back an stays than at the entrance in the Dungeon, because He lost the leader. If you manualy move the bot to the Leader, than If the range ist near enough, He get the leader and runs self. It could be, that its maybe a problem from K3 Server. I play there....
  4. I solved my Problem: i installed the Framework repairtool and i deleted my temp files and now ist every fine Like before. One of this both actions helles, but couldnt say what it was finally ?
  5. Oh No, thats Account are similar. For a Longer time in lost my Password and created a new Account. But at my Smartphone i am logged in, how i now recognized....
  6. No addons, english wow Client on german win 10 @ 3PCs
  7. I bottet since pirox and i am Not the expert. I think wrobot is Till wotlk Safe, because wow Warden was at Vanilla and TBC even a toothless tiger. But, and i think thats the Point, the Server self, has running other Software which records IPs, maybe tracerouts your Connections and generates Reports for the gm staff. Than the GM has only To Look To your Accounts He got reported and thats all the Magic. At summary, the dont use Warden, they use other Software.
  8. Ich cant test it now, but i have few questions: - which Profile i use, that i move my warrior self and use your fightclass when i am infight? - when i leveling in arms skill trees, does it works too when i Tank a Dungeon? Than i think, awesome Idea! Thx, i bought it Edit: - edited the Word self and use
  9. Yes thx, Mega works ;-)
  10. XXXXX\WRobotFullPack.zip.part konnte nicht gespeichert werden, weil die Quelldatei nicht gelesen werden konnte. Versuchen Sie es später erneut oder kontaktieren Sie den Server-Administrator. It seems, the the origin from your file is not correct
  11. Same Problems here. The link from Droids doesn't work...
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