wManager.Wow.Helpers Namespace

Taxi Members

The Taxi type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member GetNearestNode(Vector3, Boolean%)
Gets the nearest node (need taxi frame open).
Public method Static member GetNearestNode(Vector3, List<(Of <<'(TaxiNode>)>>), Boolean%)
Gets the nearest node.
Public method Static member GetNearestNode(List<(Of <<'(TaxiNode>)>>), Single, Boolean%)
Gets the nearest node.
Public method Static member GetTaxiNodes
Gets taxi nodes of current taxi (need taxi frame open).
Public method Static member TakeNearestNode
Takes the nearest node (need taxi frame open).
Public method Static member TakeTaxiNode(Int32, String)
Takes the taxi node (need taxi frame open).
Public method Static member TakeTaxiNode(TaxiNode)
Takes the taxi node (need taxi frame open).
Public method Static member TaxiFrameIsVisible


  Name Description
Public field Static member _taxiLock