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Bug Tracker
Everything posted by TheSmokie
Just note : overridepulse Is a whileloop executing till the conditions are met.
How to write this command in "Is complete condition"?
TheSmokie replied to zhxwbr8's topic in General discussion
return Usefuls.MapZoneName != "Westfall"; //Complete Condition -
the problem your having is the while loop keep going which overrides normal wrobot state and just attacks mobs. use something like this. return ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(45005) == 1; //Complete Condition //overridepulse wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(5178.439f, -63.72389f, 360.272f)); foreach (WoWUnit everblaze in ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(33289)) { if (!Fight.InFight) { Fight.StartFight(everblaze.Guid); } } return true; also using while loops can make many problems if you do not use them the right way. if youd like i can teach you how to make quester profiles a lot better, Dm me if you have any questions. i am here to help!
Go To Trainers command (for all classes)
TheSmokie replied to ScripterQQ's topic in Quester assistance
Just to help others, here is to go to a trainer and learn spell or spells. Custom Code > Quester : public static class Trainer_Learn { public static List<Tuple<string, uint>> SpellsList = new List<Tuple<string, uint>> { new Tuple<string, uint>("Charge", 5), new Tuple<string, uint>("Rend", 5), new Tuple<string, uint>("Thunder Clap", 5), new Tuple<string, uint>("Parry", 5), new Tuple<string, uint>("Battle Shout", 5), }; public static void LearningSpells(string SpellName) { Lua.LuaDoString(string.Format(@" for i=1,GetNumTrainerServices() do local name = GetTrainerServiceInfo(i) if (name == '{0}') then BuyTrainerService(i) end end ", SpellName.Replace("'", "\'"))); } public static void SpellINdex(Vector3 Vect, int npc, bool LearnAll) { if (LearnAll == true) { Trainer.TrainingSpell(); Thread.Sleep(100); } uint lastLevelCheck = 0; foreach (var SpellIndex in SpellsList) { var level = ObjectManager.Me.Level; if (level >= SpellIndex.Item2) { if (SpellManager.KnowSpell(SpellIndex.Item1.ToString()) == false) { while (GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(Vect, npc)) { Usefuls.SelectGossipOption(GossipOptionsType.trainer); Thread.Sleep(100); LearningSpells(SpellIndex.Item1); Thread.Sleep(100); } } } lastLevelCheck = level; } } } Useage : Trainer_Learn.SpellINdex(new Vector3(-639.344f, -4230.19f, 38.13411f), 3153, false); -
[Partially fixed]Can't make working gatherer quest
TheSmokie replied to Artek's topic in Quester assistance
Might be bc you don’t have it select as repeatable -
[Partially fixed]Can't make working gatherer quest
TheSmokie replied to Artek's topic in Quester assistance
Can you post the profile? I’ll take a look at it -
Just out of Curiosity, why do you need this for botting?
Even tho I’d love to see the battleground code also, healing is part of fightclass, not the product
[ToolBox][Vanilla - WOTLK] Many Useful Functions (Custom script)
TheSmokie replied to TheSmokie's topic in Quester assistance
Fixed : Achievement Rep -
[N] 00:21:24 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out [N] 00:21:24 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it [N] 00:21:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -4619.148 ; -3172.836 ; 34.85954 ; "None" to -6867.624 ; 731.9318 ; 46.6624 ; "None" (Kalimdor) [N] 00:21:25 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 458 (12551.29y, 1072ms, smoothed) (resultPartial=True, resultSuccess=True (more info with server log option)) [N] 00:21:30 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 00:21:30 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on
Both, when it comes to wrobot, lua and c# go together
I’ve posted the code here : https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/12492-miscellaneous-code-idea-developers-only/?tab=comments#comment-60258
miscellaneous Code Idea (Developers only)
TheSmokie replied to TheSmokie's topic in Developers assistance
Note : this is not the code used in selector, the reward selection in selector is more advanced, but i think this will help make the whole quest reward problem go away for a lot of devs. enjoy. using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading; public static class Quester_rewards { public static void Select() { wManager.Events.OthersEvents.OnSelectQuestRewardItem += delegate (CancelEventArgs cancelable) { cancelable.Cancel = true; gossip(); Thread.Sleep(100); if (Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("if QuestFrameRewardPanel:IsVisible() then return true else return false end")) Selecter(); }; } public static void Selecter() { int questRewards = Lua.LuaDoString<int>("return GetNumQuestChoices()"); if (questRewards == 0) { Lua.LuaDoString("QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton:Click();"); Thread.Sleep(100); } else RunLua(); } public static void gossip() { Lua.LuaDoString(@" if ( not QuestFrameRewardPanel:IsVisible() or QuestFrameRewardPanel:IsVisible() == nil ) then local gossipTable = {GetGossipActiveQuests()} local numOptions = table.getn(gossipTable)/4 local nameIndex, completeIndex = 1, 4 for i=1,numOptions do if gossipTable[completeIndex] == 1 then SelectGossipActiveQuest(i) CompleteQuest(); end nameIndex, completeIndex = nameIndex + 4, completeIndex + 4 end return"); } public static void RunLua() { Lua.LuaDoString(@" local numberOfQuestRewards = GetNumQuestChoices() local mostValuableQuestItemIndex, mostValuableQuestItemValue, bestQuestItemIndex, bestQuestItemArmorWeight = 1, 0, -1, -1 local armorWeights = { Plate = 4, Mail = 2, Leather = 1, Cloth = 0 } local equipmentSlotLookup = { INVTYPE_HEAD = {""HeadSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_NECK = {""NeckSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_SHOULDER = {""ShoulderSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_CLOAK = {""BackSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_CHEST = {""ChestSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_WRIST = {""WristSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_HAND = {""HandsSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_WAIST = {""WaistSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_LEGS = {""LegsSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_FEET = {""FeetSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_SHIELD = {""SecondaryHandSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_ROBE = {""ChestSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_2HWEAPON = {""MainHandSlot"", ""SecondaryHandSlot""}, INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND = {""MainHandSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND = {""SecondaryHandSlot"", ""MainHandSlot""}, INVTYPE_WEAPON = {""MainHandSlot"",""SecondaryHandSlot""}, INVTYPE_THROWN = {""RangedSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_RANGED = {""RangedSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT = {""RangedSlot"", nil}, INVTYPE_FINGER = {""Finger0Slot"", ""Finger1Slot""}, INVTYPE_HOLDABLE = {""SecondaryHandSlot"", ""MainHandSlot""}, INVTYPE_TRINKET = {""Trinket0Slot"", ""Trinket1Slot""} } for questItemIndex = 1, numberOfQuestRewards do local itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, itemSellPrice = GetItemInfo(GetQuestItemLink(""choice"", questItemIndex)) if itemRarity >= 3 then return end local itemId = itemLink:match(""|Hitem:(%d+)"") local isItemEquippable = IsEquippableItem(itemId) local _, _, _, _, isItemUsable = GetQuestItemInfo(""choice"", questItemIndex) if itemSellPrice > mostValuableQuestItemValue then -- Keep track of which item is most valuable: mostValuableQuestItemIndex = questItemIndex mostValuableQuestItemValue = itemSellPrice end if isItemEquippable == 1 and isItemUsable ~= nil then -- NPC is offering us an item we can actually wear: local currentEquippedItemLinksInSlots = {} local currentWorstEquippedItemInSlot = nil -- Figure out what we already have equipped: for _, itemSlot in ipairs(equipmentSlotLookup[itemEquipLoc]) do if itemSlot ~= nil then local currentEquippedItemLinkInSlot = GetInventoryItemLink(""player"", GetInventorySlotInfo(itemSlot)) if currentEquippedItemLinkInSlot == nil then -- Of the n item slots available, at least one of them has nothing equipped. Ergo, it is the worst: currentWorstEquippedItemInSlot = nil break else local _, _, _, currentEquippedItemLevelInSlot, _, _, currentEquippedItemSubTypeInSlot = GetItemInfo(currentEquippedItemLinkInSlot) if currentWorstEquippedItemInSlot == nil or currentWorstEquippedItemInSlot.itemLevel > currentEquippedItemLevelInSlot then currentWorstEquippedItemInSlot = { itemLink = currentEquippedItemLinkInSlot, itemLevel = currentEquippedItemLevelInSlot, itemSubType = currentEquippedItemSubTypeInSlot } end end end end if currentWorstEquippedItemInSlot == nil then bestQuestItemIndex = questItemIndex else if itemLevel > currentWorstEquippedItemInSlot.itemLevel then if armorWeights[itemSubType] ~= nil then if armorWeights[itemSubType] > bestQuestItemArmorWeight then bestQuestItemIndex = questItemIndex bestQuestItemArmorWeight = armorWeights[itemSubType] end elseif currentWorstEquippedItemInSlot.itemSubType == itemSubType then bestQuestItemIndex = questItemIndex bestQuestItemArmorWeight = -1 end end end end end if bestQuestItemIndex < 0 then bestQuestItemIndex = mostValuableQuestItemIndex end GetQuestReward(bestQuestItemIndex) "); } } -
hello, is there a way to dump all lua on a screen? like if i have a frame there. it will dump all the code inside the frame?
[Suggestion] allow custom scripts into reward item
TheSmokie commented on TheSmokie's bug report in Bug Tracker
@Droidz Can you add the same function for picking up quests? -
miscellaneous Code Idea (Developers only)
TheSmokie replied to TheSmokie's topic in Developers assistance
This code i made for running normal instances, come out to sell items to "traveler's tundra mammoth" Quester > Custom Script. using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Configuration; public static class Main_Thread { public static List<string> Sellitems = new List<string>(); public static WoWPlayer Me = ObjectManager.Me; public static void Start() { wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Save(); Lua.LuaDoString(@"SetDungeonDifficulty(1);"); } public static void OnSeemStuck() { if (!wManager.wManagerSetting.IsBlackListedZone(new Vector3(Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y, Me.Position.Z, "None"))) { wManager.wManagerSetting.AddBlackListZone(new Vector3(Me.Position.X, Me.Position.Y, Me.Position.Z, "None"), 2.00f, true); Logging.Write("[Unstuck Blacklisting]: " + Me.Position.X.ToString() + Me.Position.Y.ToString() + Me.Position.Z.ToString()); } } public static void ToPosition(Vector3 vector) { GoToTask.ToPosition(vector); } public static void MoveWhileDead() { var badCorpsePos = new Vector3(-3361.787f, 4665.568f, -22.70184f); var enterDungeonPos = new Vector3(-3361.623f, 4643.492f, -101.047f); Logging.Write("[EnterCorpse] Started."); wManager.Events.OthersEvents.OnPathFinderFindPathResult += (from, to, path, mpq, success) => { if (ObjectManager.Me.IsDead && to.DistanceTo(badCorpsePos) < 10) { path.Clear(); path.AddRange(PathFinder.FindPath(enterDungeonPos)); } }; } public static void Mammoth() { string Mount_Name = "Traveler's Tundra Mammoth"; if (GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(-3361.868f, 4759.114f, -101.3954f))) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(Mount_Name)) { SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA(Mount_Name); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); } } } public static void Sellingitems() { List<WoWItemQuality> quality = new List<WoWItemQuality> { WoWItemQuality.Common, WoWItemQuality.Poor, WoWItemQuality.Rare, WoWItemQuality.Epic, WoWItemQuality.Uncommon }; int Mount_Vendor_ID = 32641; var Mount_Vendor = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(Mount_Vendor_ID).FirstOrDefault(i => i.Entry == Mount_Vendor_ID); if (Mount_Vendor.IsValid && Mount_Vendor != null) { Interact.InteractGameObject(Mount_Vendor.GetBaseAddress); foreach (WoWItem item in Bag.GetBagItem()) { if (!Selling_Settings.CurrentSetting.DONOT.Contains(item.GetItemInfo.ItemName)) { Sellitems.Add(item.GetItemInfo.ItemName); Vendor.SellItems(Sellitems, Selling_Settings.CurrentSetting.DONOT, quality); Thread.Sleep(100); } } Thread.Sleep(10); } } public static void DoNotSellITems(string item) { Selling_Settings.Load(); if(!Selling_Settings.CurrentSetting.DONOT.Contains(item)) { Selling_Settings.CurrentSetting.DONOT.Add(item); Selling_Settings.CurrentSetting.Save(); } } } [Serializable] public class Selling_Settings : Settings { [Setting] [DefaultValue(null)] [Category("C:_Other Functions_")] [DisplayName("Items to delete")] [Description("It will attempt to DELETE the Items in interval")] public List<string> DONOT { get; set; } private Selling_Settings() { DONOT = new List<string>(); } public static Selling_Settings CurrentSetting { get; set; } public bool Save() { try { return Save(AdviserFilePathAndName("Selling_Settings", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("Selling_Settings > Save(): " + e); return false; } } public static bool Load() { try { if (File.Exists(AdviserFilePathAndName("Selling_Settings", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName))) { CurrentSetting = Load<Selling_Settings>( AdviserFilePathAndName("Selling_Settings", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); return true; } CurrentSetting = new Selling_Settings(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("Selling_Settings > Load(): " + e); } return false; } } -
Hello, Can you add a way to return a Corpse (Me) submap? like if i am dead in side a instance.
This does not work on blizzard servers
i simple just used priest for a fightclass, i havent really use much, my code gets the highest talents spec instead of if 2 talent trees etc.
Enter corpse in Dungeon
TheSmokie replied to Pudge's topic in WRobot for Wow Wrath of the Lich King - Help and support
I just used the code @droidz provided, if you are using it for instances, use custom script. instead of making a plugin for each and every instance. -
I am using c# dll fight class with normal settings GUI
Hello @Droidz, while i am working on some fightclasses with talents, i am having a problem with setting a drop down menu, i know i can override this by making my own Settings GUI but it would be awesome if you allow it as normal settings. [DropDownList(new string[] { "Fire", "Frost", "Arcane" })]
AdvancedBattlegrounder Mount Issues
TheSmokie replied to asdfasdfgg's topic in Battlegrounder assistance
Buy a key, is what @Matenia would say I think. -
@Droidz this thread should be lock, there is no info being provided.