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Everything posted by eeny

  1. should be added Re-recording the pulse points or the step doesnt really improve the situation. after the long pause the bot Will go, eventually.
  2. Since the 'file encrypter' release of wrobot im seeing that when a bot hits a gather pulse, it will spend 30-120 seconds on path finding. Tried new install Tried removing mesh's from new install Each bot i run though- the second it hits a gather pulse- it sits still for a short wait... Anyone seen this / got ideas? 19 Aug 2017 19H09.log.html 1-6.xml
  3. this request has been brushed on time and time again... i still want it. I know and agree the quest profile path will solve the issue. However for 90% of people, they are only ever going to make a grind / gather profile as quests are too difficult... The ability to hard code vendors into gatherer / grinder profiles with a simple checkbox is well overdue,
  4. When a Wrobot bot dies- it releases its spirit back to the GY instantly. If a player is killing the bot, it looks suspect when you release within 0.5 seconds after death every time- would it be possible to add a 1-4 second random wait before releasing spirit into the base product. Im aware this can be achieved via plugin, however i believe is should be added to the wrobot base.
  5. Yep- the pets make them very economical grind classes. Both have a simple enough rotation and the pet's means the bot shouldnt need to eat / drink a lot. AOE farming: If you can get a mage fightclass to manage that, then go for it. i dont believe its a bot-able task.
  6. Lock is up there as well. advantages over hunter is - no Ammo requirements. I'm using Enh shamans / et paladins and priests to test my lvl'ing profiles as they can run with minimal downtime. If i had to make a bot to farm gold at lvl 60 i would roll lock or hunter.
  7. Yeah i still have wifi and a phone =P Win 10 (premium) home edition will allow the bots to continue while the PC is locked and unattended for hours upon hours. i use this as my main bot rig. My work laptop is a win7 enterprise and obviously has some configured registry keys which i cant change easily.. it will lock after 10 minutes and everything behind it stops in its tracks. on the Win7 work laptop i need a mouse jiggler so it doesnt lock and bots die.
  8. This depends on the pc in my experience. My bot rig will do it no problem, wrobot will continue to control the bots while locked. on my work laptop the bots will go afk and wrobot will stop while locked. Must be something with the win 7 enterprise install. I need to use a mouse jiggler to stop the laptop locking up.
  9. The selly email from purchase will have a download link
  10. Sumptuous fur and motes of harmony.. or farm raw gold
  11. i wrote a bearform profile.. maybe its in vanilla?
  12. which profile? Both should use Rip @3 combo points.. then stack for the next one. The c# will wait for 4 and use ferocious bite ( if the mob is still alive and rip is asctive).
  13. walkonbytest1.flv 14_Jul_2017_04H04.log.html aaaaaaaastest4droidz.xml
  14. im seeing questers acting a bit weird. not exactly the behavior described here. For KillAndLoot steps, I'm seeing the bot walks by every NPC.. i can re-write the steps, maybe re-write the profile and it may work... however if i look at the step- I'm just lost... i don't understand why its not attacking... its only attaching after its aggro'd something. aaaaaaaasgflih.xml 13 Jul 2017 19H15.log.html
  15. .. read some of the other posts from the last few hours
  16. [E] 08:46:01 - LoadTile(int x, int y)#1: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The data is invalid. at System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Unprotect(Byte[] encryptedData, Byte[] optionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope scope) at wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinderClass.Pather.LoadTile(Int32 x, Int32 y) Its expecting the file to be encrypted? and i recognise the profile loaded ( and its not encrypted yet) Maybe @Droidz needs to add a tick button " is encrypted file" instead of attempting to load all files as encrypted?
  17. I put a new version on sellfy a few hours ago- you can pull the new file from there.
  18. I have had an uptick since the last release of WRobot with people using my profiles reporting quest logic problems. Bot attempting to pick up quests its already completed etc. both free and paid. I dont see a change in the blizz side quest parameters (ID's, objectives, Etc) and i can never replicate the issue's as it seems randomly bot or install specific.
  19. eeny

    [TBC] Auto loot disabled

    any indication as to when>
  20. Exactly why I said this
  21. What profile did you use?? the XML or the .CS? The XML is the low level one, The C# profile is a high lvl feral druid (uses mangle / Omen / faerie fire)
  22. The only way i see this working would be with 2 installs of WoW? one for each region.
  23. Got sick of this - used up writing the fight class in c#. now it works a charm
  24. Check the runcode at the beginning of the profile you are using
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