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File Comments posted by Marsbar


       370    14
    26 minutes ago, kronoswarrior said:

    Still not working it seems, just spams ghost wolf until oom

    Sorry I've not really touched this in ages, I'll try to improve it and update.


       90    3
    3 minutes ago, Mike-Mail said:

    no like say something sells for a mount of gold (15k) gold on ah and everyone si trying to farm that item theres gonna be PvP, so make it fly up to the point where you are at to avoid pvp and goes down every few mins to check the item then flys up.

    Ah I see what you mean, I'll add it to the things I may add.


       90    3
    14 minutes ago, Mike-Mail said:

    You should add go to vender every 5 - 10 mins so if someone is camping it you wont die because lack of death.

    Sorry I'm not sure what you mean. Go to the the vendor every so often inbetween doing some grinding? 


       441    6
    15 hours ago, EnergyOne said:

    Awesome plugin, works as intended. 

    Only issue so far is the death screenshot feature. It sends the first screenshot every time instead of a new one. Odd but clearing out the screenshot folder may of resolved.


    I've not experienced that yet, I'll make a change in the way it picks the file from the folder in the next version, thanks for the report.


       370    14
    4 hours ago, SlayerSmalls said:

    I can add that it goes ghost wolf moves a few steps goes out, then recasts. sometimes even a 3rd time but then will move normal. Only thing i've noticed that makes it unusable is it will not go out of ghost wolf when wrobot needs to complete a task. Like turn in a quest or talk to a vendor. and so the quest profile just tries to skip that quest or black list that vendor.

    @eeny had the same issue and actually did an update to the plugin that I was going to test (but forgot). I've just uploaded his update.

  1. Cool, I have a question though...

    In your ClearBlackListForLockPickingLeveling() function you do wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklist(); and wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession();

    Is that required, doesn't that potentially clear the blacklist of legitimate things? Does wManager.wManagerSetting.ClearBlacklistOfCurrentProductSession(); not suffice?

  2. 2 hours ago, Karnijj said:

    would it be possible to stop the "i cant attack that target" spam that is generated by targetting a non-hostile target? it seems that even while vendoring or when i simply target myself, the combat rotation is being spammed and it would be a nice luxury to eliminate that from the loop. 

    I think <spellname>.IsSpellUsable can be used as a condition if not you could always add ObjectManager.Target.IsAttackable

  3. Looking good so far! I'm also doing a c# WL fightclass atm - i recommend adding this;

    The Drain soul talent will keep needs for regen low. At the moment yours will not cast it if the soul shard count is 3 or higher when you optimally always want to cast drain soul and then remove the unneeded soul shards.



       370    14
    12 hours ago, SupraN said:

    Tried it, didn't work.

    Just kept going in and out of ghost wolf until no mana left, and at some rare occasion it did ghost wolf and later started moving it didn't go out of ghost  wolf when finding mob to attack.

    Thanks for the feedback, could you give me a little more info on what your bot was doing? When it was spamming ghost wolf, did you have a DoT on you by chance? (this could make you "enter combat" so to speak). In the log it should also say either "Going Ghosty" or "Leaving Ghosty", when that spamming was happening was it showing both or just "Going Ghosty"?

    Also, could your fightclass be interfering?

    You're welcome to try my fightclass (its a work in progess).


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