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Everything posted by TheSmokie

  1. Hell no, this dude disrespect @Droidz bot and acting like a cunt, droidz should ban the person not give a refund
  2. Update : Added - Flight Master Code. Added - Flights from Orgrimmar To Thunderbluff and Thunderbluff to Orgrimmar.
  3. Many Useful Functions (Vanilla - WOTLK) RunCode (Action): - Tool.LearningSpells("Name Of spell"); // Put in name of the spell you wish to buy. - Tool.Craft("profession", "RecipeName", 1); // This code will only work for Wrath of the lich king - Tool.RemoveItem(55); // Removes item by ID - Tool.UseItem(55); // Uses item by ID - Tool.AbandonQuest("Quest Name"); //Abandon Quest by Name - Tool.Sellitem("Item Name"); // sell item by name - Tool.Fish(new Vector3(1, 1, 1), new Vector3(1, 1, 1), 0, 75, 6562, 111); - Tool.CheckUpdate(); // updates quester profiles from github.raw - Tool.SendItems("name", "note", new List<string> { "Super Healing Potion", }); // mail itemlist to another player If statements : - Tool.RecipeIsKnown("profession", "RecipeName") == true // check if you have this Recipe! If statement! - Tool.HasItem("itemname") <= 0 - Tool.Faction("Name of the faction", 5) == true // add name of faction, and amount of rep you want to check aganst. 42999 is max rep. - Tool.haveKey(KeyID) // checks if you have a key Travel Functions added(Vanilla - WOTLK) Flight : - Travel.Flight.ThunderBluffToOrgrimmar(); - Travel.Flight.OrgrimmarToThunderBluff(); Full code here: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/12034-toolboxvanilla-wotlk-many-useful-functions-custom-script/
  4. go here : https://wrobot.eu/profile/27746-camelot10/ , click on message and thats how you message someone
  5. Update : Added - Tool.Fish Added - Tool.Sendmail Added - Tool.CheckUpdate Added - Tool.Havekey
  6. @Droidz how do i check if a flightmaster was discovered by name? (i am taking a few hours and gonna update @nudl flightmaster profiles but i need a check if the flightmaster is discovered for a complete condition.
  7. @Matenia i was wondering if you mind sharing how you was able to detect water ? i am making a fishing profile and only need a way to detect water as a vector
  8. i do not think Camelot is around anymore (i've message him a few times, no reply.) if you message me the files, i can see whats causing these errors and fix them for it. please note : i am only fixing them for you and only you! @alzaem121, Message me the files here or on discord : Sye | Smokie#1651
  9. @Droidz i get this problem also when i am using my dk profile, the mobs will stand there afraid to attack but leave combat on the player.
  10. See if the skinning option is on.
  11. There a private way to make wrobot rum more smooth?
  12. You’re beat bet is to watch @Marsbar video and start making fightclasses using c#
  13. 1: paid doesn’t always mean best, I’m pretty sure every server has at least a copy of every paid product on here, make your own. 2: i only bot max. 3-4 hours a day per account, think what a human would do, would a human farm for 19 hours a day? 3: always make dummy trading accounts, if your trying to move gold, make 10 dummy accounts and pass your gold threw each of them 3x toons each. Could just be me but this works. 4: don’t bot during peak it’s better to have less online. 5: always keep a eye on your bots
  14. You gotta pay someone or make one your own, I personally don’t know anyone who is working on that expansion
  15. i think it should be @blackrockspeculator is so bad, i have ran muti bots and not die, you need to make your own profile. if you dont want problems. Or pay someone like @Bambo or @Matenia for help doing what you want it to do. stop making stupid posts blaming the bot when you are the one who doesnt know how to config the bot or make your own shit. Note Matenia charges 30$ per hour of his help. idk about bambo.
  16. Updated : added sell specific item (string name) to vender Remove quest by name Code to sell items (you will need code above in your custom script.) if(wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(x, y, z), NpcID, 1)) { TB.Sellitem("Name of item"); }
  17. I know this is a old thread but i came across it when trying to find a method to bender item by name, i was able to make a method that vender ALL item by the name, i thought I'd share. public static class Toolbox { public static void Sellitem(string ItemName) { Lua.LuaDoString(string.Format(@" local ItemToSell = '{0}' for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); if name and string.find(name, ItemToSell) then if (MerchantFrame:IsShown() ) then ShowMerchantSellCursor(1) UseContainerItem(bag, slot) end end end end", ItemName)); } } if (wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(x, y, z), NpcID, 1)) { Toolbox.Sellitem("Name of item"); }
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