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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. Looks like to me that relogger doesn't support russian language at some level
  2. Just hit enter and put next id there.
  3. Upto Droidz but he didn't want to try adding authenticator when i asked for this so i doubt he'd add this either
  4. Add 1min wait with close wow between all tasks. This way it works for me. I don't know about plugins
    Sometimes hard to stay alive but changing things in bot settings fixes them all
  5. I'll look into the problem. First i will release this profile then think about others. I will first try to do as zygor says but sure i could try making it capable of doing lore master for the zone. I'm thinking about 10eur/copy but I'm also interested at selling whole profile lets say for 150eur to 1 person who then can do whatever they want with it is it then resell or keep to himself
  6. nope reinstalling didn't help. It still doesn't complete the step when it gets enough close Followpath "force start at first" is too strict it will walk to the first step and never start following path because it think it's too far from the step but it isn't For some reason followpath tried to make its own path after a while (seems like it tried to use pathfinder instead which will fail because there isn't correct path which is the reason in the first place i'm trying to make custom way. Weird indeed)
  7. i tried without it earlier but didn't make any difference. I'm gonna try reinstalling bot maybe it'll fix the issues
  8. During working on my horde demon hunter starting zone profile (which by the way is really fking pain the ass to create. DO NOT try this at home! ) i noticed that using distance check for "is complete" steps no longer works. I got a report from my Azsuna test profile that there distance checks are now broken too so there is something really wrong somewhere. Distance checking works great but bot doesn't complete a step when distance is less than 50 according to the info it receives from distance checks so i created this video showing what is going on. Bot is acting completely illogically on this part https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxrnR7sFxoj9WEFELTltOEtBeUk i used this little code to see what the bot thinks about the distance: Logging.WriteDebug("distance: " + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(1447.65f, 1770.856f, 54.51763f))); quest code (i use kill and loot for testing purposes because followpath wasn't working even this much): <EasyQuest> <Name>Hidden No More13</Name> <QuestId> <int>39495</int> </QuestId> <QuestType>KillAndLoot</QuestType> <QuestClass xsi:type="KillAndLootEasyQuestClass"> <HotSpots> <Vector3 X="1100.528" Y="1620.743" Z="116.656" /> <Vector3 X="1091.552" Y="1640.747" Z="115.0775" /> <Vector3 X="1092.174" Y="1654.269" Z="109.2042" /> <Vector3 X="1088.735" Y="1671.889" Z="101.4236" /> <Vector3 X="1082.226" Y="1685.834" Z="101.2409" /> <Vector3 X="1095.92" Y="1704.567" Z="101.9729" /> <Vector3 X="1106.52" Y="1721.61" Z="93.69124" /> <Vector3 X="1130.942" Y="1724.905" Z="92.89597" /> <Vector3 X="1149.026" Y="1722.438" Z="89.10638" /> <Vector3 X="1148.516" Y="1695.355" Z="84.86292" /> <Vector3 X="1156.769" Y="1682.401" Z="84.90855" /> <Vector3 X="1178.449" Y="1676.708" Z="87.99439" /> <Vector3 X="1198.478" Y="1673.477" Z="92.53726" /> <Vector3 X="1213.214" Y="1661.612" Z="97.11703" /> <Vector3 X="1236.595" Y="1643.082" Z="101.2722" /> <Vector3 X="1255.529" Y="1642.125" Z="101.1316" /> <Vector3 X="1287.228" Y="1658.117" Z="88.99093" /> <Vector3 X="1308.789" Y="1668.994" Z="77.89098" /> <Vector3 X="1335.541" Y="1677.313" Z="68.15903" /> <Vector3 X="1364.5" Y="1683.943" Z="60.74865" /> <Vector3 X="1387.942" Y="1697.364" Z="56.72633" /> <Vector3 X="1407.323" Y="1721.413" Z="55.13052" /> <Vector3 X="1420.221" Y="1741.104" Z="54.32224" /> <Vector3 X="1429.084" Y="1755.129" Z="54.48961" /> <Vector3 X="1458.38" Y="1766.452" Z="54.43839" /> </HotSpots> <EntryTarget /> <IsGrinderNotQuest>false</IsGrinderNotQuest> </QuestClass> <ObjectiveCount1>0</ObjectiveCount1> <ObjectiveCount2>0</ObjectiveCount2> <ObjectiveCount3>0</ObjectiveCount3> <ObjectiveCount4>0</ObjectiveCount4> <ObjectiveCount5>0</ObjectiveCount5> <ObjectiveCount6>0</ObjectiveCount6> <ObjectiveCount7>0</ObjectiveCount7> <ObjectiveCount8>0</ObjectiveCount8> <ObjectiveCount9>0</ObjectiveCount9> <ObjectiveCount10>0</ObjectiveCount10> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount1>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount1> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount2>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount2> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount3>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount3> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount4>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount4> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount5>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount5> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount6>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount6> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount7>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount7> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount8>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount8> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount9>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount9> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount10>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount10> <CanCondition /> <IsCompleteCondition>return Quest.HasQuest(39495) &amp;&amp; ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(1447.65f, 1770.856f, 54.51763f)) &lt; 50;</IsCompleteCondition> <RepeatableQuest>false</RepeatableQuest> <NotRequiredInQuestLog>false</NotRequiredInQuestLog> <PickUpQuestOnItem>false</PickUpQuestOnItem> <PickUpQuestOnItemID>0</PickUpQuestOnItemID> <Comment /> <GossipOptionRewardItem>1</GossipOptionRewardItem> <RequiredQuest>0</RequiredQuest> <MaxLevel>999</MaxLevel> <MinLevel>0</MinLevel> <WoWClass>None</WoWClass> </EasyQuest> </EasyQuests> Any ideas what i'm doing wrong or is it bot fault?
  9. BetterSister

    no have key

    Changed Status to Not a Bug Changed Version to All
  10. BetterSister

    no have key

  11. It would be great addition for developers if we could tell for how long the bot will blacklist nodes/monsters/ other objects if it fails reaching them for some reason Currently Nodes during gather quest are blacklisted for 60 secs. This is too long for some quests especially on Legion area Also currently monsters are permanently(?) blacklisted untill they respawn. Due to ingame events this will cause huge problems with killing quest monters due to blacklisting
  12. i had same issue.. it is caused by players nearby collecting same item OR the object is blacklisted. Automatically blacklisted objects are blacklisted for 60 secs. Walking around in stealth is safe since no one will see you so no big panic about that :)
  13. use this plugin: Or at WoW you can go interface -> mouse -> click to move -> disable
  14. good example is my azsuna quester profile. Not a single quest without anything custom :D because it's not doable othewise on Legion
  15. do you have mammoth as primary ground mount?
  16. you need to add vendors into your profile
  17. Version PREVIEW


    Preview of my work on Azsuna profile. Contains total of 49 steps Paid version of full profile to come up for sale soon... You must have finished quest "Into The Fray" or it won't startup. Also please note that if you don't have enough good fight class you won't be able to use this profile without permanently stuck on dieing. If you can survive this profile without 5+ deaths you're ready for Legion quester profiles. I died ONCE on my 100 lvl feral and 2 times on my 100 lvl fire mage (both fight classes available at downloads) Last not but least you must have installed https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/quickquest NOTE THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER BEING DEVELOPED. WHO EVER WANTS CAN BEGIN THEIR OWN PROJECT USING THIS AS BASE
  18. you can't but set regen to start from 1% hp/mana so it is basicly same as disabled
  19. you lost connection to our servers. Either your internet connection cut or our servers restarted
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