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1-60 Enh Shaman lvling by Eeny 1.0.0

   (4 reviews)

About This File

Trimmed down and subtle  fight classed i use on my Shamans.  Built towards working with my vanilla levelling profiles

Healing wave at 50% health

Shocks when > 25% mana.

 Will keep Rockbiter weapon up when below lvl 30 and WindFury weapon up when above 30.  I found shamans with passable gear where able to grind without downtime from about lvl 15 if you defined healing wave as a food / regen item .

Totems are used sparingly as its looks suspect if the bot is dropping them every fight.  Stoneskin + Mana spring totems will be dropped if you are fighting 2+ mobs.  Searing totem is on a timer so it doesnt drop every mob.

Massive shout-out to @Imod who wrote the timers in the C# profile,

Let me know if you would change anything.

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


Vanilla shaman skills.PNG

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Shaman.cs ,Should I put it in the plug-in folder and activate it?
I will use [Eenys_Horde_VanillaBC_V9] with this file.

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Having the issue that it doenst use heals (same issue with other shaman FCs). shaman.cs is in the fight class folder with Shaman_Enh_lvling.xml.

Everything else works. Other classes dont have that problem, f.e. druid.

English client, Lights hope.



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6 minutes ago, AmberLaHotee said:

Having the issue that it doenst use heals (same issue with other shaman FCs). shaman.cs is in the fight class folder with Shaman_Enh_lvling.xml.

Everything else works. Other classes dont have that problem, f.e. druid.

English client, Lights hope.



Are you referring to healing in or out of combat- also what lvl

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1 minute ago, AmberLaHotee said:

Both. 27 atm

Its written in the file.  no addons / pluings stopping the heal?

    public Spell HealingWave = new Spell("Healing Wave");
    public Spell LesserHeal = new Spell("Lesser Healing Wave");

        if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 40 && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 15)
        if (!LesserHeal.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 40  && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 15)

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didnt know that spells have to be in action bar to be able to use

thanks to debug log

and thanks to you

now working  as intended after putting it into it ?


[D] 19:29:48 - [Spell] Healing Wave (Id found: 939, Name found: Healing Wave, NameInGame found: Healing Wave, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))


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Hi again,


using this FC now for a while. It was putting down Stoneskin Totem and Mana Spring Totem every time when fighting 1 unit, bec the condition "UnitAttackPlayerNear"  is missing for both, also there is a typo in Ligh[n]tning Shield, so it has never been casted. (Also there is a minor typo in Stoneskin totem).

I also reduced the cast time of Searing Totem, since it is important for farming and most Shamans use it very often for grinding.


As I am playing hybrid Shaman (Dagger + Shield), I am only using Flametongue Weapon.

I attach the costumized file, its free to use, optimized as mentioned for 1handed enh shamans.

edit: updated, sometimes flamtongue was not buffed


Shaman_Enh_lvling - flametongue 1H+Shield.xml

Edited by AmberLaHotee
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26 minutes ago, thxgod1 said:

Do i have to delete the old  .xml and run the .cs? Or do i have to run the new .xml? @AmberLaHotee

no, the two files are standalone files.  if you are using one you only need one in the FC folder.

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Modified a bit which suits me better. Uses Lesser Healing Wave rather than Healing wave... getting a healing wave off when fighting beasts as enhancement is hard, especially Ghost Wolf Alphas that hit crazy fast. 

Would recommend setting Healing Wave as food until you get LHW and use that. 

Bot has no downtime from my experience, If it has a lot of mana it does more dps (Earth shocks and LS), on the next fight if it has less mana it plays more conservative so the fight after it is back to full dps mode. 

Thanks @eeny for the original. 





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Have you had much luck getting a cure poison/disease script going?


/run for i = 1, 16 do local debuffTexture, debuffApplications, debuffDispelType = UnitDebuff("player", i); if debuffDispelType =("Poison") then castspellbyname("Cure Poison");end end


I've tried that but it's not quite right, 


/run for i = 1, 16 do local debuffTexture, debuffApplications, debuffDispelType = UnitDebuff("player", i)


This section will successfully return poison/disease/curse but i can't get any of the LUA functions within the fight class editor to act upon the return value. 

Other issue is how often do you call it? I was thinking of calling it on a timer, 10 seconds or so. Cant have the bot continuously run that code checking for potential debuff.


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22 minutes ago, vanbotter said:


Have you had much luck getting a cure poison/disease script going?


/run for i = 1, 16 do local debuffTexture, debuffApplications, debuffDispelType = UnitDebuff("player", i); if debuffDispelType =("Poison") then castspellbyname("Cure Poison");end end


I've tried that but it's not quite right, 


/run for i = 1, 16 do local debuffTexture, debuffApplications, debuffDispelType = UnitDebuff("player", i)


This section will successfully return poison/disease/curse but i can't get any of the LUA functions within the fight class editor to act upon the return value. 

Other issue is how often do you call it? I was thinking of calling it on a timer, 10 seconds or so. Cant have the bot continuously run that code checking for potential debuff.


I have never written something like that- Closest thing to that would be in the pally FC where is check debuffs for a specific poison name.  Certainly not a clean solution.  As i use the pally FC more and more I add dispells by creating a new IF statement and add the poison name.

    public Spell Cleanse = new Spell("Purify");

    public void Cleansing()
        if (Cleanse.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Poison"))
        if (Cleanse.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Rabies"))
        if (Cleanse.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Infected Bite"))
        if (Cleanse.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Dark Sludge"))

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On 8/1/2018 at 5:00 PM, vanbotter said:

Modified a bit which suits me better. Uses Lesser Healing Wave rather than Healing wave... getting a healing wave off when fighting beasts as enhancement is hard, especially Ghost Wolf Alphas that hit crazy fast. 

Would recommend setting Healing Wave as food until you get LHW and use that. 

Bot has no downtime from my experience, If it has a lot of mana it does more dps (Earth shocks and LS), on the next fight if it has less mana it plays more conservative so the fight after it is back to full dps mode. 

Thanks @eeny for the original. 





Your FC dont loot mobs

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On 8/31/2018 at 2:05 PM, Nosferatuepic said:

Your FC dont loot mobs

FC's aren't in control of looting mobs. Check your Wrobot settings. FC's don't affect things like looting or drinking etc.




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On 8/1/2018 at 11:00 AM, vanbotter said:

Modified a bit which suits me better. Uses Lesser Healing Wave rather than Healing wave... getting a healing wave off when fighting beasts as enhancement is hard, especially Ghost Wolf Alphas that hit crazy fast. 

Would recommend setting Healing Wave as food until you get LHW and use that. 

Bot has no downtime from my experience, If it has a lot of mana it does more dps (Earth shocks and LS), on the next fight if it has less mana it plays more conservative so the fight after it is back to full dps mode. 

Thanks @eeny for the original. 





Hey mate I've tried this with both your FC and EENYs but there are times when I heal in combat and after the animation the bot just stands there and will not begin auto attacking until it dies from being oom and unable to heal. Do you know a solution for this? It doesn't happen every time but enough to make it annoying.... Cheers!

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On 11/12/2018 at 5:00 AM, TheSuckler said:

Hey mate I've tried this with both your FC and EENYs but there are times when I heal in combat and after the animation the bot just stands there and will not begin auto attacking until it dies from being oom and unable to heal. Do you know a solution for this? It doesn't happen every time but enough to make it annoying.... Cheers!


There's an addon called DefendYourself 

I highly recommend that. It auto engages auto attack when you're in combat. It's probably something to do with the bot not having enough mana to cast any combat abilities but somehow turning off auto attack... so never ends up attacking again. 

DefendYourself should solve that. use /DY on a command line and untick the "ignore yellow mobs" as well, otherwise it ignores yellow mobs ofc ?

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im getting this error sometimes:

[E] 09:24:18 - TotemTimeLeft(TotemType totemType): System.NotImplementedException: Totems.Totem.... not impremented in WRobot for 1.12.1
   at wManager.Wow.Helpers.Totems.TotemTimeLeft(TotemType totemType)

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