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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, I don't edit this function, but server can do (and do it generally), and yes it is possible than he forget to pass all arguments.
  2. Hello, you need to use IsBehind like that: u.IsBehind(ObjectManager.Me.Position, ObjectManager.Me.Rotation); ObjectManager.Me.IsBehind(u.Position, u.Rotation); you can also use: MovementManager.IsFacing(Me.Position, Me.Rotation, u.Position, 2.20f)
  3. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  4. You cannot use quest type FollowPath to go to the zone?
  5. Hello, wait next update, try to change blacklisted zones to area type "POLYAREA_DANGER" (instead POLYAREA_BIGDANGER). If this does't works try to create road to the destination (with area type "POLYAREA_ROAD"). Why bot go to this zone, do you use quester product?
  6. https://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/vanilla-ashenvale-pathing-problems-again-r1173/
  7. Hello, before "if..." add code DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(tostring(spellName)) to get spells names
  8. Hello, In your profile add vendor, in advanced general settings activate option "Use only NPC of your current profile" (tab others)
  9. Hello, Use quest type InteractWith (and use lua code to buy item). Change product is complicated, use product "Schedule". But I recently added feature to buy items, if you just want buy item to resell it use it. (badly read) https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/9421-use-auction-in-quester-profile/
  10. In dev tool can you give me result of button "Nearest GameObject info" please
  11. Hello, in dev tools you have button to dump all objects, share list
  12. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ). In your profile you use flying path?
  13. yes wait after launch
  14. in relogger general settings try to increment launch time
  15. When you activate radar3d npc are blacklisted? you have log? Profile block thread for this quest (with loop)?
  16. Log is in "Logs" folder, but try to download another wow client
  17. Hello, your profile don't change search radius?
  18. internal void CombatRotation() { try { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.LockFrame(); if (Lua.LuaDoString<bool>(@"return (UnitIsTapped(""target"")) and (not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(""target""));")) { Fight.StopFight(); Lua.LuaDoString("ClearTarget();"); wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(400); } else if (Charge.KnownSpell && SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Charge") && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance >= 8 && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance <= 25) { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); Charge.Launch(); } else if (ShieldBash.KnownSpell && SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Shield Bash") && ObjectManager.Target.IsCast && ObjectManager.Me.GetPowerByPowerType(wManager.Wow.Enums.PowerType.Rage) >= 10) { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); ShieldBash.Launch(); } else if (Hamstring.KnownSpell && SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Hamstring") && ObjectManager.Target.Fleeing && ObjectManager.Me.GetPowerByPowerType(wManager.Wow.Enums.PowerType.Rage) >= 10) { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); Hamstring.Launch(); } else if (Overpower.KnownSpell && SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Overpower") && ObjectManager.Me.GetPowerByPowerType(wManager.Wow.Enums.PowerType.Rage) >= 5) { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); Overpower.Launch(); } else if (Execute.KnownSpell && SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Execute") && ObjectManager.Target.HealthPercent <= 20 && ObjectManager.Me.GetPowerByPowerType(wManager.Wow.Enums.PowerType.Rage) >= 15) { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); Execute.Launch(); } else if (Rend.KnownSpell && SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Rend") && ObjectManager.Me.GetPowerByPowerType(wManager.Wow.Enums.PowerType.Rage) >= 10 && !ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff("Rend")) { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); Rend.Launch(); } else if (HeroicStrike.KnownSpell && SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Heroic Strike") && ObjectManager.Me.GetPowerByPowerType(wManager.Wow.Enums.PowerType.Rage) >= 15) { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); HeroicStrike.Launch(); } else wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); } catch { wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.UnlockFrame(); } } try to lock frame, and try to call your method more often
  19. Try to use quest type "FollowPath"
  20. Hello, use position (hotspot) type "Flying"
  21. Hello, HashSet is useful when he has a lot of values, in vanilla and tbc is unlikely to happen (because list is completed during WRobot session) (and I use it in Wotlk and next versions, on high level character can have a lot of completed quests), and I think also that I use List in vanilla and tbc for the serialization.
  22. Hello, Can you share your log file please ( https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/ ).
  23. Hello, update your wrobot plugins
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