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PartyTagger 18.06.1

   (2 reviews)

About This File

What is it?

A plugin to attack npcs which are tagged by the follow target without to be in a party.


Why the file exist?

User request


Good to know:

-It is recommend to set the follow distance a bit higher if your character is a caster to avoid stuttering

-Configurable minimum Health setting

-To install it just copy it to:  \WRobot\Plugins\

-It's tested on 3.3.5a client since methods / classes should be the same it should working also on other clients

-Please send/post any errors, suggestions or wanted features in the comments or private message

-This is a side project so new features / versions will not be added so fast

What's New in Version 18.06.1   See changelog


- fix grey npc retargeting loop (please report in the comments if the problem still persist)

User Feedback

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Doesn't seem to work for me. Keep getting the error:

Couldn't initialize PartyTagger: No Player found to assist. Please check your Party settings and make sure assisted Player is close enough.

Even though without addon on, my party settings work fine as it will follow my party around and assist if when I aggro mobs.

With addon on, it gives error then stops.

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Hello, @KnightRyder i guess you mean with "addon" my used "plugin" so in this case you should check if you are not in group, the player to assist is in visible range & if your textbox on "Follow by player name" is correct since this error can only be thrown if:

- objectmanager doesn't innerhit the player to follow => out of objectmanager's scope

- the name to follow is written wrong

I belive it could be possible that another problem can cause this error. But before i can define it, please send me a log.

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No, I have identified the issue: I cannot read.

I was in a party the whole time. Did not notice that you wrote "without to be in a party" until you replied.


I was hoping to use this to fix a minor issue I am having where my party does not tag whatever the leader is fighting unless the leader gets aggro. (hunter pet tanking, follower will not assist in the kill)

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17 hours ago, KnightRyder said:

I was hoping to use this to fix a minor issue I am having where my party does not tag whatever the leader is fighting unless the leader gets aggro. (hunter pet tanking, follower will not assist in the kill)

Now i added "Assist also pet" to the options. On enabled It will now also support the assisted target's pet.

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Very cool plugin!

Something that would be awesome, would be to be able to use this in BGs to assist the char you set

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1 hour ago, Jasabi said:

Something that would be awesome, would be to be able to use this in BGs to assist the char you set

Good idea, i consider it if i'm going to develop it further.

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Hello, I have a question.


Can this plugin work even while I have a party with the target, and assist with any fights at all times?


Why do I ask ? what do I want this for?

My reason: I have been looking for something allows the followers to assist with attacks on any targets, no exceptions! Including players. Since with the regular party feature, the bot will never attack players even tho the option to ignore players is disabled. It would be a shame to have 5 toons running and yet get soloed by one person and is trash.



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First, thanks alot for making this plugin reapler. But it doesn't work at all for me on the 2.4.3 version. Hope you make an update to it someday! :)

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Can confirm this is working for 1.12 - initially the behavior is that it won't attack until you manually set focus, after that the bot goes into it's rotation but a couple of things you need to configure, check to make sure the player is added to the ignore list in advanced settings for security and then in the advanced settings tick the option to allow the bot to "attack units in combat already" - after that it started working fine 


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Getting this error even though I'm not in party with other player. Party mode works fine and attacks when partied. Only when i turn on tagger pluggin do i get this error. As i stated before I am not partied with other player and i have tried from close up and farr away. I am loosing my mind wondering why its not working. Currently playing in vanilla. Please help.



[E] 17:02:53.307 - Couldn't initialize PartyTagger: No Player found to assist. Please check your Party settings and make sure the assisted Player is close enough.


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