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Everything posted by wrobotu

  1. Thanks!
  2. wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailRecipient("name"); Hi. It throws an error, how can I make it work?
  3. Купил гифт карту, все прошло успешно!
  4. wrobotu


    is it possible to disable logging? I am using ssd m2 and constant logging has a big impact on the life of my drive
  5. recently the plugin started working while traveling on zippelin. Because of what, the bot runs away into the unknown immediately after loading a new continent in an attempt to buy food and water before arriving at the port
  6. maybe a off topic question, but has anyone had a problem with the PC freezing when maximizing the wow window when using directx? with each new WOW window, the opening of the game window becomes progressively slower, until the PC freezes when maximizing or when the game automatically restarts through the relogger. The load on the PC is minimal. Reinstalling everything didn't help.
  7. Can the bot use air routes to merchants using a flying mount?
  8. solved, the problem was in the plugins.
  9. Some windows crash with a critical error (wow error 132). It started a few hours ago
  10. Today, when opening the plugin, it started to give such an error. Reinstalling the plugin and wrobot did not work
  11. Hi.When the plugin is activated, the game crashes with a critical error. This only started happening today, until today everything was fine, what could be the problem?
  12. thanks, it works, although this is not a perfect solution to the problem, but thanks anyway for the help.
  13. bot spins at random times whether it tries to enter a building or not
  14. I saw someone's bot successfully using a flying mount that also used a ground path
  15. Wotlk 3.3.5a it happens everywhere at random time Disabling"use lua to move" doesn't help Disabling addons doesn't help. change fightclass doesn't help. disabling plugins doesn't help. 14 мар 2022 16H54.log.html
  16. Saw threads on the forum about this, but no one gave an answer, so I decided to ask if anyone else solved this problem. In the profile of the quester, when using a flying mount, when using the autopath search, it can start spinning up at a random moment in a spiral, is there a solution? sorry for my english
  17. thanks a lot
  18. if the bot dies during the action "Runcode > wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(-10215.35, 36.84612, 34.33632, "None"));" then it skips the step without completing it. How do I make the bot repeat this step until it completes?
  19. strong drops in frames per second when the bot moves on a flying mount,what could be the problem? P.S google translate
  20. Решено.Проблема оказалась в функции плагина Wholesome Inventory Manager , функция Quest Rewads отменяла последний шаг квеста
  21. бот не может сдать квест Arrival in Outland(EU клиент), скипает окно завершения.Бот пытается сдать его дефолтными способом "взаимодействие-выбор квеста-завершить", но у этого квеста другая последовательность "взаимодействие-выбор квеста-продолжить-завершить" и я не знаю как заставить его добавить еще 1 шаг к этой цепочке
  22. hi, sorry for my english i use as translator. I am having a problem with AIO 3.3.5 When the combat class is activated, the game works with stuttering Paladin retribution
  23. как быть , если wrobot не отображает Z координаты корабля Ледокол в Штормграде, а если их не вписывать, то код выдает ошибку.Пробовал даже рандомно прописывать Z координаты в приблизительном значении и это не сработало.Проверил так же левый корабль в порту Штормграда, который ведет в порт Темных берегов,wrobot так же не отображает Z координаты и этого корабля
  24. Да, это я и имел ввиду, большое спасибо
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