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Everything posted by Talamin

  1. Yes, the settings are getting reworked when I have the time. Some are functional again, some needs to be included again, like the incombat and ooc. Next release will have some more available.
  2. Maybe take a look at the scripts from @ScripterQQ who made some Fightclasses with the Editor.
  3. Ah sorry, thought you were making a complete FIghtclass in C#. I never used the Fightclass Editor, so i really don´t know hoa to build this there. I am sure that you can catch if the Target has already the Buff then ignore it.
  4. Sorry, but it´s hard to understand what exactly you mean. If you have a Function which already checks all Party Members then you can use something like to cast only if : WoWUnit Bufftarget = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit.Where(o=> o.IsAlive && !o.HaveBuff("Buff") && o.Name == "player-name" && o.IsPartyMember).FirstOrDefault(); Interact.InteractGameObject(Bufftarget.GetBaseAddress); Buff.Launch(); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); Or using the same but casting on Focustarget: WoWUnit Bufftarget = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit.Where(o=> o.IsAlive && !o.HaveBuff("Buff") && o.Name == "player-name" && o.IsPartyMember).FirstOrDefault(); ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = Bufftarget.Guid; Lua.LuaDoString($"CastSpellByID({ Buff.Id}, \"focus\")"); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); And complete: if(Me.IsInGroup) { WoWUnit Bufftarget = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit.Where(o=> o.IsAlive && !o.HaveBuff("Buff") && o.Name == "player-name" && o.IsPartyMember).FirstOrDefault(); ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = Bufftarget.Guid; Lua.LuaDoString($"CastSpellByID({ Buff.Id}, \"focus\")"); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting(); Lua.LuaDoString("ClearFocus();"); } It would be helpful if you just post the Code you are struggling with.
  5. And this Topic is 1 1/2 year old, why you necroing it?
  6. public static void DeleteItems(string itemName, int leaveAmount = 0) { var itemQuantity = ItemsManager.GetItemCountByNameLUA(itemName) - leaveAmount; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemName) || itemQuantity <= 0) { return; } string luaToDelete = $@" local itemCount = {itemQuantity}; local deleted = 0; for b=0,4 do if GetBagName(b) then for s=1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(b, s) if itemLink then local itemString = string.match(itemLink, ""item[%-?%d:]+""); local _, stackCount = GetContainerItemInfo(b, s); local leftItems = itemCount - deleted; if ((GetItemInfo(itemString) == ""{itemName}"") and leftItems > 0) then if stackCount <= 1 then PickupContainerItem(b, s); DeleteCursorItem(); deleted = deleted + 1; else if (leftItems > stackCount) then SplitContainerItem(b, s, stackCount); DeleteCursorItem(); deleted = deleted + stackCount; else SplitContainerItem(b, s, leftItems); DeleteCursorItem(); deleted = deleted + leftItems; end end end end end end end "; Lua.LuaDoString(luaToDelete); } Directly out of Matenias Framework, and with DeleteItems("Soulshard", 5) usable.
  7. Hmm, can´t reproduce it. Sorry, looks like a false Bugreport. Can be closed!
  8. k, i´ll give it another testing as soon i am back at the server. WOTLK, WoWCircle
  9. Maybe it´s just me, but i ticked as usual the "Wait until Resurrection Sickness is gone" Box, but the Bot still ignore this and goes like normal. Looks like the setting diesn´t have effect. Happens since the last update.
  10. This Framework is abolutely amazing. Everyone who spend some time to understand how it works will enjoy the Possibilities with this! Thx Matenia for this awesome Piece of Code!
  11. Survival is barely added. Go with beastmaster. This FC is not for raiding!
  12. I am using Matenias Framework and it´s running really fast. Some decisions take 200ms to be made, but this is due the complex Rotations.
  13. The rotation is specified by the talent tree with the most points in it.
  14. The FC should handle all kinds of talents. As long they are included in the standard wotlk. But to be honest, this is a leveling aio fc and the best way is the auto talent set according to your chosen spec. Others works too, no pvp talents included. And the best is to let the settings on their initial settings value, it’s designed so you can be lazy ?
  15. @Garub latency is the time between you and your server. cleave is an AOE ability, hover with your mouse over the setting to get more information. Framelock and slowrotation are implemented but non functional at the moment. With the next rework they will help you with performance, you will get the information out of the tooltip. Framelock in general freeze your client to execute one step per frame, so your fc never misses a spell, but this can slow down your wow. Slowrotation will be for slow computers, but it is guaranteed that it will miss some spells while executing.
  16. @Apexx ? Talents are already included. What do you mean here?!? The FC is in a rework process, so you have to wait. And if you hover over the settings you get a tooltip. And I answered all your questions you pmd me, so I don’t know what you are talking about! And you can use your own talent trees, so check the settings for each class, there is a talents tab.
  17. nah, it´s an old bugged LUA Code, which only make Problems on Warmane ?
  18. deleete until you have 1 and try again. There is a bugged code i didn´t replace, maybe you ar eplaying on warmane?
  19. And did you deactivate the checkbox framelock in the settings?
  20. Did you deleete the Talentcodes or something? Looks like the FC does not get your Talents. Are you using the english Client? Try a fresh install of wrobot, deactivate your Addons and try again. I leveld a Warlock myself to 80 using this latest code, so all i can say is that it works. Oh, and try to deactivate the Framelock Option. This never worked really for me, but i let the Code in.
  21. Wait, let me check! let´s see... Damn, my glass sphere is broken... Nothing i can do about. Ooooooooor you post a log and a full description of your Problem!
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