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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. This does not work anymore. Gives error "DevelopmentTools" does not exist
  2. Is there any way that 2 different wrobot programs can speak together? Like if i set a variable in one wrobot profile or fightclass or whatever, can i then read it from another profile/plugin/fightclass ? Or do i have to use the chat?
  3. Hey Geno. That has nothing to do with my fightclass. ? it's Matenia you have to contact for this. My guess is that you are using crossbow. I have already reported to him that HMP does not equip arrows for Crossbows.
  4. Even in the comment section where you wrote this, there is an answer for your question. ? Copy Paste: I'd wish you people would use my support channel, linked at the top. It's because you are not pressing "Enter". The error you see there is unrelated. It's a false positive. It's basically saying that the code i wrote to check cooldown on spells is not working. However if it did not work, no spells would be cast. When you write the food name, you need to press "Enter" not escape or close the menu. ? If this does NOT work for you, please don't hesitate to write in the forums at:
  5. If it works with HTTPS, then use that. However, HTTP proxy only supports http. ?
  6. Awesome, it's because i want to make a plugin that loads into my fightclass, but also works without my fightclass. ?
  7. Personally i am using ProxyCap, so i can't help you. But perhaps Libanise can see what is going on. ?
  8. I am using proxiesforyou. I had some issues at first, but it lasted a few hours and then i haven't had any issues at all. Take the second cheapest one. It has all you need.
  9. Hey all I have only made fightclasses and a few profiles. What loads first? Plugins or fightclasses? Is there any way to change this?
  10. Hehe, nono i already have 5 fightclasses. This is not my fulltime job, far from. I have a normal work besides making fightclasses. ?
  11. Converting to c# will not do anything. If that doesn't work, then you have to do what Matenia said. Rewrite your fightclass in C#, there are plenty of guides out there, and then don't do a "IsSpellUsable" check on your spell in C#. There are way more advanced ways to do the "IsSpellUsable" on Vanilla, then the implemented WRobot way. You will have to research yourself for that. ?
  12. As i said, i will look into it. I have a lot on my plate atm. But i will get around to it when i can.
  13. It keeps up Lifebloom on tanks, reason it doesn't keep up reju, is because it will destroy your mana pool. ?
  14. Ordush

    Integrated Shop

    That makes sense, but does it differ to your selling of licenses? I think i understand now, can't you make the payment go directly to the uploader, and then collect a % from the uploader from the end of the month? That is what Sellfy does. So if i sell for 100Euros in 1 month, then you bill me 2% of 100 or whatever you want your take to be. That way you don't have to pay anyone anything, but you will only withdraw from people? ? Cela a du sens, mais cela diffère-t-il de votre vente de licences? Je pense que je comprends maintenant, ne pouvez-vous pas faire le paiement aller directement à l'uploader, puis collecter un% de l'uploader de la fin du mois? C'est ce que fait Sellfy. Donc, si je vends 100Euros en 1 mois, alors vous me facturez 2% de 100 ou tout ce que vous voulez que votre prise soit. De cette façon, vous n'avez rien à payer à personne, mais vous vous retirez seulement des gens? ?
  15. In your fightclass editor set CheckIfKnowSpell to false
  16. Ordush

    Integrated Shop

    Je ne suis pas sûr que quelqu'un ait déjà suggéré cela, mais ce serait une addition formidable, d'intégrer la boutique dans wrobot, où les programmeurs peuvent télécharger leurs produits, et les gens peuvent obtenir du contenu gratuit / payant via cette boutique. De cette façon, les gens n'avaient pas besoin d'utiliser des sites comme Sellfy, etc. Mais vous pouviez saisir ces 2% ou tout ce que les sites prennent pour héberger des fichiers. Il serait également lutter contre les escrocs et la propagation des logiciels payants. En français si cela a plus de sens. ?
  17. Ordush

    Integrated Shop

    Hey Droidz! I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this before, but it would be an awesome addition, to get integrated shop into wrobot, where programmers can upload their stuff, and people can get free/paid content through that shop. This way people did not have to use sites like Sellfy etc. But you could grab those 2% or whatever the sites take for hosting files.. It would also fight scammers and spread of paid software. ? -Ordush
  18. Hey mate, i am not sure, at least i know that it doesn't have the aoe spell. ? I am working on Vanilla atm. ?
  19. First i tried on Windows 7 did not work, then i rebooted into windows 10, did not work there either. Same error on both OS. It works fine, when i install it and run the updater the first time, but if i try to update again after that, then i get the error. And ofc. i closed WRobot before updating. ?
  20. Works like charm now. Ran it while at work, no issues on win 10 now! But a new issue is now showing up. When i try to update the bot from an already updated version i get an error 15:06:07 - error: System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName) at UpdateManager.UpdateManager.Inoerueruawu() If i make a fresh install and update, there is no problems, but if i try to update again, this error comes. I have no antivirus, and i have tried turning off firewall. Same issue. This error is both on Win 10 and Win 7
  21. You can always shift click the food into the chat and remove the brackets, then copy paste, however I will update as soon as I can
  22. Unfortunately i don't know. I've only tested today.
  23. No i used to use windows 7, but then people reported crashes on win10, so i tried on my win10 installation and i have the same issues as everyone else. https://discord.gg/C374wf First we thought it was HumanMaster, but it appeared that it was also happening on fresh install (I did fresh install).
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