Version 1.4
The elven starting area is probably the least used area, and therefore most safe place to bot, I wondered why there wasn't any grinder profiles, so I've made my own.
Don't forget a good fighting class!
Has all class trainer locations for both Shadowglen and Teldrassil ~ You can use autotrain (Includes Cooking, Firstaid, Herbalism and Alchemy trainers) - Trainers not included in Darkshore and beyond
Has a vendor/repair location for Shadowglen, Teldrassil and Darkshore ~ You can use Selling Loot
Level 1-6 in roughly (+/-) 1 hour 20 minutes ~ Slower, but safer 1-6 grind through neutral mobs, no deaths.
Takes advantage of Neutral Owls in Teldrassil, and Foreststriders in Darkshore for safer grinding.
Great profiles for Skinner's and Herbalist's!
Avoids quest hotspots, making detection less likely
Grinding to level 11-12 is possible with the level 6-10 grinder , but will take a while
There will be another grinding profile for level 22+ in Ashenvale, but it will be a while.
I recommend you set wrobots "Looting and Farming options" to Max 1 Unit near and Search Radius to 200 - There are furbolg camps around the place in Teldrassil, that can get quite messy. (Unless you're confident in your toon's ability to handle 2-3 mobs at a time)
I also recommend you take the first few quests in Shadowglen you can find, specifically the kill quest, as this Grinder targets the quest mobs, and do the followup, which will give you a new weapon, and will help your grinder.
The profiles are split up, to make levelling up more efficient. and minimize downtime due to deaths etc.
As with any Grinder, make sure to keep your equipment updated, it will make the grind go faster and be more efficient.