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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Your in-game macro is not using UseItemByName, it's taking what you have in container slot 0,1. This means it will only try to feed your pet with whatever is in that slot. You can do the same with your bot with the following Code: if GetPetHappiness() < 3 then CastSpellByName("Feed Pet") PickupContainerItem(0,1) end This will make the bot feed the pet with whatever you have in slot 0,1 in your bags (like your macro) if the pet is not happy. :) Edit: For the first code snippet to work, you could make a foreach loop and check every slot in your bag for itemname. :)
  2. RunMacroText Was also first added in TBC ;)
  3. It's because UseItemByName function wasn't added till TBC. :)
  4. I personally don't have any , but you'd just make either a list or an array, then do a for loop. :)
  5. Note that TBC doesn't have the property (IsInterruptible), so you have to either use kick on everything that is cast or you have to manually add all spells you want to interrupt. :)
  6. Check out earlier questions about the same. Or check Discord. :)
  7. Hi Tenduo, i resent out the version 2.0.0 because i found out that it was indeed not bugged. Have you read the FAQ? Have you been on the discord? The fightclass is working perfectly fine, so if you are having issues, then it's because of something on your side. What language is your wow client? Have you tried making a fresh WRobot install into a new folder and load it from there?
  8. Ah cool. @Droidz The most important thing for me was just to know whether or not it was trying to cast while casting. (UnitCastingInfo("player") == nil) :)
  9. Hey all i've begun rewritting my fightclases to C#. I am using IsSpellUsable which is all nice and good. I've looked in the dll, which is obviously obfusticated. I can't seem to find heads and toe on what IsSpellUsable does? I know that it checks if you have cooldown on spell, and i'm guessing that it checks if target is in line of sight. Does it also check if you are already casting something? Because i for some spells like frost bolt etc. you don't want to wait with casting till you are not casting, due to the lag making you able to cast faster if you spam the button. :) Also what about launch? CastSpellByName ?
  10. Well, not exactly. :) Some of it is looped, if it needs to be. Where others aren't. :)
  11. Hmm, i guess i could do that to compare the content with the spell id with a foreach, but that would mean i'd have to assign a rank to all id's which is the same problem as before :/
  12. Hehe, that's what i wrote above. Also easy local name, rank = GetSpellInfo("spellID") The thing is, i'm a pretty advanced Lua programmer, but the IsSpellKnown is function is what is tricking me. I could make it myself and manually add every spellid, then compare the given rank by ID with rank from GetSpellInfo. This will take ages, which is why i'm trying to find out how Blizz did it. :)
  13. Awesome mate, so it checks the spellbook if it has a spell with given spellid. But this is in C#. Is there any way to do this in Lua? (My druid is not made in CS): =/ I know it can be done in Lua, because blizzard themselves implemented it in WOTLK with the IsSpellKnown Function Which is the one i'm trying to get. :)
  14. Here is EXACTLY what i want to do using my old PQR shadow priest (WOTLK) example. :) -- Prayer of Fortitude local POFortitude = false local POFMat = false -- Rank 4 if IsSpellKnown(48162) then POFortitude = 48162 POFMat = "DevoutCandles" -- Rank 3 elseif IsSpellKnown(25392) then POFortitude = 25392 POFMat = "SacredCandles" -- Rank 2 elseif IsSpellKnown(21564) then POFortitude = 21564 POFMat = "SacredCandles" -- Rank 1 elseif IsSpellKnown(21562) then POFortitude = 21562 POFMat = "HolyCandles" end So i want to check if the player has a spell in a certain rank by ID As you can see here: If the player doesn't have Prayer of Fortitude at all, it will make POFortitude false If the player does have Prayer of Fortitude rank 2 it will make POFortitude that rank Then later when i tell it to cast spell by ID (I cast by ID to make it multi-lang). It will check the bag if it has mat based on POFMat >5 (So it only casts prayer if it has more than 5 mats).
  15. I want to input spell id, then i want it to return true if the player has that spell and nil if the player doesn't. If you do GetSpellInfo("AnyID") it will always just post the info in that table no matter if you know the spell or not. If you do GetSpellInfo(GetSpellInfo("AnyID")) then IF you know the spell (no matter what rank you have) it will post the table for the highest rank of the spell that spell in your spellbook. (Because you basicly search for name instead of ID). What is to check SpellID if player has that spell WITH the rank that follows with the ID then return true else return nil, even if it has the Spell but in a lower rank. Hope it makes sense. :) So in short, not the max rank the player has, that's easy just do GetSpellInfo(GetSpellInfo("AnyID")) I want to check for the rank that comes with the ID.
  16. @Matenia I figured why this method doesn't work well. It sure does work cross language, but you won't be able to rank check with this. If you have rank 1 of an ability, it will never do nil no matter what ID you use, be it rank 1 or rank 5 of a spell. Reason this has a consequence: Say i want it to buy mats for buffs. Then i won't be able to specify what mats to buy based on what rank is available. I could go the long way and check what rank the player has as max (which this will always post if it's not nil). Then set to nil if the known rank (google) for a spell does not mach the rank of the players spell. However, it would be a lot easier if i had the wow api function from wotlk+. So if anyone knows a way to get the functions from the wow api. (the whole code) please let me know. :)
  17. LOL I just realized i posted in the wrong forum hahaha nevermind lol The method he posted obviously works fine, he is just using list instead of array. My question was simply if i could use array when checking for buffs. His answer lead me to the short answer which is no. And the long answer is: Yes if you do a foreach and check every buff 1 buff at a time. Sorry Icesythe lol
  18. what wow api would that be? If you are talking about IsSpellKnown then i can't. Since that is not in TBC. Or are you talking about some other function in the wow api?
  19. LOL Doh... Why did i not think of that? Thank you mate! much appreciated! <3
  20. Yeah, and that takes me nowhere, when i want to make my fightclase multi-language. :) My point was exactly that i wanted to use ID instead of name, so that example french players don't have to use English client. :) try and check id 1234, just an example. :) But thank you for the tip mate! :)
  21. Yeah, but the problem is that you can do GetSpellInfo and get the info on a spell even if you don't know the spell.
  22. Hey yall Anyone knows if there is a link to the global lua api for any wow versions? A document where all the global functions are in. i.e. The game has the function UnitRace() or the function IsSpellKnown Reason i want to find this is because i want to add some of these functions added to the gamer after 2.4.3 into my fight class. I have already added some of those that i could figure out how were made like: print, UnitBuffName, cdRemains, IsSpellUsable etc. But i can not for the life of me guess what the code is for IsSpellKnown. I need to have this function in order to be able to use spell id's instead of spell names (thereby making it possible to make my fightclass multi-language supported). Does the WRobot api have a way to determine spell by ID instead of name? Would be easy if i only needed to be level 70 spells. But if i want to make it available for leveling, i'd need a way to check if a spell is known. Example: public Spell SerpentSting = new Spell("Serpent Sting"); If i wanted to add this as a spell ID then i could do this in Lua: SerpentSting = "false" if SpellIsKnown(27016) then -- Rank 10 SerpentSting = 27016 elseif SpellIsKnown(25295) then -- Rank 9 SerpentSting = 25295 end if not SerpentSting == "false" then CastSpellByName (GetSpellInfo(SerpentSting) end With this i can define spellname id based on what rank you have available. :)
  23. Please check out my FAQ on Discord. If it doesn't help you with your problems, then please post in the support channel. https://discord.gg/9jvgqgS Welcome to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Here you will find the answers to most of your questions. If your issue is not in this list, feel free to seek help in the support channel that fits the fightclass you're using. [Q] = Questions [A] = Answer [Q]: The xml file is only containing 1 line of code, is this a scam? [A]: No, this is not a scam. All my fightclasses are encrypted, WRobot reads the encryption key then it loads all my code. [Q]: WRobot crashes every so often with your fightclass fix? [A]: This is because you have turned logging on. In WRobot click 'Log' then turn off 'Fight'. [Q]: My interface is messed up and i am getting errors. What do i do? [A] The first time you load the fightclass, it has to make the settings file. So if you get errors, write /run ReloadUI() to fix the errors. (This is a first time laod only) [Q]: I have loaded the file, but nothing happens in-game (no interface).? [A]: This can be because of a few reasons: 1)Your game client is not English 2)Your WRobot is only trial version If it's not any of these two then get help in the support.
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