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Posts posted by Talamin

  1. One Question:

    What Profile are you running and at which step are you? 

    Is this Mob part of a quest or is it just some driveby mob? I had the same Problems with some Mobs, but i solved it with ZERadar. Don´t know if this support Classic, but you can give it a shot. It solves most Problems of driveby Mobs not getting recognized until fight. The Targetselection of Mobs which is implemented in WRobot is really barebone. You have to extend it via Plugin, Profile or FightinClass.


  2. WRobot is not as powerful as honorbuddy was, that´s true. You have to take in mind that Bossland had his own Company behind, with some great Core Developer like Apoc, Main, Raphus, Kickass (the most awesome Profile Writer), EchoTiger and many more. So they had huge Manpower behind this. So more manpower, more knowledge. But they had a huge Userbase too, which developed a lot of free stuff.

    The lack of profiles and fightingclasses of WRobot is hard to compensate. I agree on that point too. I hade to write my own to compensate the lack of the missing and i wasn´t aware of this when i bought the Bot.

    Dungeons was introduced, after one of the Coredevs (i think Raphus) developed the basic part. Arena was never supported by Honorbuddy, just by some Customclasses (for which you had to pay). 

    "There isn't a single dungeon/BG/Arena/questing full without constant issues profile for 1-70 AT LEAST and that's because there's no confidence and the documentation/client itself doesn't allow for it. "

    There are some free profiles, which you have to babysit. Honorbuddy Questingprofiles were mighty because of the CustomBehaviours which are shipped with it.

    To sum it up: I agree on your points of quality, but i can´t agree about the Honorbuddy/WRobot discussion ?

  3. I don´t get your point. Glider is no more, Honorbuddy is just for 3.3.5 available without the needed meshes for 58+.

    If you are not satisfied with what you get you have to leave the boat. I´ll understand your frustration if you want a all in one solution and you don´t get one, or if you pay for profiles which say they are 100% afk and the don´t, or if you pay for a fightingclass which doesn´t do the job. On the other hand, you can get some free Profiles and Fightingclasses in the download section, maybe try to use them instead of paying one.

    I don´t know if there is a quality standart for payed releases in the download Section. Maybe there should be one, if none exists.

    And for your last words: You should ask yourself first why you can´t bot with Glider, Pirox and Honorbuddy in Retail, then you will find the answer.



  4. 8 minutes ago, CocoChanel said:

    I also have to say that you shouldn't compare WRobot to Honorbuddy if you are talking about Vanilla to Wrath of The Lich King. These expansions are so much harder than what we have seen in Cata and up, since the amount of gear and exp acquired through questing was so different. Mobs were also tuned differently in cata and up, and the leveling content is so faceroll that you don't need to pull 1 mob at a time like in Vanilla, which makes it so much harder to bot it. You were also able to get information on what quests your character had already completed in Cata, but not previously.

    I have some leveling profiles that you can use for free since I quit private servers if you want, just send me a PM.

    True words. The Content changed so much until Cata. Therefore it is much easier to level after this and creating Profiles. 

  5. It is not easy to build a Honorbuddy feeling.

    The Options you have in Profiles and the Bot itself are huge but limited too. Targeting is one of the most annoying part of the Bot, followed by flying. I can´t talk about the Profile quality, because i use my own customized profiles. 

    So everytime a character is stuck on a wall, is not using Flightpaths, is Chaindying can come from the Profile, the FightingClass, the Bot itself, your Client... and many more. 

    But to be honest, no one should write something like 100% afk, because that is not true!

    Plugins like this extend the behaviour of the Bot:


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