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  1. I'll definitely be steering clear of that. We're already botting, why risk with hacks also?
  2. Contributions to the community are always appreciate but never expected! No matter what anyone says. I uploaded profiles 3 almost 4 years ago and I still get thanked for them. Just depends if you want to spend the time uploading them.
  3. This is awesome! It took a second to find exactly where to place it inside the profile. I'm currently testing it in CoCo Chanels 1-60 grinding profiles. It appears to sell without problems. But it doesn't even try to find an innkeeper to buy food and water from. Not a huge deal cuz i'm a priest and regen almost just as fast without water. But still would be nice! EDIT: It might not even try because I already have water. I'll see later on today if it'll get to an innkeeper. Didn't even think about that.
  4. Recently got skinning on my priest. Made a quick grinder profile to begin leveling it. Noticed it will skin like 1/10 mobs if even that. But when I restart it, it will skin everything in range. Tried messing with every setting I know, i'm not new to making profiles myself and have never had any problems till now. I've only botted on Retail. I play on Elysium now with a group of friends. What can I do/change to make it skin everything I kill? EDIT: Also I guess there's a chance when skinning you'll get a "Failed Attempt" and the bot thinks that it has skinned it. Anything to adjust this as well? 30 Nov 2017 14H39.log.html
  5. Walking around draenor only takes like 2 hours maybe. Put the game in windowed mode and throw a movie on. You'll be done by the end of the movie. But there is no profile that just walks around draenor.
  6. Syinide


    You use your own common sense. This bot isn't detected by wow or anything related to blizzard. Just don't but all day every day and make your own profiles.
  7. If you're talking about updating the bot itself, you'll get an popup when you start the bot if there's a new update. No pop = no update needed. If you're talking about profiles, need to personally pm the maker of the profiles.
  8. The answer you're looking for is in this other thread. But to make it easy, no there is no profile. Yes it is possible.
  9. Lol this would literally takes months to make. Maybe even a year or two. Good god. Just making a single quest takes awhile. Especially with how complex the newer quests have been becoming.
  10. Definitely going to agree with Waldodamon on this one. Noxxic isn't good in any way shape or form. If you're super new to the class and want an instant reference for a way to play a character at it's weakest, that's where you start. But Icy Veins is where it's at for best of the best and up to date rotations stat weights etc. And i can throw one together maybe when i finish raiding tonight. Not totally sure though since i don't play my warrior ever.
  11. Make sure your gatherer settings are correct. Make sure all forms of gathering are turned on. Disable the "do nothing if player nearby" or just lower the radius for that. Turn your actual Search Radius for gathering up to 300+. 100 is the default is it's very small.
  12. I recently started using the party function and it was slightly confusing at first for me too. But the settings I used to get it up and running are pretty simple. In Product Settings make sure you have the person you want to follows name spelt correctly with all correct characters. Make sure fight class is proper for your class/spec. Then under General Settings>Advanced settings make sure all attacking settings are how you want them. I personally didn't have to change anything for that. But one thing i did notice with legion, a lot of the dungeons are large and you can mount up in them. If the person you're following mounts up you instantly stop following them. I honestly have no idea why.
  13. I personally bot on my main account. I don't have any secondary accounts with legion and I only have the basic subscription for a single accoount. If you bot, no matter how you do it, just need to be careful and only bot realistic times. Don't farm herbs for 15 hours a day every day.
  14. l personally just used the Beast Grind Pack on this site to get 2 of my 110's. Used Llothien for one and Felblaze Ingress for another. They take about a week give or take for 100-110. But i'd be all over a questing profile because that means rep!
  15. There's various profiles for achieving a lot of the goals. I know theres a treasure profile that Droidz himself made. I personally uploaded almost all the dailies. You just gotta search around and find the draenor stuff.
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