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Priest - Legion

14 files

  1. Shadow Priest Fight Class

    Fight Class I made to get more familiar with the editor.
    Features :
    Rotation and talents from here
    Near 100% DoT uptime, reapplies when nearly over
    Cancels Mind Flay > Mind Blast / Void Bolt
    TO-DO :
    Figure out why Vampiric Touch double casts sometimes
    Better use of defensives
    Test silences and other kicks
    Better use of Mind Bomb (?)
    Tested exclusively on 110 Shadow Priest


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  2. 10-60 Leveling Priest Vanilla

    Priest fightclass for before lvl 10 is on forums under "Vanilla lvl 1-10 Leveling Priest"
    Once you hit lvl 10. Grab a wand from the auction house, etc... 
    Begin putting talent points into wand specialization until your 5/5. Where you go from there is up to you.
    Spell order is as follows.
     Power Word: Fortitude Inner Fire Power Word: Shield Touch of Weakness Shadow Word Pain Devouring Plague ( once you get it and are undead class) Shoot ( with wand ) Renew ( when you hit 60% Health ) Lesser Heal ( when you hit 30% Health ) Psychic Scream ( when 3 or more targets are attacking you in a 10 yard range from you) WELCOME TO COMMENT OR LEAVE A REVIEW. THANKS! =D


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  3. Vanilla lvl 1-10 Leveling priest

    This profile is for priests starting off before you get a wand.
    Spell order.
    Fortitude Power Word: Shield Shadow Word Pain Smite Keep plenty of water in your inventory to maximize killing!
    Priest Fightclass for after lvl 10 is on forums under the name "10-60 Leveling Priest Vanilla"


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  4. Priest Shadow

    Base on http://www.wowhead.com/shadow-priest-rotation-guide
    Tryed to cover all spells/talents/artifact powers. Maybe its required a bit of tuning. I will post update after some testing
    My profiles


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  5. priest 1-60

    Priest 1-60 fight class


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  6. Priest PvP Discipline

    Disc pvp priest fc.
    Party Atonement and Purify, Honorable Medallion setup.
    Talents : 3-2-1-3-2-2-1
    Honor talents: Power Word: Radiance now buffs correctly
    In random bg you have to turn of "Plea" in additional settings (wheel on right side of fc profiler selection)
    Turn of smite for more Radiance spam.
    Plea works best in 2v2/3v3 afk arena.
    Works best with Battlegrounder


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  7. [Ohren] Shadow Priest

    Another basic rotation. I have spent a bit of time working on getting insanity and voidform to actually work. That being said, it sometimes skips some mind spikes because it is busy flaying. Currently set up for the talent that reduces insanity required to go into voidform to 70. 


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  8. DiscPriest FC MP 1.0.xml

    DiscPriest FC MP 1.0.xml
    This is a new fight class for Disc Priest while using Droidz's Multi pull plugin that you can find in the Download Plugins section on this site.  This FC is made to put SW: Pain on every mob you pull.  In Droidz's Multi Pull plugin you can set the number of mobs to pull at a time.  Making this FC I was farming Shal'dorei Silk in the Stonedark Grotto in Highmountain.  The cords to the cave enterence are 42, 25.  I have made a Grinder profile for this cave as well that you can find in my files.  I have a path in that profile but the Deepcavern Murloc spawn so fast you never really move at all.  This is a great Grinder place because the Murloc are neutral so you only fight who you attack. While I haven't tried this FC without Droidz's Multi Pull plugin I wouldn't use it without because I believe you would use SW: Pain way too much in a 1 v 1 fight. 


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    1 comment


  9. Zan's Shadow Priest

    I feel this rotation is good enough for a release at this time. I will update it if I find errors or things that need to be tweaked out better. If you find problems let me know and I’ll get to them when I can. Interrupts can be toggled on or off and are set to interrupt right before the end of cast. The interrupts used are Silence and Psychic Scream. There are several spells to use for survivability and set to act when your health % drops below a certain level. Mind Blast, Void Bolt, and several other spells will interrupt Mind Flay to be cast. At this time Mind Sear is not interrupted. Most Talents are passive on Priest and the ones I have NOT implemented in the profile are Mind Bomb, Shadow Crash, and Mind Spike. Using my default Settings and Talents posted, it will use Power Infusion and Mindbender/Shadowfiend when we enter Voidform. By picking Legacy of the Void with Power Infusion, Insanity usually goes above 70 in Voidform which keeps the Priest in Voidform longer. Suggestions: use Tier 1 Talent Shadow Word: Void for quick kills and Fortress of the Mind for harder kills. There are various settings that can be modified for your gameplay. In the settings I suggest you pay attention to the descriptions of them all. You have a decent amount of choices. Enjoy the rotation and let me know of any problems. – Zan
    Note: Stock File is English LUA Version.


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  10. Holy Priest Group Heal

    This is a Holy Priest Custom Class for Legion especially made for leveling by healing in dungeons or groups (party mode).
    It's a highly modified version om my old WoD Holy Paladin healing class: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/569-holy-paladin/
    The code is still based on Pasterke's Druid Restoration Heal Routine and AudreyH's Holy Paladin Fight Class.
    The class is not intended to be used in battlegrounds!
    All spells need to be configured before the class can be used, all options are deactivated by default.
    Currently used talents:

    (Only Halo and Body and Mind are actually build into the class)
    Configuration Tips:
    Product Settings for Party Mode Healer: ON (the class manages targets itself) Follow distance: 10 (should be between 7 & 13) General Settings Any harvesting and looting should be OFF Close bot if teleported: OFF (needs to be off for Dungeons) Fight Class Settings explenations:
    Auto Interrupt : interrupt enemies spells with Holy Word: Chastise (has very low priority) Follow Tank : enables the built in movement of the class - will follow tank or party members in and out of fight Follow Tank Distance: the distance between you and the tank if Follow Tank is enabled Use Attack Spells : Attacks the partys targets with Holy Fire and Smite (makes healing and movement slower) "Healing skill" HP% : Cast "Healing skill" on party members with health equal or below to value % "Group healing skill" HP% : Cast "Group healing skill" when amnount of players health is below value % "Group healing skill" Players : Amount of players whith health below % Resurrection on : Select what type of partymembers to revive This fightclass is not a final version, there's many stuff that can be improved or added - any questions, help or ideas are welcome!
    Problems you migth encounter:
    Healing a PVP flagged partymember wont work if you are not PVP flagged Purify will only work for the partymember with the currently lowest hp% (fixed in version 1.0.2) Follow Tank: If the party leader is not the tank and Follow Tank is enabled you migth be walking back and forth between the tank and the party leader Use Attack Spells: attacking slows down the heal rotation - espacially lazy tanks that don't use mitigation skills might die while you attack Last but not least:
    DON'T use this Class in dungeons while being AFK - movement in dungeons is pretty messy, you will get stuck!


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  11. DiscPriest FC 1.0

    This is the update for DiscPriest FC update.  Sorry for so much renaming and re-uploading, I'm fairly new to this sort of stuff.  Updates from now on will be numerical from now on...1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and so on.  
    This update has a few minor tweaks.  The biggest is that penance is used more often for dsp.


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  12. DiscPriest FC update

    This is my Disc dps FC update.  I have changed mindbender to be used as dmg instead of mana regen because you don't really have mana issues while dps'ing.  I have also changed psychic scream to be use when/if you are at or below 40% health.  


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  13. DiscPriest a.xml

    After not finding many dps disc priest fightclass profiles I made this one.  It has a good rotation and uses shield, plea and SW: Pain.  It's not perfect but I haven't had any problems using it as is.  If you find something that you think needs more attention please let me know


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  14. Legion Shadow Priest by BetterSister

    Basic shadow priest. Tested with 55 lvl
    3 first talents do not matter and others aren't added


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