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Everything posted by eeny

  1. hey Birdfree, With the withdrawal from "retail" wow, wrobot focused on private servers. When doing so it changed the licence / structure. Take a look at the store + license you hold and see what you are entitled to run.
  2. Version 10 uploaded today Pull the new file down from Sellfy.com Added more alt files, added 1-25 horde quest file to the package.
  3. This is not my fight class. Its a DLL file, all mine are CS files because i want people to edit / improve and feed back into them. This is Matenia's druid file. [F] 03:49:37 - [FightClass] Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Quickplaya\Desktop\lolwow\\FightClass\FeralDruidVanilla.dll
  4. Do you have the full logfile with the FC getting loaded?- that doesnt look like anything i have publicly released.
  5. I didnt think i implemented wrath on this FC- got a log?
  6. 21 Aug 2018 18H51.log.html That's a bot running from Southshore Inn back into Arathi. Dont know if your playing with the path server atm. Just now it runs to the small crack in the wall it cant run through, got stuck 2-3 times and made a new path through the big gap.
  7. Pulled down the latest file recently? should have ~ 40 alt files in there.
  8. Was working well last week. however this mesh issue has returned
  9. yeah was fixed a few hours ago. Working for me atm
  10. Version 1.0.0


    A free quest/grind file that i use for fresh gnome / dwarf bots 1-12. Like always it works best if you can send a lvl 5-7 green weapon to the bot, i want to add auto weapon buying at lvl 7 in the next few days. I have already added low level auto armor buying for gear dependant classes (Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, Hunter). Its not as fast lvl'ing as humans, however it should be AFK and zones a bit quieter... If you have any additions / ideas let me know and we can incorporate them.
  11. @Droidz its like the pathfinder server is responding, however it cannot do any complex movement, is generating a bunch of 0 yd movements and blacklisting everything. Resorting back to no pathfinder works,however that brings its own problems. This log starts with no pathfinding, then i turn it back on a few mins in. 20 Aug 2018 13H19.log.html
  12. Not really, its responding.. just really bad today
  13. thats not just my profile. the pathfinding server is down / wonky today
  14. eeny


    Im interested, the in-game tab should tell you kills / hour. Can you compare the wand / dot FC to the shadowbolt spam one and repost the kills / hour on each?
  15. eeny


    I personally cant see this going well... With the DoT + Wand rotation as it currently is, a bot with passable gear should be able to grind mobs the same level with no downtime. using spirit / life tap to never go Out of mana and need to drink. This fightclass will send you oom every other pull. warlock_by_Eeny_shadowbolt.cs
  16. Mesh report- Thortadins wall. The mesh between hillsbrad / Arathi highlands is non functional. Bot will sit in a crack in the wall instead of walking though and get stuck for ever.
  17. Hmmm, this is not implemented yet. I'll have a think about how i can add it and get you to test it.
  18. Each item line by line, it should be fairly quick. I'm not aware of a way to add all X to the list
  19. Options > enter advanced options> vendor and selling > do not sell list. Add the skinning knife to that. As for skinning, there are a few threads on configuration, if you have enabled skinning in basic options and it's not skinning, increase the latency settings in the advanced options.
  20. I cant think of any reason it would be going down there at that level- Try using the normal 12-60 file (the one without the runcode) and see if that does anything. If not send me a logfile from the session and il see if there is a rogue coordinate which is sending the bot off. You could also try one of the smaller alt fiels for a few levels and see if the moveto 1KN passes on the main one.
  21. I have never written something like that- Closest thing to that would be in the pally FC where is check debuffs for a specific poison name. Certainly not a clean solution. As i use the pally FC more and more I add dispells by creating a new IF statement and add the poison name. public Spell Cleanse = new Spell("Purify"); public void Cleansing() { if (Cleanse.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Poison")) { Thread.Sleep(2500); Cleanse.Launch(); } if (Cleanse.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Rabies")) { Thread.Sleep(2500); Cleanse.Launch(); } if (Cleanse.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Infected Bite")) { Thread.Sleep(2500); Cleanse.Launch(); } if (Cleanse.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Dark Sludge")) { Thread.Sleep(2500); Cleanse.Launch(); } }
  22. You are likely attempting to load a Quest profile in Grinder mode. Take a look at the file description from where you DL'd it. Copy the file from /profiles/grinder to /profile/quester and try load it in quest mode.
  23. The profile doesn't control how the bot interacts with vendors. This could just be a bad vendor, sometimes if a vendor has a chat option before the vendor window the bot can struggle, also if you have a bunch of stuff in the first bag on your do not sell list it can bug out. Maybe just blacklist the vendor (tools blacklist editor) and force the bot to go to another one and make sure the stuff in your do not sell list is out of your first bag. Or look at a plugin / addon that auto sells greys.
  24. https://wrobot.eu/files/category/163-fight-classes-vanilla/
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