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Everything posted by Dreamful

  1. yes they will work for Vanilla, TBC and WotLK.
  2. Like @ScripterQQ already mentioned, best and unique way would be Automaton. But if you want you can try @nudl's or mine 1-80 Profile.
  3. This thread might be a bit old, but found a warden packet dump from warmane's servers, they just ban over 'string.find' and API calls, if they found a specific string in our chat like PQR or EWT and then warden flags you. Maybe intressting for people, https://paste2.org/wDYINatW Source: https://bit.ly/2ItvVnj
  4. Hey Yokusun, Ja das geht. Du brauchst leglich eine Fightclass (CombatRoutine).
  5. You can achive this with Relogger, Run mutiple task
  6. Maybe you should buy wRobot first before you complain here. Idiot.
  7. You cant, relogger does it by himself. Why would you even do that, thats a huge security issue.
  8. Depends on the Classic server if or how they ban. Private servers dont have actually a real warden or detection system like Blizzard, but Warmane as example has found a method, you never know. But most of all private servers are banning on reports or a GM watching you. in my opinion botting is actually fun, even if you getting bannend.
  9. Their is a Emulator Project based on 3.3.5, maybe that suits your needs, not sure tho. You can add Bots and queue for a dungeon and stuff. https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-emulator-servers/wow-emu-general-releases/560737-single-player-project-tc-r2.html
  10. Ascension is a heavy custom server, they have their own launcher and a new compiled WoW.exe, what i am trying to say, Bot wont work because the offsets are differently from the normal 3.3.5a.
  11. Muss an dir Liegen, und nicht am Bot selber. Es könnte alles sein, jemand loggt sich in dein Account ein, Unstabile Verbindung WLAN z.B. Du kannst den Relogger benutzen für das problem. Den findest du im WRobot Ordner.
  12. i am not sure but does the latency option under General settings also effect the reaction time ? Maybe you can try it and turn it down, just a guess
  13. Huge Improvement for botting behaivour, looks way less botty. Thanks for that!
  14. i am not sure, but thats a grind spot in my profile with a few raptors and spiders their.
  15. Thats a issue from wrobot, the meshes are fucked at this place, wrobot thinks their is a valid path so he wants to go trough that gate. Are you level 25 or over level 25 ? i did make a custom path to goto wetlands, but only if your character is level 21 or level 22, if this is not the case he wants to jump directly to the Wetlands 25-30 Hotspot. You have 2 options here, 1. Blacklist the Area where the Gate is so he generates a new path 2. Move your character manually to wetlands and it should be good. Option 2 is probaly the easier choose.
  16. You are not using my Profile, in your log its declared you using " [D] 20:52:09 - [Grinder] Profile used: [A] 1-60 Human [Kick] 403a+ - Noobs.xml " Uploaded wrong log ? Keep in mind you need to load my Profile as Quester.
  17. You only getting banend from Reports or if a GameMaster watching you. They see how you behave and then its pretty clear and ban you. They is no AntiCheat that detects wRobot like Warden on retail.
  18. You cant, thats the reason, Gatherer Mode is to basic for this. The alternative is maybe to write a plugin.
  19. Hey sainttobi, Hast du vielleicht schonmal das Plugin versucht?
  20. First of, dont use Gatherer for that, that will never work. You need more logic, Use Quester, BetterSister described it pretty good how to do it.
  21. After clearing cache it worked, thanks
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