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Everything posted by dida1990

  1. Look for the name of the Debuff you get. As spell condition of "Will of the Forsaken" you set "Buff". In the Buff-condition you write into the first field the name of the Debuff you get and the Drop-Down-Menu you set to true. Remember: If you have learned the skill just yet, during WRobot was active or even injected, you have to restart WRobot, so he recognize the skill. I hope, i could help :) Edit: You can change this all easy in the FightClassEditor :)
  2. You can go to wowhead.com, search for the node/vein you want to collect and edit your .xml file just like this scheme. <GatherEntry> <int>232542</int> <int>232541</int> <int>232544</int> </GatherEntry> replaces <GatherEntry /> For example 232542 is a Blackrock Deposit as seen in the URL of http://www.wowhead.com/object=232542/blackrock-deposit
  3. Do you have Skype? I can assist you :) Send it to me per PM :)
  4. Voted for 25-30eur It's alot of work. Houndreds of quests and a lot of time. Should be rewarded.
  5. I am currently creating a quest profile with Easy Quest Editor. I want to end my current quest at a postion with the "Is complete condition". How do i do it?
  6. The questing profile is not finished yet. Give him some time :)
  7. I had problems with Vargus, too. After I relaunched WRobot, it worked.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Taking place in Nagrand and farming Adamntite Ore. Flying Mount is required
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Taking place in Penfire Insula and Farming Fel Iron Ore. Flying Mount is required
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Taking place in Un'goro crater and farming Thorium Ore.
  11. Not perfect but it works for me, so thank you :)
  12. Its happens when the my char is already below the ore. The bot flies straight into it. Dismount and is surfing down the wall. Is there any chance to tell the bot a waypoint above the orb so he can land safely?
  13. Still the same problem. but it just happens sometimes, so i guess it's an ore-specific problem.
  14. I do and test it. Thanks for your answer as always :)
  15. This has to do 100% with the relogger. Today I relogged my account and WRobot in the style the Relogger does about 20 times per account and nothing changed, everything is working fine. So I tried out the Relogger again and after 5-7 relogs my GeneralSetting-Accoutname was gone again. Did you find anything?
  16. Wrong button for attaching log >.< 16 Apr 2016 06H40.log.html
  17. When you are on your flying mount the Bot sometimes does not land on the mining vein and gliding a bit downhill, tries to farm there and says it is (obviously) to far away. Afterwards the vein is on the blacklist for a while. I'm loosing a good 10-20% ores due to this. It says farming succesful in my attached log (7:47) but it was not succesful Can you do something about this or should I fly higher? :D If you want my farming-routine, just pm me, I am testing it out atm. Greetings
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Hi guys, I made a mining-rotation from 175-230. The route takes place in Tanaris. The mobs are between lvl 42 and 50, so be prepared. If you are feeling not well equipped or are not above lvl 55, turn indoor nodes of. If you have indoor nodes on, please ignore the up-and-down-running if you are mining a hive, just WRobot run (it takes about 10min for the hive in the West). [Or turn it off, if you are annoyed] Ores: - Iron - Gold - Silver - Truesilver - Mithril - Thorium I leveled my mining skills up from 183-230 with just one run (Gadgetzan to Gadgetzan) and it just took 1 hour. Please report any bugs and enjoy.
  19. Server are actually down at my realm, i will give feedback tomorrow
  20. Thank you :) I test it and give feedback :)
  21. I looks like it's adding its defaults everytime i press X I wrote BackwardStart ; I press X and open it up again ForwardStart ; Jump ; Wait(300) ; ForwardStop BackwardStart ; Wait(200) ; BackwardStop StrafeRightStart ; Wait(500) ; StrafeRightStop StrafeLeftStart ; ForwardStart ; Wait(500) ; ForwardStop ; StrafeLeftStop BackwardStart ; next time ForwardStart ; Jump ; Wait(300) ; ForwardStop BackwardStart ; Wait(200) ; BackwardStop StrafeRightStart ; Wait(500) ; StrafeRightStop StrafeLeftStart ; ForwardStart ; Wait(500) ; ForwardStop ; StrafeLeftStop ForwardStart ; Jump ; Wait(300) ; ForwardStop BackwardStart ; Wait(200) ; BackwardStop StrafeRightStart ; Wait(500) ; StrafeRightStop StrafeLeftStart ; ForwardStart ; Wait(500) ; ForwardStop ; StrafeLeftStop BackwardStart ;
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