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Everything posted by Dreamful

  1. Probaly because eeny does a check via the Kill Boss scenario, that list with all Bosses in the Dungeon and uses them as "is complete condition", that does not exist in WOTLK
  2. You can try to close WRobot, remove folder "WRobot\Data\Meshes" and relaunch WRobot. The problem is mentioned here before,
  3. Dreamful

    Update Buggy

    Works for me, paths are now correctly generated.
  4. Dreamful

    Update Buggy

    Can confirm WotLK Version has the issue too, 10 Jul 2017 16H46.log.html
  5. @Droidz WotLK Version is affected to, 10 Jul 2017 16H46.log.html
  6. He always prefer items with higher Armor value, can i change that? a Paladin with Mp5 and Int items are not so great
  7. Yea Download section is a pretty mess, you can find nothing if you want to. In my opinion we should release all profiles in the Forum, with sub categories in the specefic Expansion. like on pirox forum if anyone remebers back in the day. its easylier to maintain and you can see updates alot quicker, at the moment so many bullshit profiles and fightclasses are in the upload section just because you are allowed to just upload without even description and stuff. Wrath of the Lich king -- General -- Support -- Profiles --- 1 - 60 --- 60 - 70 --- 70 - 80 --- Gatherer --- Reputation and so on...
  8. if i remember right, their is actually a CastSpellByName() condition in wRobot. otherwise, http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_CastSpellByName Example CastSpellByName("Frostbolt");
  9. Never. Start making your profiles on yourself. damn, this Community is getting worse for day to day.
  10. Grab your profile enter the MOB ID from the Rare Pet, make a Patrol(Grind Profile) where he spawns and then you can do a Fight Class specified for this, only Taming spell.
  11. Did you try /Framestack hover on this Crystal and run a "/click" on this specific frame? if this option even exist in Legion, i actually dont know, but should be still in.
  12. i can report, it works now again. what was the issue, your Google API key?
  13. This Error causing Google Maps, more specific the Google API that is using in this Checkout. Their is something wrong with the API key from @Droidz.
  14. in Quester you can run RunLuaCode and over /framestack to find the frame. Then with RunLuaCode, /click Frame a delay /click Frame not sure if this works, but should be.
  15. You can find an option under General Settings -> Pathfinding. Change the 1,00 to 2,00, that should fix this.
  16. Start the profile with Quester.
  17. Thats because the Bot goes to the Next vendor that is in your NPC Database. Delete your NPCDB.xml and if you have it on, uncheck "Automatically Add NPC to Database".
  18. The Profil Creator dosent know what food the User uses sure, but the Bot trys to Buy from a Vendor that dosent even sell food/drinks as you can see above on BetterSisters. The Problem with this NPCDB System is, Vendors like this on First post on Bettersister and Innkeepers are in the DB the same. Inkeepers always have the food/drinks with every Levelrange. You can prioritize Innkeepers over normal Vendors, that would fix the issue, or like i mention before, just use the Vendors that are in the Profile added. You get the problem that we have with this System?
  19. Dreamful


    You have a WebDebugger open like Fiddler? had this issue couple days ago. But in General its a Routing Problem, maybe a Smartdns, VPN or something.
  20. You can realize this with a simple Fightclass, its easy.
  21. So just a resume, if i share a Profile and i want the Bot should just use my vendors in the Profile, then i need to tell the Users that using my Profile to delete first the NPCDB.xml otherwise they have problems if they keep their NPCDB. How is this Userfriendly in case of Usability ? Wouldnt be not a better solution if he just use the Vendors their are specified in the Profile? Sure, the concept of the NPCDB would be useless then, but in my opinion its way better the Profile Creator chooses the Vendors, Repair, Mailbox NPC, otherwise we have this Problem what we actually have. Nothing really changes here with this Update. I dont want to be rude here, just to make wRobot more Userfriendly.
  22. Thanks for that quick Update, but how is this resolving our issue? We need still to delete/clear our NPC Database first, to use only our Specific Vendors. Or i am missing a point?
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