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    eeny got a reaction from fragik for a file, AUTO-GEAR for Legion   
    AutoGear automatically rolls on and equips loot according to stat weights like WoWhead filters. AutoGear rolls "need" on upgrades and "greed" otherwise.
    Included in AutoGear are default stat weights for all specs of all classes. Us
    Stat weights work like the advanced filter on WoWhead. For example, if you specify that 1 point of strength is worth 1 point and 1 point of crit is worth 0.5 points, an item with 5 strength and 3 crit will be worth 6.5 points. That item might then replace an item in the same slot with 3 strength and 2 crit, worth 4 points. If the first item was presented in a loot roll, AutoGear would roll "need" and if you won the roll, it would equip the new item as soon as it could.
    The default stat weights may not be what you prefer. If you want to change them, stat weights for all classes and specs can be found in the "SetStatWeights()" function in "[wow]\Interface\AddOns\AutoGear\AutoGear.lua". Simply edit the numbers there, save the file, and type "/run ReloadUI()" to update. A GUI for setting stat weights would be nice, but the authors haven't been motivated to make one yet. Code patches are welcome. This includes improvements to AutoGear's current stat weights, which sometimes need updating due to WoW class balance changes.
    If you receive an upgrade mid-combat, AutoGear queues the upgrade to be equipped when combat ends. It used to equip weapon upgrades immediately because weapons could be changed in combat, but due to addons that automated weapon swaps in combat for DPS at maximum level, Blizzard now prevents addons from swapping weapons in combat automatically. You can still equip them manually earlier than AutoGear can if you notice you've received a weapon upgrade.
    Chat commands:
    /ag - options menu
    /ag scan - manually run automatic gearing once (scan all bags for better gear)
    /ag toggle/[enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle automatic gearing
    /ag quest [enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle quest handling
    /ag party [enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle automatic acceptance of party invitations
    Warning: AutoGear is not recommended for use at max level. Its weights are not optimal, nor are stat weights ideal for determining upgrades in end-game content. AutoGear is meant primarily as a convenience for leveling quickly. Using it at max level, especially in team PvE or PvP, is likely to get you kicked from various groups and guild
  2. Like
    eeny got a reaction from anarchia for a file, QuickQuest   
    This addon helps the bot quick up / hand in quests as well as interect / chat with NPC for quest objectives.  Automatically picks up and accepts quests from items as well as auto-completes pop up quest dialog.
    Must have for anyone using quest profiles for levelling.
  3. Like
    eeny got a reaction from necromander for a file, [H][Quester] WoD Undead start 1-20   
    Quest profile for Undead 1-20.  This profile was built for bots with no heirlooms and no guild  XP bonus's.  The quest rewards are geared towards leather wearers, everyone can use the XP tho =).
    no class quests.
    From 1 to level 8/9 is clean.  The bot will get stuck at lvl 8 ( approx 80 minutes in) when at the bulwark as the next quest is in Fairbreeze village in Eversong woods and sometimes it wont take the flight path( i need to fix this part).. until then keep an eye out.  Once your in Eversong woods it smooth sailing. to about 19-20 (approx 8 hours).  There are some phasing issues around Dethknell which are causing me some grief so you may need to babysit first hour or so, if the bot is trying to pick up a quest from thin air /reload and you should be moving again.  unfortunately not much i can do there.
    You need to enable selling white items otherwise the bot will just stop as it wont be able to pick up quest items.   I also advise getting additional bags asap as the constant running to town to sell can really mess up the exp rate. Put the search radius to 35/40 Allow attack target already in fight Do no Sell list
    Rotting Heart Spinal Dust Linen Cloth  Wool Cloth first 2 are actually important... second two are just for gold The bot may collect some quests that it wont attempt to complete...you need to abandon them manually at the end.
    I'm looking to start a new profile for 20-30, just need to find the time to do them... If you have anything constructive to add let me know and i will add it to the profile.

  4. Like
    eeny got a reaction from xeps for a file, [H] [Quest] 1-60 grinder   
    Eeny's Vanilla Levelling Pack Version 10
    Tested, reliable and stable WRobot Levelling profile pack for Horde on private servers.
    The Demo is a 1-6 quester - Valley of trials.  After which it will load the grinder.
    The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Horde grinding packs, along with 1-25 Quester for Orc / Troll and start zones for Tauren + Undead.
    The files are built Built on Elysium, lighthope and Northdale Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for levelling
    1-60 Main Grinder file paths:
    1-6 Valley of trials 
    6-12 Durotar. 
    12-26 Barrens, 
    26-32 Ashenvale. 
    32-41 Desolace. 
    41- 46 Feralas 
    46-51 Tanaris. 
    51-55 Un-goro 
    55-60 Silithus 
    1-25 Quester file path
    1-6 Valley of trials
    6-12 Durotar / Tirisfal Glades
    12-20 Barrens
    20-25 Barrens / STM / Ashenvale

    There is also the Alternate file section which contains over 100 files including support for Tauren + Undead start zones to make your bots levelling unique. Each level 1-60 has 3-5 different options for levelling

    The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target.  A Second main line grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  You are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.
    The new V10 file has runcode added.  Once your bot is finished with a zone the runcode will walk it to the next zone, talk to the flight master, set hearthstone and begin grinding in the new zone.  Will also purchase gear dependant on the class.
  5. Like
    eeny reacted to DrugsRSavage for a file, WOTLK Fury Warrior Rotation PvE   
    Couldn't find a good Fury warrior rotation anywhere, so i made a quick Efficient one.
    Uses battle stance, maintains rage pretty well usually never drops below 40-45 by end of rotation, which allows you go regenerate 70+ and repeats again
    Appreciate any feedback/Improvements you think it could have
    *Picture/screenshot of Talent tree that i run Included* 
    Rotation Order
    Berserker Rage
    Intercept (In case Charge on Cool-down)
    Sunder Armor (If Boss/Elite)
    Heroic Throw
    Thunder Clap (Reduce Enemy Attack Speed)
    Death Wish (Incase Berserker Rage ended)
    Cleave (if more than 2 Mobs)
    Shattering throw
    Victory Rush
    Retaliation (Incase your targeted for any reason)

  6. Like
    eeny reacted to colderpotato for a file, Westfall 13 - 17   
    This Part of the files is still being worked on current progress confirmed is level 17, but later steps using Flight path need be re-worked for vanilla wow.
    Set it to Keep:
    Goretusk Liver Goretusk Snout Stringy Vulture Meat Murloc Eye Okra Flasks of Oil Murloc Fin Hops  
  7. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Aminah for a file, [A + H][Quest] Firelands trash farm   
    this is a quest profile.
    Plant the bot outside the instance and let it go.
    there is a chance the first boss will aggro the bot so its not 100% AFK yet- more a work in progress.
  8. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Lamerihn for a file, [A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer   
    This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly.  As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time.
    The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however.
    Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar.
    Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. 
  9. Like
    eeny reacted to wow1 for a file, Autoequip Better Items   
    this is my Version of an autoequip Plugin.
    Better Items are choosen based on the pawn-stats from noxxic(7.1).
    This is the first release, problems and errors are to be expected.
    !!!WARNING: This plugins auto-accepts all BOE Confirmations.!!!
  10. Like
    eeny got a reaction from gh0stfac3 for a file, Legion Ret Paladin Solo/AFK   
    Throwing my profile onto the pile as some of the others don't have all the fun spells added.
    This profile is aimed at Solo / AFK, its not optimised for full DPS.
    Profile will keep all 3 blessings active.  At above 70% health will use Templar's verdict and below that Justicar's Vengeance.  Very little self healing until you get to below 50% health.
    If you have >2 hostiles around you it will use Divine storm, Rebuke on target cast and hammer of justice whenever its up.  Ret pally rotation's are very simple in legion, however my pally was an absolute wrecking ball with this profile.
    Talents are attached- 
  11. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Hapiguy for a file, [A + H] [Quest] (Advanced) Legion Stonehide grind pack   
    These profiles will need you to modify them to work well for your bot.  You need to look at the profile prior to loading it to see what it does.  If you want a simple grinder look at my other Beast Grind pack.
    For the rest...
    These are profiles that i use to keep my bots truly AFK while farming leather.  The profiles are built to allow the user to not have to log into the bots every day to clean them out.
    Each of these files are actually questers.  The profile will get the bot to farm 2500 STONEHIDE leather.  After which will use the Dalaran Hearth, use scavenged good(from boon) / scrolls / pages (for artifact power) ect... Then attempt to mail all whites / greens / epics, Vendor all greys then reload the profile to start again.  you will need your mail recipient to be on your bots "friends list" to avoid the mailing popup.
    The bot decides what it does depending on the amounf of stonehide leather it has in its bag.  less than 2500 it will farm, More than 2500 it will hearth and to go dalaran.
    To make the bot vendor i use wrobot run codes to modify the min bag space to go to town.  You may need to change this value depending on the bags you have.  You may also need to change the stonehide collect value depending on the bags you have!
    you need to define a mail recipient for these profiles or they wont work!!!  < holy shit im not kidding here...
    I have put the following runcode default for all profiles
    /console maxfps 20
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Selling = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGray = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellWhite = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGreen = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellBlue = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellPurple = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseMail = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGray = false;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailWhite = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGreen = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailBlue = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailPurple = true;
    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FlightMasterTaxiUse = true;
    modify as you see fit.
    I hope you have a mail recipient that can Disenchant Legion greens... If not set up a CoD deal for legion greens with an enchanter on your server so some easy gold
    any (smart) enhancement requests welcome as always.
  12. Like
    eeny got a reaction from gh0stfac3 for a file, [A + H] [Quest] Raptor leather grind   
    Raptor Grinding north Azsuna
    This is a quester that will grind raptors in north west Aszuna to skin up to 2500 stonehides, hearth to Dalaran, sell then go back to farming
    TO GET THIS TO WORK YOU NEED TO DEFINE A MAIL RECIPIENT IN WROBOT SETTINGS.  Otherwise  the bot will fill up on leather and wont work.
    you can pull up to 10 mobs at once here so make sure youe bot is geared and ready.  

    i would expect half the people here wont ever get this to work- for those who do- enjoy!
    Attached screen shot from 834 Ilvl Blood DK farm stats ~~ 800 leather / hour

  13. Like
    eeny got a reaction from diego for a file, Legion Elemental Shaman   
    First release Ele shaman.
    In true Blizz form they feel very under powered and i would definitely lean on the Enhancement side for botting- anyway talents are attached in picture
    Feedback is needed
  14. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Hapiguy for a file, Legion Ret Paladin Solo/AFK   
    Throwing my profile onto the pile as some of the others don't have all the fun spells added.
    This profile is aimed at Solo / AFK, its not optimised for full DPS.
    Profile will keep all 3 blessings active.  At above 70% health will use Templar's verdict and below that Justicar's Vengeance.  Very little self healing until you get to below 50% health.
    If you have >2 hostiles around you it will use Divine storm, Rebuke on target cast and hammer of justice whenever its up.  Ret pally rotation's are very simple in legion, however my pally was an absolute wrecking ball with this profile.
    Talents are attached- 
  15. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Svennebanan for a file, [A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer   
    This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly.  As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time.
    The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however.
    Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar.
    Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. 
  16. Like
    eeny got a reaction from juckbox for a file, [A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer   
    This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly.  As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time.
    The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however.
    Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar.
    Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. 
  17. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Wicks for a file, [A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer   
    This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly.  As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time.
    The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however.
    Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar.
    Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. 
  18. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Hapiguy for a file, [A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer   
    This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly.  As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time.
    The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however.
    Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar.
    Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. 
  19. Like
    eeny got a reaction from da8ball for a file, [A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer   
    This loop is highlighted in a lot of the profession guides as a way to lvl herbalism and mining quickly.  As a result it can get BUSY so use the profile in a quiet time.
    The bot can sometimes run off into Val' Sharah to chase nodes- i dont see any issues there however.
    Loop is the screenshot- obviously you need to be 109-100 to run around in Suramar.
    Bot can sometimes get a bit slower when you are full of mana crystals... il think of a way to spend them somehow. 
  20. Like
    eeny reacted to TNRakkGamer for a file, [FREE] Highmountain Quester Alliance (Unfinished)   
    Hello all. I have decided to go ahead and share what I have for my Highmountain quester. This will get you through the first 80 steps in Zygors addon (about 30% of the zone)
    The first step is picking up 'The Rivermane Tribe' so you will have needed to chose Highmountain and taken the quest to fly there, after you land, you should be good to hit start.
    There are a few portions of this profile that may need some babysitting (kicking fish into the water for instance) When kicking fish I could not find a way to make him aim at the river so I punted a few into rocks and whatnot but I feel this is kind of inline with what a noob may do, so maybe its NBD...
    There are some portions that I just could not figure out on my first run through. The 'Spray And Prey' quest I never got working properly so you may wanna pause and coax the bot there...
    Everything else seemed to go pretty good until the VERY end, when you have to go speak to the Spiritwalker and do the scenario when you control the Tauren.
              I have added all the quest in this scenario, as well as the NPC that gives/receives it
              I did not know how to get to this to work @ all. Does it require a new FightClass?
              So, I am starting a new profile now that will be step 81 onward until I hit what I feel is another good stopping point then I will share that profile here too
              If anyone who knows a little bit more about the bot than I do after a week... would like to give it a shot and perhaps try to fix the "Spray and Prey" and "Huln's War" quest I think this will be a pretty solid start to a Highmountain Profile.
  21. Like
    eeny reacted to zirotto for a file, Val'shara - Mine & Herb route   
    I've just made this profile, I've tested in and haven't run into any problems.
    By the way I love this program to make profiles. Kids can do the laundry. And it even goes to nodes/herbs I haven't actually walked to while making the profile, because I thought it would be too difficult to get to.
    I don't have any /hr data or anything, you're welcome to test it yourself. If you find it gets stuck somewhere, please tell so I can change it.
    ~Share and create guys.
    version 1.0.0 requires you to be 110 and it runs into some areas it shouldn't I'm going to update this later to prevent it from going into those areas.
  22. Like
    eeny reacted to poacherlock for a file, [Dungeon] Vortex Pinnacle.xml   
    This one goes for the Vortex Pinacle(Uldum) Altairus mount. Need to be on platform outside of the instance. This one isn't using Loot-A-Rang or anything like that. It needs to clear all the mobs up to the Grand Vizier in order to establish the path to him. Skipping them makes the bot run off the platform.
    Also the bot is intended for lvl 110 so that the gusts on the bridge miss you and you can walk past them.
    Bot based on the Stonecore(Deepholme) farmer for the Slabhide mount by bugreporter.
  23. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Sophie_ for a file, Legion Ret Paladin Solo/AFK   
    Throwing my profile onto the pile as some of the others don't have all the fun spells added.
    This profile is aimed at Solo / AFK, its not optimised for full DPS.
    Profile will keep all 3 blessings active.  At above 70% health will use Templar's verdict and below that Justicar's Vengeance.  Very little self healing until you get to below 50% health.
    If you have >2 hostiles around you it will use Divine storm, Rebuke on target cast and hammer of justice whenever its up.  Ret pally rotation's are very simple in legion, however my pally was an absolute wrecking ball with this profile.
    Talents are attached- 
  24. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Bronson for a file, [H] [Quest] 92-94 Horde Gorgrond   
    Horde profile for Gorgrond quests.
    Hasn't gone through full QA just yet so until further notice keep an eye on the profile.
    Starts with Durotan on the gorgrond / frostfire border.  its 99% AFK, the only issue is the base selection about 15 minutes into the profile which you will have to do manually at this time.  it should pop up with a messagebox.  CHOOSE THE LUMBERYARD!
    I didn't script the final quest "strike while the iron is hot" so i think you end up with 3/4 chapters completed, you can do that manually if you wish.
    Added a filler on the end so once its done all the quests it will go do a grind until you stop it.
  25. Like
    eeny got a reaction from Jechtshot for a file, Legion Elemental Shaman   
    First release Ele shaman.
    In true Blizz form they feel very under powered and i would definitely lean on the Enhancement side for botting- anyway talents are attached in picture
    Feedback is needed
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