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Everything posted by KDiddy

  1. It works perfectly for me on that setting ? I have it prioritised just after a charge check, so I don't lose the option to close in quick if needed.
    Awesome little plugin, which makes the party product a viable option for grinding higher level zones, big thumbs up!
  2. I get the same spam in my log also :s
  3. Brilliant little plugin.
  4. FYI - it's happening again right now...
  5. This seems to be a regular occurrence lately?
  6. Hello, I've been running a 2-char party setup and have noticed that the follower will not eat/drink when on low mana, despite having exactly the same fightclass / settings / plugins as the leader. Am I missing something? How do the followers know when to do this?
  7. Hey All, I just wanted to query whether this was possible or not - I've trawled the forums and couldn't find any reference to it. It would be really useful to me if I could keep mailing upgrade items to my bot so that he could equip them with the help of other plugins, preferably after it has sent mail following a vendor visit ? Thanks in advance for your replies!
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