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Everything posted by eeny

  1. Welcome to the world of quest profiles.. muhahahahah The quest beating them back is actually a clsss quest- check you the NPC thats hands the quest out- http://www.wowhead.com/npc=197/marshal-mcbride see there are 10 quests that are the same objective wise... just have different ID's based on what class picks them up... this particular zone is a Pain in the @ss because of this Now sine you have glypic letter handing into Khelden Bremen im going to assume you a mage.. if thats the case- change the quest ID of beating them back to 28757 and it should work. The human starting zone is a pain- once you hit goldshire it class independant. It may be worth grinding 1-6 in northshire, then hit some quests up in golshire. il test the profile just to make sure im correct about ^^ tho
  2. http://wrobot.eu/search/?type=forums_topic&q=Legion Search function: legion - second topic down =
  3. You know whats funny... i didnt know that until you said something like a week ago... I have been running everything through wowhead for almost a year now....
  4. Hah- they are so formal as you will see. just had a few people msg me how to make profiles so i figured t was easier to do this... also need practice in recording
  5. Still practising making videos - how to create a quest profile (Basic)
  6. Main Account botting is a big no-no for me. I have 4 botting accounts on different bnet accounts. All running Tanaan 10 hours a day in 2 hour chunks completely afk with relogger... 4-5 days a week for the last 4 months. I may get one person a week? asking me to grp up.. no-one msg's to ask if im a bot. As long as your not botting in big chunks and you use a smart/solid profile you should go un-noticed with Wrobot
  7. I think that is sometimes to do with search radius... sometimes less is more in that sense. I will often change mine down to 35-40 to avoid stuff like this in some quests
  8. My money is on the dks not having" attack target already in combat" enabled... would need a log tho..
  9. Got an NPC ID? i can add it to blacklist- as for quest profile creation
  10. Well, in the Wow interface when you queu for a BG.. you need to have ticked tank, dps or heals.. can you screenshot your selection?
  11. Would like to request two features which i think will help create safer and more effective quest / grinding profiles. These should enhance both retail and private profile creation. Farm-path- set a path for the bot to follow, and set a radius- any mob within the radius of the bot on the farm-path is to be targeted. Reason: mainly instance grinding- With kill+loot you need to set an NPC ID to farm- sometimes the bot will string NPC kills together and the bot end up a long way away from the path you intended. sometimes the bot wont find its way back to the path. With farm path the bot would only target NPC's close to the desired path and wont get lost while still getting majority of the targets you want. Kill+gather- Bridge the two profile types. A lot of the time when my bots are farming (mainly in Tanaan jungle) i see them walk by treasures. because i use grinder profiles i dont know of a way to program the bot to collect those while still killing mobs. Would happily re-write profiles if that meant i could get the bot to also interact with ingame object ID's as well as targeting and killing farmable NPC's. Thoughts?
  12. Can you think of a way to avoid the patrolling boss besides blacklist (which is done)
  13. Can take a look at Gun-drak- i know they did change the drop $$ from mobs in lowbie instances... will make a profile and see what i can pull in.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    this is a quest profile. Plant the bot outside the instance and let it go. there is a chance the first boss will aggro the bot so its not 100% AFK yet- more a work in progress.
  15. Sub par imo.. if you need Draenor ench mats it may be worth it. Stonecore is still up there for G/HR Working on a firelands profile which is 900/ hour which is nice
  16. So, i had a few drinks and decided that a quest profile creation tutorial was in order. Result: Chain Quests and Gathering Hope this helps...someone, might make a better one
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Quest profile. leave the bot outside the instance and leave it for a while. kills all 4 bosses + 90% of mobs. then runs out, resets and repeats- so load the reset instances pluggin. Prob best if your lvl 100 bot is Ilvl 680+
  18. Place your bets folks! If you bet Slagmines your a winner! I had previously looked into doing this instance as a gold farm but dismissed it in favour of stonecore. Reason was the lava bridge in the first room and the miners from the first boss that the bot seems to like to follow even after they change neutral. Well, knock yourself out... Eeny_Slagmines.xml Load as quester, place bot outside and it should run in, kill all 4 bosses and run out (killing a lot of trash too). it will then reset so get and load the resetinstances pluggin.
  19. Dungeon profiles will (almost) always be a quester. All the dungeon profiles currently up use questing as the framework. Its FAR FAR easier to control a bot through instances with Quest pulses and IsCompleteObjectives. You can bark for support and help all you want... if you dont tell people what you are actually trying to do, or give examples of the profile your working with, you are going to fall short. SO... what are you doing?
  20. Thanks for taking a look. Flight master is what is it.. at 58 my toons hacked through. I cleared out the disrupt the portals quest- i had them fail for me a few times as well and the chain stops after there for the bot so il cut that quest out. I did just add some zangar quests if you pull the new version.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    STILL IN QA MODE Work in progress need some people to do some QA. If you hit an issue let me know where / what.. dont just say "its broken" Need to be lvl 58 and take portal from Org to HFP. Profile starts once your inside the HFP portal and (from what i have seen) its all AFK from there. will take a few hours and i did trim some problem quests but its free EXP. Got some free time coming up so il add some more- want to get this one tested as a solid profile as a start.
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