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Everything posted by Paultimate

  1. I did it leveling 4 together from 1 to 60, and it did decently keeping each other alive and buffs up
  2. A lot of this is built in.
  3. Make a fightclass where the heal goes off on party members.
  4. Took me 20 tries just to get this thread to load. Something is happening to his website and likely his bots authentication for some or many people. Im getting the same error and it started when his website started to have connectivity issues. All other sites for me work fine. Perhaps Droidz can let us know what happened and if we can expect more outages
  5. I tried this, had the bit pickup quest, then RunCode step, then pulse to go do the quest (set 4 towers on fire, 30 sec cooldown between each use if item) After it picked up teh quest the log spits out [D] 16:05:44.288 - [Quester] RunCode[29]: robotManager.Events.FiniteStateMachineEvents.OnRunState += (engine, state, cancelable) => (and the rest of the code you posted above) and then just sits there doing nothing, i waited a few min and nothing else happened. If i remove the code the bot will go and do the quest (and fail due to the item cooldown)
  6. Alright got past that as well. I did it by disregarding the NPC i wanted to take the flight path from and simply doing a turnin (like before) and letting the bot get to the turnin NPC by whatever means it desires. I feel like this sort of "let the bot fill in the gaps" leaves a lot of chances for the bot to get completely lost. What if the bot doesn't take that flight path and decides to walk? Why isnt there a clear way to force the profile to take the flight path from that NPC then continue to the next quest action? Im a noob and dont see it (other than doing custom code. but for something simple like taking a flight path?)
  7. Getting to and through the portal isn't the problem, its after the portal the bot was freaking out thought it was stuck started running to bad places etc. I got it working now by continuing a path forward after the portal and forcing the bot to not confuse itself. At that point then the "Current quest will be complete at last position" worked by forceing the bot not to skip the movement phase and not disallowing the turnin action like it was before (maybe becuse the bot confused itself and never got to that point?) He then walked to the turnin npc, turned in, and picked up the next quest, turned it into the flight master and picked up the flight masters quest What i am stuck on now, is i have the flight masters quest to fly to Honor Hold, yet the bot will not talk to him again and take the option to fly to honor hold. Bot sits there trying to attack him of all things.
  8. Getting to and through the portal isn't the problem, its after the portal the bot was freaking out thought it was stuck started running to bad places etc. I got it working now by continuing a path forward after the portal and forcing the bot to not confuse itself. At that point then the "Current quest will be complete at last position" worked by forceing the bot not to skip the movement phase and not disallowing the turnin action like it was before (maybe becuse the bot confused itself and never got to that point?) He then walked to the turnin npc, turned in, and picked up the next quest, turned it into the flight master and picked up the flight masters quest What i am stuck on now, is i have the flight masters quest to fly to Honor Hold, yet the bot will not talk to him again and take the option to fly to honor hold. Bot sits there trying to attack him of all things.
  9. Hi, new at questing work and learning how to use it for fun. First task is simply i want to: 1. Talk to the NPC outside of the Dark Portal (before you enter Outland) √ Complete 2. Collect the quest he has. √ Complete 3. Walk to the Dark Portal and go through it X Lolnope So what I tried first was to make a quest with followpath. The npc i turnin to is on the other side of the portal. I ran this and the bot collected the quest and started to try to run to outland via northrend ? instead of walking to the portal. Bot ignored my followpath and proceeded directly to 'turnin' step. Why? I mess around and click "Current quest will be complete at last position", bot now actually uses the followpath, but when its done, it ignores the turnin part because it thinks its already done. I then tried to make a separate dummy quest to test if the bot would also ignore that, and yes it does (screenshot). I dont understand the logic in having a action list if the bot ignores steps? What secret option do i need to click so it doesnt skip needed actions? How do I force this bot to goto the REQUIRED location i want BEFORE it tries to turnin a quest?
  10. This isnt a quest profile, this could really be done better by grinding hotspots and level conditionals
  11. This is still a problem. Was any fix found? This is not a profile issue. When bot is going to a profile location from across the map for instance, it takes ground rout on a flying mount instead of direct rought in the air. This is very very risky and looks like a bot 100%
  12. Yes I do not use the ascension launcher for this, and I can login with the ascension.exe manually. The relogger allows this too as long as I dont select "relaunch if wow or bot crash". If I select that then the relogger thinks ascension.exe has crashed. Likely because its a modified wrath wow.exe that wrobot doesn't fully recognize as a working version of the wrath client, even though it functions fine ingame.
  13. So after more testing, i believe the relogger thinks the bot crashed and tries to reload it. Unticking "Relaunch if wow or bot crash" allows the bot to get fully running and not trigger it thinking its crashed. However this now makes it so the bot wont relaunch if actually does crash, but at least we know whats wrong. This is still much better than it was this morning. Thanks Droidz.
  14. Log: [D] 03:34:32 - [Info] Log file created: 2 Jun 2021 03H34.log.html 03:34:32 - Relogger 1.2.0 (21544) started. [D] 03:34:32 - [Info] Offical website: https://wrobot.eu/ [D] 03:34:32 - [Info] Operating System Details: Windows 10 Enterprise [D] 03:34:32 - [Info] Lang: English (United States) 03:34:32 - Tips: To improve CPU usage, it is recommended to minimize this window when unused. 03:35:45 - Start profile Profile name. 03:35:45 - Profile Profile name, Run task[1]: Run (Run) [D] 03:35:45 - Profile Profile name, running task for 62.2196562784815 minutes. [D] 03:35:46 - Profile Profile name: Launch Wow. [D] 03:35:52 - Profile Profile name: Launch bot. [D] 03:36:07 - Profile Profile name: Wait 15 seconds before to relaunch Wow/bot. [D] 03:36:22 - Profile Profile name: Launch Wow. [D] 03:36:28 - Profile Profile name: Launch bot. [D] 03:36:43 - Profile Profile name: Wait 15 seconds before to relaunch Wow/bot. [D] 03:36:58 - Profile Profile name: Launch Wow. [D] 03:37:04 - Profile Profile name: Launch bot. [D] 03:37:19 - Profile Profile name: Wait 3 seconds before to relaunch Wow/bot. [D] 03:37:21 - Stopping profile Profile name, please wait. 03:37:22 - Profile Profile name stopped. 03:38:22 - Start profile Profile name. 03:38:22 - Profile Profile name, Run task[1]: Run (Run) [D] 03:38:22 - Profile Profile name, running task for 63.7741553661293 minutes. [D] 03:38:23 - Profile Profile name: Launch Wow. [D] 03:38:29 - Profile Profile name: Launch bot. [D] 03:38:44 - Profile Profile name: Wait 3 seconds before to relaunch Wow/bot. [D] 03:38:47 - Stopping profile Profile name, please wait. 03:38:47 - Profile Profile name stopped.
  15. This is much better great plugin! However what is happening now is it opens wow, does its thing well with renaming, then opens wrobot. Wow finishes logging in and then 1 of 2 things happends: 1. Wrobot doesn't fully finish launching to its main window ("launch bot" and "please connect to the game" window) Before wow can finish loading up, relogging quits wow and quits wrobot and tries again 2. Wow finished loading and i get ingame, and 5 or so seconds later wrobot also loads and starts playing the tasks i have it play. Then relogger force-quits wow and wrobot and this also repeats?? Am i bad luck? I have tried it with and without the ping, i have tried default wait times and long wait times too
  16. Okay tried it out, and it gave me an error about a missing .DLL file. Looks like it didnt compile (i guess these compile and go into that dll folder?). I changed events to event but same issue. [E] 02:45:58 - Cannot compile plugin 'C:\Users\padun\Desktop\Ascension Launcher\resources\client\_WRobot\\Plugins\Relogger\plugin.cs': Compilator Error : c:\Users\padun\Desktop\Ascension Launcher\resources\client\_WRobot\Data\temp\dnzig5zf.0.cs(16,22) : error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Events' does not exist in the namespace 'Relogger' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [E] 02:45:58 - Cannot load plugin 'C:\Users\padun\Desktop\Ascension Launcher\resources\client\_WRobot\\Plugins\Relogger\plugin.cs': System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Users\padun\Desktop\Ascension Launcher\resources\client\_WRobot\Data\temp\dnzig5zf.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. File name: 'file:///C:\Users\padun\Desktop\Ascension Launcher\resources\client\_WRobot\Data\temp\dnzig5zf.dll' at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks) at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks) at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks) at System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity) at System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults.get_CompiledAssembly() at Relogger.ReloggerPlugin.LoadPlugin(String pathOrUrl) WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1. Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging. To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].
  17. Yes, I've been doing it that way for a week or so, its tedious but for now it at least gets the bots to run. This is a big issue for me though becus ethe relogger does not work, and with 5+ accounts, watching a crash or a disconnect is constant gruelling maintenance ? Do you have an ETA on wrobot able to detect Ascension again without these extra steps? A simple window name change works but like i said it has other problems. I was looking here in the relogger (see picture). I got hopeful that the "window name" part would let me change it to "Ascension" and get the relogger to see the window and run as usual, but it doesnt seem to work that way. I changed it back to "World of Warcraft", hoping that maybe the relogger would launch the "path to wow" executable, and then rename it to "World of Warcraft", but again no luck. My final hope it that i can make a .bat file that will launch ascension.exe and change the name at the same time, and then have the "path to wow" point to that .bat file...
  18. Hi Droidz thanks for the reply. So the exe probably is modified, and if this gets me detected, then I am willing to risk that (its been alright for a few months of me botting on and off) and I dont blame the bot if I do get detected. The rename/ability to see custom name of the window is mainly for flexibility and I can ditch having to rename 5 windows everytime. As for the flying, I will check again and post a log if it continues to be a problem.
  19. Two questions im trying to resolve before I put money into this bot. 1. Is there a way to have wrobot detect custom wow application names? If wow.exe launches and its named "CoolServerBro", id like wrobot to be able to allow me to customize that name in it so it can detect the wow window. Manually name changing the wow window wither a third application is very annoying, and having devs of custom servers change their name because i want to bot on their servers is unreasonable and hilarious. 2. I have ONLY flying mount setup, yet the bot keeps flying at ground level taking ground-mount pathing to destinations. Meaning if im far away from a grind path, wrobots automatic pathing to get to the profile start location (not the profile waypoints, ive not tested them yet using the flying node mode.) of the profile takes ground pathing. In flyable areas. This looks extremely botty and lame. I have been looking through the forums all day and have not found a resolution for this. Just bad hacks that force the bot to press space when entering flight mode, and 'fixes' that never seemed to have worked as far back as 2013. Pathing in the air should be 100x easier than pathing on the ground going point-to-point in 98% of cases. Go up, fly directly toward end-location. If you hit something. Fly up more. Can we do this?
  20. Note to future self, This need to be in wrotation mode, and you ctrl+double-left click the map inside wrobot (why the misleading gif?) to get this to go (after pressing play). After that it works well
  21. Been botting for over 20 years (many characters banned) and It still never gets old the hilarity in something thinking their careless botting is the bots fault.
  22. So from a great plugin called Butler Im trying to add a bit more functionality to what is trashes. Id like to include a safelist by item ID. The below code is what I have so far. Obviously item.GetItemInfo.ItemID==12345 isnt valid, but I think its clear what Im trying to do. If itemID of 12345 is found on the safelist, then do not continue onto destruction. Even if I can get a clue as to how to fill in a single item here, I can create an array later to fill in other IDs. private void PulseDestroy() { if (ButlerSettings.CurrentSetting.DestroyGray) { foreach (WoWItem item in bagItems) { if (item.GetItemInfo.ItemRarity==0 || item.GetItemInfo.ItemRarity==1 && !item.GetItemInfo.ItemID==12345) { while (ObjectManager.Me.InCombat || ObjectManager.Me.IsDead) {Thread.Sleep(shortDelay);} List<int> BagAndSlot=Bag.GetItemContainerBagIdAndSlot(item.Entry); Logging.Write(ButlerPrefix+"destroying \""+item.GetItemInfo.ItemName+"\""); Lua.LuaDoString(string.Format("PickupContainerItem({0}, {1}); DeleteCursorItem()",(object) BagAndSlot[0],(object) BagAndSlot[1]),false); Thread.Sleep(shortDelay); } } } }
  23. Why are you linking us to a shortcut file? Are you my grandmother? This is an easy edit, so upload the file and someone (or myself) can do this.
  24. Cool i love having my bots run where many people and quests are. Ill run this one next time I want to get banned.
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