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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. i still keep geting this problem with @Matenia FIghtclass / ABG product. i know for a fact its not my pc, i recently update my pc and i am able to run 5 wows and RAID on a 6th window with no fps drops
  2. Hey @pudge, i did something like this a long time ago, I've found it to be be to long, and it would slow down quester because loading all the vectors then move too. idk could be because i had it very long or somewhat. but you wanna make the MovementManager.go into a while loop. so it keeps moving.
  3. public static class Loader { public static void LoadProfile(string file) { QuesterSetting.CurrentSetting.ProfileName = file; Products.ProductRestart(); } }
  4. You have two. Options : use the quester function, Load Profile or use the function your using with a product restart function
  5. i had this problem a few days ago, i fix it with this simple function. public static void GoInteractwithNpc(Vector3 vector, int Npc, int GossipOption) { if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(vector)) { Interact.InteractGameObject(ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(Npc).First().GetBaseAddress); } Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOption); }
    Log spam | little fix. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using robotManager.Products; public class Main : IPlugin { private bool _isLaunched; public static List<uint> Level = new List<uint> { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 26, 30, 36, 40, 46, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 }; public void Initialize() { Logging.Write("[Vanilla Train Level] Started."); _isLaunched = true; if (_isLaunched) { try { if (Products.IsStarted && !Products.InPause) { wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.TrainNewSkills = Level.Contains(ObjectManager.Me.Level); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("[Vanilla Train Level]: " + e); } Thread.Sleep(550); } } public void Dispose() { _isLaunched = false; Logging.Write("[Vanilla Train Level]: Stoped."); } public void Settings() { Logging.Write("[Vanilla Train Level]: No setting."); } }
  6. @ScripterQQ i found this, might help ya ! -- Tabled Cast Time Checking for When you Last Cast Something. CheckCastTime = {} Nova_CheckLastCast = nil function Nova_CheckLastCast(spellid, ytime) -- SpellID of Spell To Check, How long of a gap are you looking for? if ytime > 0 then if #CheckCastTime > 0 then for i=1, #CheckCastTime do if CheckCastTime[i].SpellID == spellid then if GetTime() - CheckCastTime[i].CastTime > ytime then CheckCastTime[i].CastTime = GetTime() return true else return false end end end end table.insert(CheckCastTime, { SpellID = spellid, CastTime = GetTime() } ) return true elseif ytime <= 0 then return true end return false end
  7. The problem he is having that with the rotation I released, the spells are firing off way to fast and causing spells to be skipped even if they have conditions
  8. Is the rotation your using is the pqr I released?
  9. Back to the other post you made, no one will help you if you do not have a key.
  10. @Andoido You can just use a simple Logging.OnChangedStatus attachment, please note this is @Matenia free source code, i didnt make nor have anything to do with making this code. all i done was made it to work inside a quester custom script. All you have to do is edit CreateFrameIfNecessary() to your interface code and edit the WhatsGoingOnFrame.SetText(""{0}"") to your SetText Frame. This saves you so many lines of code, you profile has over 1000 lines of frame editing code. public static class QuesterFrame { public static readonly List<string> _invalidStatus = new List<string> { "Quester" }; public static void Starter() { Logging.OnChangedStatus += LoggingOnOnChangedStatus; } private static void LoggingOnOnChangedStatus(object sender, Logging.StatusChangeEventArgs statusChangeEventArgs) { string status = Logging.Status; if (!_invalidStatus.Contains(status)) { Lua.LuaDoString(FormatLua(@"WhatsGoingOnFrame.text:SetText(""{0}"")", status)); } } public static void CreateFrameIfNecessary() { Lua.LuaDoString(@" if not WhatsGoingOnFrame then WhatsGoingOnFrame = CreateFrame(""Frame"") WhatsGoingOnFrame:ClearAllPoints() WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetBackdrop(StaticPopup1:GetBackdrop()) WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetHeight(100) WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetWidth(250) WhatsGoingOnFrame.text = WhatsGoingOnFrame:CreateFontString(nil, ""BACKGROUND"", ""GameFontNormal"") WhatsGoingOnFrame.text:SetAllPoints() WhatsGoingOnFrame.text:SetText(""Initializing..."") WhatsGoingOnFrame.text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0, 1) WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetPoint(""CENTER"", 0, 200) WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 0.8) WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetMovable(true) WhatsGoingOnFrame:EnableMouse(true) WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetScript(""OnMouseDown"",function() WhatsGoingOnFrame:StartMoving() end) WhatsGoingOnFrame:SetScript(""OnMouseUp"",function() WhatsGoingOnFrame:StopMovingOrSizing() end) WhatsGoingOnFrame.Close = CreateFrame(""BUTTON"", nil, WhatsGoingOnFrame, ""UIPanelCloseButton"") WhatsGoingOnFrame.Close:SetWidth(20) WhatsGoingOnFrame.Close:SetHeight(20) WhatsGoingOnFrame.Close:SetPoint(""TOPRIGHT"", WhatsGoingOnFrame, 3, 3) WhatsGoingOnFrame.Close:SetScript(""OnClick"", function() WhatsGoingOnFrame:Hide() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(""WhatsGoingOn |cffC41F3Bclosed |cffFFFFFFWrite /WhatsGoingOn to enable again."") end) SLASH_WHATEVERYOURFRAMESARECALLED1=""/WhatsGoingOn"" SlashCmdList.WHATEVERYOURFRAMESARECALLED = function() if WhatsGoingOnFrame:IsShown() then WhatsGoingOnFrame:Hide() else WhatsGoingOnFrame:Show() end end end"); } public static string FormatLua(string str, params object[] names) { return string.Format(str, names.Select(s => s.ToString().Replace("'", "\\'").Replace("\"", "\\\"")).ToArray()); } }
  11. This is what i used to handle taking proposal, public static void AcceptProposalHandler(LuaEventsId id, List<string> args) { if (id == LuaEventsId.LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW) { Lua.LuaDoString("AcceptProposal();"); } } You are going to need a way to check if you are in the que or not. public static bool Qued(string GetLFGType) { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("local mode, submode = GetLFGMode(LE_LFG_CATEGORY_LFD); if mode == '" + GetLFGType + "' then return true; end"); } we are both working on the same project, wanna work together on this? two brains better then one LOL Message me if your up for it.
  12. Oh you talking about Rdf HC, youll need someone to build you a product for that. note you will need to pay for it. i know @Matenia might be interested in this.
  13. Quester product will be your friend but I’d recommend you buy a key before asking for help. No one helps user w/o a key
  14. Hello @Droidz, is there anyway to make movement more human like? i feel like this is the biggest problem is that wrobot movement isnt human like, ive tried ctm / lua to move and smooth movement but nothing helps that much with all the sharp turns / always facing target, any idea on how make botting more human like?
  15. i am now getting these errors also, I am only using @Matenia BG product + his fightclass Message: [string "Kuyteil.lua"]:33: stack overflow (table too big to unpack) Time: 11/01/20 22:55:31 Count: 164 Stack: Locals: Message: [string "Kuyteil.lua"]:33: stack overflow (table too big to unpack) Time: 11/01/20 22:55:31 Count: 164 Stack: Locals:
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