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Posts posted by Dreamful

  1. Thats the point mentioned couple days ago, the problem is here the NPC DB. The Whole concept of this NPC DB is a bit stupid, the Bot dosent know if we can Buy Food & Drinks and that "XXX" Vendor, it should be reworked.

    If you level, this Bot is really useless if it comes to buy Drinks & Food on a Vendor.


    Droidz should be make a Option if we want use the NPC DB or not, and just use the Vendors thats be added in the Profile. Otherwise recoding the NPC DB and add values, so the bot knows i cant buy food at a Repair Vendor lol.



  2. 41 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    Profiles and fightclasses for WRobot for officiel Wow servers (Wow legion at this time) can be download only by WRobot users (need active subscription).

    Profiles and fightclasses for WRobot for Wow private servers can be download by normal members (I cannot block access because users need fightclasses and profiles to test if WRobot works on his wow server).

    Then make please a new Subforum under Community/Privates/Profile Releases or something
    as you can see, many paid users post their stuff just in this section.

    20 minutes ago, hugojiayiwang said:

    so where are u update ?


  3. 23 minutes ago, Runaro said:

    Delete the Data\NpcDB.xml and disable the function for automatic adding vendors.

    Problem solved.

    Thanks for the answer, but thats a unclean & shady solution for this problem, because you want maybe to use the NPC DB on your other bots, and dont do that step every time if you switch bots.

    if i just uncheck via RunCode the two Checkboxes und set the NPC Search Value on 0, would this work? even with a filled NPC DB? (Cant test atm, on work)

    Maybe you can add a new function for this?
    If CheckBoxDontUseNPCDB = Active then Use Only Vendors from Profile. Because you have already a logic for this on "Automatically add NPCs to database from loaded profiles"

  4. Hello,

    I have a Quester (Grinder) Profile, and i added vendors in it. The Bot should only use this vendors their are listed in the Profile.

    The Problem:
    The Bot goes to Vendors from the NPC DB, and then i have the problem he goes to a vendor that not even sells food.

    How can i force my Vendors that i added in my Quester Profile and not goes to the Vendors that are listed in the NPC DB?

    greets, Dreamful

  5. On 16.3.2016 at 7:32 PM, Droidz said:


    No feature for it.

    But, with quester profile you can force it.

    Add step type runcode with this c# code:

    wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FoodName = "New food name";

    for water use:

    wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DrinkName = "New water name";


    is this planed to be a feature? or to write a plugin for it? would be awesome.


    greets, Dreamful

  6. 28 minutes ago, LunaAlfie said:


    Thank you very much. That helped me making a 30k dps frost dk rotation, but then again i`m only low geared, so i could even be better.. Maybe you have the time and willingness to look over it? :)

    Oh and the last thing: WRotation is still not working -> At least not when i attack Training Dummies.. Is there any information anywhere about that?

    Their is a Option/Checkbox in General Settings "Ignore Training Dummys". Uncheck this, maybe that causes your issue. 

  7. 16 hours ago, Sven said:

    Fehler ist behoben, beim Battle.net update hat sich wohl irgendein fehler eingeschlichen das es den bot verweigerte

    sich ins spiel einzuklinken.

    Nachdem ich die Battle.net  Reperaturanwendung benutzt hatte ging alles wieder wie gewohnt.

    Komisch noch nie gehabt. Naja, gut das du es selber gelöst hast, viel spaß mit dem Bot!

  8. @Runaro How no life can you be, google a person and flame his work.

    i am working for big fashion company and make a education in IT-Specialist(application development) (Frontend & Backend) i am in my second year now and i tell you what.. all companys do the same.

    Why would you write sites from scratch if you have CSS Foundation, Bootstrap and stuff nowadays.
    Even big sites use CSS Foundation as example, because of the Responsive Grid or e-commerce shop systems like OXID. 

    Do you really think big companys write this all from scratch?
    if you gonna act like that, write your own bot, and bot with it. its pretty much the same.

    Stop being rude, to people that want to help, thats not how a community evolves you dumbass.

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