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About GTXMike

  • Birthday 04/28/1986

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    Southport, UK

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  1. Any chance of this being updated to support fully 4.3.4?
  2. Would be awesome if we could add in options beside fishing pole name other equipment like fishing hats and boots that will be equipped automatically when bot is ON and then swap to normal gear when bot is OFF.
  3. Well i will send you PM if I notice any problems, but I don't raid atm as i cant find any guild that does late raids, work is a pain :/
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Simple profile to gather ores from your garrison mine.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Simple profile to gather herbs from your garrison garden.
  6. Im botting on 2 accounts, everyday, AFK most of the time farming ores, grinding mats etc overnight then selling it on AH and transferring gold to my main account. The key is to make your own profiles, then test it for bugs, blockages etc and if 100% ok leave it AFK. Do not sell huge amounts of stuff at once at AH or you will be flagged and then banned. Do not run same profile over and over again to avoid being spotted by players. It's common sense really. Do not bot on your main account, never... ever. Rotation bot is fine though.
  7. I know your pain, very often bot is not attacking important mobs on raids and dungeons, for example in Hellfire Citadel the bot is not attacking canons at all and that's one example from many.
  8. I noticed the same, is because old farming profiles in WoD were made on foot / mount without flying. Now when patch 6.2.2 was released the profiles don't work correctly, toon is kinda flying really low or dragging mount on the ground and struggles to get into places and trees. I will try to make my own profile and see how it goes.
  9. What is it for Droidz? Why do i need these eggs :) What's the prize.
  10. Well if it would be me i wouldn't go back to old versions at all and only focus on a current version, made sure that everything works etc also content uploaded by users should be verified if working properly before people could download it as there is so much stuff in download area that simply doesn't work.
  11. I say NO. Why? Content we download should be designed for current version of the game, we gonna end up with profiles and plugins or other stuff that simply don't work which will only increase amount of topics with problems, bugs etc etc.
  12. Solved it was related to Windows/WoW not to WRobot! Unchecked in settings in WoW "Optimize network for speed" and problem was solved.
  13. ehm I dont have any issues with uploading stuff at all, it must be from your side mate ;)
  14. Dont forget that General Settings apply to other modules like Grinder etc :) So lets say you have a grinding profile for fur if you have Mining and Herbs ON it will collect that too.
  15. GTXMike

    Future of WRobot

    Im working now on a Holy Priest Fight Class that will fight along me and heal if necessary but agree with KnightRyder party bot must stay so i could set up my bots to follow my main char and help me fight.
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