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Help WRobot to improve navigation mesh construction


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It is possible to help WRobot to improve navigation (meshes) fiability.

For it:

  1. Use this plugin: ExtractGameObjects.cs (or you can also run c# code "wManager.Wow.Bot.States.NPCScanState.ExtractGameObjects = true;" if you want record during current WRobot session)
  2. When WRobot product running, WRobot extract alone game objects infomations (you can see game objects extracted in debug log lines).
  3. After some hours/days/weeks of use, you can send me your game objects database (database file is "WRobot\Settings\gameObject.json"), compress and send me this file by private message.

ps: This working only on WRobot for official wow server. Please use normal servers (not PTR).

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/12/2017 at 8:44 PM, Droidz said:

No only on official server at the moment

I just came back to botting and would like to know, when we could expect a plugin for private servers? ( all versions )

I created 1-max level Questing Profiles for Vanilla, TBC and Wotlk, but the stucks are making it almost impossible, to let it run without observing the bot 24/7.

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17 hours ago, Droidz said:

The problem with private servers, it is than objects has added by the creator of the servers (but I can try to use mangos or trinity database to add defaults map objects)

And what are with objects that are not spawned via the server, because the bot get stucked by them too?

But ye, that would be at least something and could improve the pathfinding a bit.

I have access to fully spawned databases for all private server versions, so I'll hit you up for first with the Wotlk database via private message.

Once you added it to the meshes for Wotlk and it really improved the pathfinding, then i'm glad to send you the Databases for the other private server versions. :wub:


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Any chance i could do this using my own private server setup its the same as the new Elysium pvp server because currently the bot for vanilla is turning very sharply but if i can help this out i dont mind running all over the place making profiles using speed hacks etc to map out advanced meshes to make the bot turn smoother etc.


Regards DaWandaBoi

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi droidz, i am working on a 1-110 questing profile, at the moment i am scripting the quests for south stranglethorn.

Sadly i have huge meshing/navigation problems in booty bay, the characters are stuck all the time, especially when entering or leaving buildings, i hope you can improve the meshes somehow, my test characters record all the gameobjects and i will attach the zipped gameObject.json. I hope that will help.

best regards,



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1 hour ago, supersurfer said:

hi droidz, i am working on a 1-110 questing profile, at the moment i am scripting the quests for south stranglethorn.

Sadly i have huge meshing/navigation problems in booty bay, the characters are stuck all the time, especially when entering or leaving buildings, i hope you can improve the meshes somehow, my test characters record all the gameobjects and i will attach the zipped gameObject.json. I hope that will help.

best regards,



Thank you, can you send me from/to positions where you stuck please.

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its a lot i think, booty bay is really rough from what i experienced, this will take some time to extract all from => to positions . but i will start with the most important ones.

to get from the jungle into booty bay, wrobot tries to swim around and skips the tunnel connecting booty bay and the jungle outside. if i am in the tunnel he navigates fine into booty bay.

edit : its strange i started the questing from booty bay and wrobot uses the tunnel to get outside, so that way works :)


Map name MPQ: Azeroth

My Position: -14243.5, 329.4058, 24.0618, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14243.5, 329.4058, 24.0618, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14243.5" Y="329.4058" Z="24.0618" Type="None" />



Map name MPQ: Azeroth

My Position: -14322.68, 444.7621, 22.80104, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14322.68, 444.7621, 22.80104, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14322.68" Y="444.7621" Z="22.80104" Type="None" />


Edited by supersurfer
some added information
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to get to the flightmaster, he runs into the wall of the house


My Position: -14471.61, 458.2812, 30.58568, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14471.61, 458.2812, 30.58568, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14471.61" Y="458.2812" Z="30.58568" Type="None" />



new Vector3(-14481.17, 467.496, 31.52198)

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42 minutes ago, supersurfer said:

its a lot i think, booty bay is really rough from what i experienced, this will take some time to extract all from => to positions . but i will start with the most important ones.

to get from the jungle into booty bay, wrobot tries to swim around and skips the tunnel connecting booty bay and the jungle outside. if i am in the tunnel he navigates fine into booty bay.


Map name MPQ: Azeroth

My Position: -14243.5, 329.4058, 24.0618, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14243.5, 329.4058, 24.0618, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14243.5" Y="329.4058" Z="24.0618" Type="None" />



Map name MPQ: Azeroth

My Position: -14322.68, 444.7621, 22.80104, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14322.68, 444.7621, 22.80104, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14322.68" Y="444.7621" Z="22.80104" Type="None" />


To fix this problem, run this c# code (before this step or at profile start):

        if (wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection == null || wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection.Count <= 0)

        var me = new List<PathFinder.OffMeshConnection>
            new PathFinder.OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3>
                new Vector3(-14240.09, 326.9852, 24.45414),
                new Vector3(-14269.62, 349.9516, 32.49757)
            }, (int) wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.Azeroth),
            new PathFinder.OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3>
                new Vector3(-14269.62, 349.9516, 32.49757),
                new Vector3(-14240.09, 326.9852, 24.45414)
            }, (int) wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.Azeroth)




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the path from northern stranglethorn to cape of stranglethorn is meshed but the character always falls from a cliff into the water and cant recover from that.


Map name MPQ: Azeroth

My Position: -13018.83, -379.7427, 27.22106, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-13018.83, -379.7427, 27.22106, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-13018.83" Y="-379.7427" Z="27.22106" Type="None" />



Map name MPQ: Azeroth

My Position: -13167.86, -302.9479, 14.99959, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-13167.86, -302.9479, 14.99959, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-13167.86" Y="-302.9479" Z="14.99959" Type="None" />

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When doing first starting Wod quest:


There are stairs, and bot cannot find path on them:

[N] 09:43:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4167.176 ; -2293.402 ; 59.9585 ; "None" to 4167.176 ; -2293.402 ; 59.9585 ; "None" (TanaanJungleIntro)
[N] 09:43:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4066.106 ; -2359.455 ; 86.5929 ; "None" to 4167.176 ; -2293.402 ; 59.9585 ; "None" (TanaanJungleIntro)
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2293.402;59.9585;-4167.176
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2315.923;64.72209;-4167.976
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2296.514;59.96444;-3963.342
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2282.284;59.87351;-4167.417
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2375.914;78.837;-4120.867
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2375.914;78.837;-4120.867
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2377.752;79.65755;-4038.769
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2377.932;78.83668;-4017.743
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2317.163;64.73867;-3965.973
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2296.514;59.96444;-3963.342
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2282.284;59.87351;-4167.417
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2293.402;59.9585;-4167.176 - 2363.879;94.69713;-4096.97


Next quest with cannons same thing, he runs into the wall, and cannot find path downstairs:


[N] 09:45:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2314.632;64.76498;-4088.745 - 2282.284;59.87351;-4167.417
[N] 09:45:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2296.514;59.96444;-3963.342 - 2281.594;59.87671;-4167.366

[N] 09:45:20 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:45:20 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on

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4 hours ago, mich125 said:

When doing first starting Wod quest:


There are stairs, and bot cannot find path on them:

[N] 09:43:45 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4167.176 ; -2293.402 ; 59.9585 ; "None" to 4167.176 ; -2293.402 ; 59.9585 ; "None" (TanaanJungleIntro)
[N] 09:43:45 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 1 (0y)
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 4066.106 ; -2359.455 ; 86.5929 ; "None" to 4167.176 ; -2293.402 ; 59.9585 ; "None" (TanaanJungleIntro)
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2293.402;59.9585;-4167.176
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2315.923;64.72209;-4167.976
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2296.514;59.96444;-3963.342
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2282.284;59.87351;-4167.417
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2375.914;78.837;-4120.867
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2375.914;78.837;-4120.867
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2377.752;79.65755;-4038.769
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2377.932;78.83668;-4017.743
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2317.163;64.73867;-3965.973
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2296.514;59.96444;-3963.342
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2359.455;86.5929;-4066.106 - 2282.284;59.87351;-4167.417
[N] 09:43:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2293.402;59.9585;-4167.176 - 2363.879;94.69713;-4096.97


Next quest with cannons same thing, he runs into the wall, and cannot find path downstairs:


[N] 09:45:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2314.632;64.76498;-4088.745 - 2282.284;59.87351;-4167.417
[N] 09:45:20 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: TanaanJungleIntro - 2296.514;59.96444;-3963.342 - 2281.594;59.87671;-4167.366

[N] 09:45:20 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck
[N] 09:45:20 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on

        if (wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection == null || wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection.Count <= 0)

        var me = new List<PathFinder.OffMeshConnection>
            new PathFinder.OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3>
                new Vector3(4167.176, -2293.402, 59.9585),
                new Vector3(4167.222, -2319.793, 64.63189)
            }, (int) wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.TanaanJungleIntro),
            new PathFinder.OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3>
                new Vector3(4167.222, -2319.793, 64.63189),
                new Vector3(4167.176, -2293.402, 59.9585)
            }, (int) wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.TanaanJungleIntro),




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3 hours ago, mich125 said:

Another one, when he wants to go to do quest,


char cant find the way, just stands on spot:

My Position: 5341.681, 1388.217, 86.93371, "None"

[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 5257.421 ; 1505.052 ; 84.73582 ; "None" to 5322.876 ; 1539.108 ; 86.5834 ; "None" (Draenor)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (73.80782y)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 5322.876 ; 1539.108 ; 86.5834 ; "None" to 5290.752 ; 1623.882 ; 80.57033 ; "None" (Draenor)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (90.85554y)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 5290.752 ; 1623.882 ; 80.57033 ; "None" to 5240.418 ; 1618.947 ; 77.86938 ; "None" (Draenor)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 2 (50.6474y)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 5240.418 ; 1618.947 ; 77.86938 ; "None" to 5130.944 ; 1559.218 ; 74.13164 ; "None" (Draenor)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (124.9866y)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 5130.944 ; 1559.218 ; 74.13164 ; "None" to 5257.421 ; 1505.052 ; 84.73582 ; "None" (Draenor)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (144.7786y)
[N] 10:33:24 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from 5341.681 ; 1388.217 ; 86.93371 ; "None" to 5323.891 ; 1478.123 ; 104.5936 ; "None" (Draenor)
[N] 10:33:26 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Draenor - -1388.217;86.93371;-5341.681 - -1478.123;104.5936;-5323.891
[N] 10:33:27 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Draenor - -1226.21;206.7061;-3247.157 - -1478.123;104.5936;-5323.891
[N] 10:33:29 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Draenor - -1207.319;205.3896;-3269.994 - -1478.123;104.5936;-5323.891
[N] 10:33:30 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Draenor - 175.2002;84.57963;-6788.809 - -1478.123;104.5936;-5323.891
[N] 10:33:32 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Draenor - 185.3421;86.4074;-6761.381 - -1478.123;104.5936;-5323.891
[N] 10:33:33 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Draenor - 117.6577;60.46835;-6970.404 - -1478.123;104.5936;-5323.891
[N] 10:33:35 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Draenor - 144.1772;92.94337;-6913.347 - -1478.123;104.5936;-5323.891

        if (wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection == null || wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection.Count <= 0)

        var me = new List<PathFinder.OffMeshConnection>
            new PathFinder.OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3>
                new Vector3(5329.017, 1475.776, 104.4991),
                new Vector3(5314.128, 1482.414, 98.59454)
            }, (int) wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.Draenor),
            new PathFinder.OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3>
                new Vector3(5314.128, 1482.414, 98.59454),
                new Vector3(5329.017, 1475.776, 104.4991)
            }, (int) wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.Draenor),




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15 hours ago, supersurfer said:

the path from northern stranglethorn to cape of stranglethorn is meshed but the character always falls from a cliff into the water and cant recover from that.


Map name MPQ: Azeroth

My Position: -13018.83, -379.7427, 27.22106, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-13018.83, -379.7427, 27.22106, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-13018.83" Y="-379.7427" Z="27.22106" Type="None" />



Map name MPQ: Azeroth

My Position: -13167.86, -302.9479, 14.99959, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-13167.86, -302.9479, 14.99959, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-13167.86" Y="-302.9479" Z="14.99959" Type="None" />


22 hours ago, supersurfer said:

to get to the flightmaster, he runs into the wall of the house


My Position: -14471.61, 458.2812, 30.58568, "None"
My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14471.61, 458.2812, 30.58568, "None")
My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14471.61" Y="458.2812" Z="30.58568" Type="None" />



new Vector3(-14481.17, 467.496, 31.52198)

Try to change settings (this settings fix falls problem, but this settings can add problems, don't forget to reset it):

wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.WallDistancePathFinder = 0.5f;
// wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.PathFinderPostionOffset = 1.5f;


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