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Everything posted by Runaro

  1. Why you mention me? The profiles ain't gonna be for free and the date for selling is still unknown.
  2. Indeed, creating a fail proof questing profile for legion, is really complicated to do. But the Argentum Tournament dailys isn't that complex and he really should look into the different existing pulse classes. ( it's possible to create all the argentum dailys, without a single RunCode )
  3. That sounds like me, at the beginning with WRobot. Once i started working with WRobot, i learned a lot from reading, talking to developers etc. I've looked into your profiles and you make them way too complicated, a lot of functions exist already and there's no need for RunCode. ( ofc. some "special" quests need RunCude ) But yes Indeed, the Quest Editor is horrible and that's why i have my personal one, which made a friend for me. I asked for a improved version of the quest editor, after my first day with WRobot, but nothing really changed since then.
  4. There's a remote function in the bot, can't it do the same?
  5. WowAPI not useable... "Normal" Dungeon reset not is possible.... What kind of bad scripted private server is that? ( you should really look for a better one, sounds like a terrible server )
  6. Are "old" profiles, without the 10 objective counts still gonna work, or do i have to add the other 5 objective counts to the profiles? ( even though they're not needed for the quest itself )
  7. Not sure, maybe like that? <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(38.23928f, 10.52102f, -4.297345f));" /> Or just add a FollowPath with a IsCompleteCondition <IsCompleteCondition>return (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-591.455, 4074.51, 93.8132)) &lt; 10);</IsCompleteCondition>
  8. Disable Flying Mount <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = false" /> Disable Ground Mount <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMount = false" />
  9. You just said, that you get the Quest ID "14076" from ingame, but why do you use "14092" in your profile?? Just try out again my profile and you'll see it works fine. ( just tested it again and it worked like it should be ) Silver Tournament - EDITED.xml
  10. Interesting... What game language do you use? Because, my edited version worked fine for me.. ( maybe your server, isn't using the default ID's? )
  11. To be honest, i don't think you'll finish such kind of profile as a beginner, within the next hours. ( invasion is getting removed in 20 hours ) But a good start, would be reading / watching all the guides in here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/7-tutorials-wrobot/ Ps. I recommend the videos from Eeny.
  12. This ain't gonna work without a properly working Profile and FightClass. You have to create a quest profile, with several pulse parts. ( every stage one pulse part, with a IsComplete condition, for the stage itself )
  13. I've edited your profile and it should work like that now. ( tested only on my own server ) Quest ID and Name was not correct and the TurnIn Part was missing. Silver Tournament - EDITED.xml
  14. Profile? FightClass? Logfile? Btw. Invasion is over in like 24 hours.
  15. Just tested it on retail and i can confirm it doesn't work. ( English client )
  16. I remember back in Vanilla and TBC, we got Gametime for downtimes.
  17. - People can't buy anything from blizzard. - They have to buy more nodes from different Network Providers and have to redirect traffic thru several networks. - Filter the whole traffic and block them via hardware firewalls.
  18. No one knows really, there can be several reasons... But the current attack is only for "do the most damage, before we get fucked!". The last 48hours blizzard lost over $100k, just because of the DDOS attack.
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