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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. If it's low level, make a new account, they are free to make on all servers anyway. ?
  2. I had planned to release yesterday, but IRL things got in the way.
  3. Under advanced settings Target dummies are probably disabled.
  4. I believe I've seen a list of offsets on owned core. I am at work atm. But i will check when i get home. ?
  5. That part has nothing to do with the fightclass. I recommend that you set eating/drinking % to 50 Why it's actually not using it. I have no clue. Sounds like your install is bugged somehow.
  6. Don't worry guys, he will get around to you. He answers questions where he has a quick answer first. Things like this takes a lot of time and testing.
  7. I know that @Bambo's grinders are very well done. Makes no sense, resurrect does not have any kind of impact on the fightclass. What server are you on? The newest version of the fightclass lol =P
  8. A lot of time has been put into it, so it will not be free. Right now the framework works for vanilla. However i will update it so it works for other expansions too. ?
  9. I know that Archangelo used to make questers, but i think it was taken down. Try @Enraged
  10. Hey Luckystrike. Well it really depends on how the server behave on banning. If you end up getting banned, AND they decide to IP ban you. Then you need to replace the IP's. However, on all the servers I've been banned on, for some reason they have never IP banned me. It's obviously not as safe to reuse an ip if you get banned. ?
  11. I am pretty sure there is some questing profile. I remember buying one at some point. ?
  12. There are plenty of active creators. No i don't. I mean i do, but i don't do custom jobs. It's not worth the time in any way. ?
  13. You can not just rename the file lol =P It has be recompiled and done by Droidz.
  14. There is a condition for not casting while casting. ? Think it's called "IsCast"
  15. I wonder, just for lols what will happen if you rename your wrobot.exe ? Probably Droidz that has to recompile the exe for that btw. ?
  16. Does your fightclass or WRadar use lua? The reason i am asking is because they might be sniffing lua, that's what warmane did last time
  17. Can you write down what parts of wrobot you were using? Quester? Fightclass? etc? ?
  18. Alright, something is giving away you are using wrobot that is for sure, now the question is what. ?
  19. using wand is a bit tricky especially on Vanilla, don't know what version you are coding for. But a nice "google hack" is to google site:wrobot.eu Wand vanilla This is just an example you can replace "Wand Vanilla" with everything. ? I know there is a guide in there by Droidz on how to use wands. ?
  20. https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/7-tutorials-wrobot/ Look through this, a lot of nice help to get here. ?
  21. In the fightclass editor, make a new spell after your healing spell. Where you normally write spell name you write: TargetLastTarget(); and then scroll down in the settings to Is C# code. and obviously set that to true. ?
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