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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. TheSmokie

    Skip underwater nodes

    Didnt know about that !
  2. TheSmokie

    Skip underwater nodes

    I dont think @Droidz would add this option, you can just use your blacklist manager to blacklist the area of the node.
  3. The reason why your getting DC is because the bot is deleting more then 3 soul shards at time, @Mateniafightclass fix this problem but it’s paid.
  4. Druids racial gives 5 + to herb. Maybe wrobot has a bug? Ask @Droidz
  5. Hello, this is just thread where i post miscellaneous Code to help others get idea or fix to there problems. Note some code works, some doesnt. its mainly for educational perspectives. Quest Checker private static bool IsQuestCompleted(int questID) { Lua.LuaDoString("ExpandQuestHeader(0)"); int QuestCount = Lua.LuaDoString<int>(@"return select(1, GetNumQuestLogEntries())"); for (int i = 1; i <= QuestCount; i++) { var QuestInfo = Lua.LuaDoString<List<string>>(string.Format(@"return GetQuestLogTitle(" + i + ")")); if (QuestInfo[4] == "1" || QuestInfo[5] == "1") continue; string QuestStatus = null; if (QuestInfo[6] == "1") QuestStatus = "completed"; else if (QuestInfo[6] == "-1") QuestStatus = "failed"; else QuestStatus = "in progress"; if (QuestInfo[8] == Convert.ToString(questID) && QuestStatus == "completed") { return true; } } return false; }
  6. or if you want to just auto deline invites, here is a frame to disable them. local f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:RegisterEvent("PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST") f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) print("Declining a Party Invite ! "); StaticPopup1Button2:Click(); end)
  7. if you run this once while ingame, it will only trigger once LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM is started. local f = CreateFrame("Frame") f:RegisterEvent("LOOT_BIND_CONFIRM") f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) StaticPopup1Button1:Click(); end)
  8. Version 1.5


    Hello, Today my Team (Raven) want to share a beta of our new upcoming plug-in Selector - Quest Rewards. it will help make quest more Afk-able by Selecting items Quest rewards meant for your Class. This plugin is still in Beta! so there will still be problems. Help / Support : If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discordapp.com/invite/xQuhs5C Features : 1) Quest Reward Selector. 2) Auto-Equip (in beta.) 3) Swim Up 4) Bag Management (Replace bag with a hire bag slot.) 5) Hunter Quiver, 6) Potion Management, 7) Deleter ? Use bandages (First Aid) How to Install : User\WRobot\Plugins\Selector Developers : @TheSmokie @KateLibby
  9. Make your own or buy @Matenia Advanced Battleground product.
  10. return wManager.Wow.Helpers.Bag.GetContainerNumFreeSlots == 2;
  11. I don’t believe private servers for vanilla - wotlk have this function GetHardwareId(), I don’t believe so unless your using a modify client.
  12. My Team got the code working and gonna add it to Project X with a big bug fixes with in a week.
  13. To buy wrobot, you use paypal, just simple hit buy and add your paypal info. i am a American.
  14. That’s kinda disrespectful when he’s trying to help you.
  15. To help-out you could also use lua to do the same thing with less lines of code : public static string GetSpec() { string SpecName = @" local highest_tab, highest = 0, 0; for i=1, 3 do local name, _, points = GetTalentTabInfo(i); if points > highest then highest = points; highest_tab = i; highest_name = name end end return highest_name"; return Lua.LuaDoString<string>(SpecName); }
  16. I’ve been working on this offmesh for over 3 hours, no matter what it keeps looping from in and out of the portal
  17. Hello @Droidz, my team and i are trying to writing a custom script to over ride Quest item choose rewards, and would love if you could add a option a option to use custom script on the quest reward frame. The only way I could find to take over the item selection would be to write a full override of the turn-in on every single quest, which would be alot of work. It would be ideal if the reward item field could take lua that can run when the gossip menu is open and the custom lua simply returns the reward item number. this will allow code that can determine the item based on stats, then return the preferred reward item number. After that let the rest of wrobots turn-in code do its thing This is a big feature and would make quester product even better. and more afkable.
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