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Everything posted by Zan

  1. That can work randomly if the interrupt is not on global cool down. From my experience humans normally interrupt towards the end. That's the PVP'er in me. But that is your opinion and i respect it.
  2. Value is in milliseconds so 1 second would be 1000. Also it should be less than or equal to. This will interrupt it towards the end of the cast. I use 1000 when it's off global cool down. Otherwise I use 1500 or 1250 if it's not. Also add the spell condition referring to is casting and interruptable. That way you don't waste an interrupt. I'm sorry if I don't remember the exact name of the conditions. I'm not able to access WoW at this very moment to bring it up :)
  3. You could do a Cast time left and choose something like less than 1000 ms. It'll interrupt right before the end of their cast.
  4. You have: new SpellState("Ice Lance", 6, context => FrostmagePvESettings.CurrentSetting.IceLance && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(44544) >= 2, false, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, wManager.Wow.Helpers.FightClassCreator.YesNoAuto.Auto, "", "none", true, true, false), Try: new SpellState("Ice Lance", 6, context => FrostmagePvESettings.CurrentSetting.IceLance && ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack("Fingers of Frost") >= 2, false, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, wManager.Wow.Helpers.FightClassCreator.YesNoAuto.Auto, "", "none", true, true, false), With >= 2 in the last statement you're telling the bot to ONLY cast it when Fingers of Frost's Stack is at 2 or more. Therefore when it casts Ice Lance it will go to 1 stack of Fingers of Frost and wait until it has 2 stacks to cast again. You could also try ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Fingers of Frost") instead of ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack("Fingers of Frost") >= 2. Doing this will cast Ice Lance whenever you have the Fingers of Frost buff. You have: new SpellState("Flurry", 5, context => FrostmagePvESettings.CurrentSetting.Flurry && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(190447) >= 1, false, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, wManager.Wow.Helpers.FightClassCreator.YesNoAuto.Auto, "", "none", true, true, false), Try: new SpellState("Flurry", 5, context => FrostmagePvESettings.CurrentSetting.Flurry && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Brain Freeze") && SpellManager.IsSpellOverlayed("Flurry"), false, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, wManager.Wow.Helpers.FightClassCreator.YesNoAuto.Auto, "", "none", true, true, false), IsSpellOverlayed refers to when a spell has a proc and lights up the spell on your action bar.
  5. Did you try using ("Spell Name") instead of (Spell Id)? I used the Spell name method for both and SpellManager.IsSpellOverlayed("Flurry"). With ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(44544) >= 2 It will only cast it when it's at 2 stacks. It won't cast it twice in a row. Just one cast.
  6. Is it not casting either of them? or just Flurry and not Ice Lance? I've been working on a Frost Mage PVE at the moment. I don't feel it's ready for release yet though.
  7. it's in the drop down list: Buff Time Left Target
  8. On the Fight Class editor you can use one of the last 2 options on the drop down list.
  9. Version 1.0.3


    I feel this rotation is good enough for a release at this time. I will update it if I find errors, things that need to be tweaked out better, or if I find time to add more spells. If you find problems let me know and I’ll get to them when I can. Interrupts and can be toggled on or off and is set to interrupt right before the end of cast. Rebuke is the main interrupt and Hammer of Justice will be used if Justicar’s Vengeance (Talent) is not selected. The profile will use Crusader Strike and Blade of Justice to build Holy Power. It will not cast Blade of Justice if it only needs 1 more Holy Power to hit 5. Once it hits 5 Holy Power it will go through a very optimized rotation for max DPS according to the Talents in my screenshot. Other spells implemented are Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, and Holy Wrath. Zeal and Crusade can also be used but they are only replacement spells. There are several spells to use for survivability and set to act when your health % drops below a certain level. These spells are fully adjustable by you. There are various settings that can be modified for your gameplay. I suggest you pay attention to the descriptions of them all. You have a decent amount of choices. Enjoy the rotation and let me know of any problems. – Zan P.S. After it builds up to 5 holy power it will then use Verdict.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    I feel this rotation is good enough for a release at this time. I will update it if I find errors, things that need to be tweaked out better, or if I find time to add more spells. If you find problems let me know and I’ll get to them when I can. Fear is used as an Interrupt and can be toggled on or off and is set to interrupt right before the end of cast. There are several spells to use for survivability and set to act when your health % drops below a certain level. These are fully adjustable by you. At this time the spells implemented are the Talents shown and Grimoire of Service, Grimoire of Sacrifice, and Channel Demonfire. Grimoire of Service and Grimoire of Supremacy need to be toggled on. At the moment they are not being recognized as known spells. If you change your pet under Settings you will need to Dismiss your current pet and the correct pet will be summoned. Havoc is not being used at this time. There are various settings that can be modified for your gameplay. I suggest you pay attention to the descriptions of them all. You have a decent amount of choices. I have uploaded the stock profile which uses English LUA and there is the alternative Non LUA profile if the stock one doesn’t work for you. Enjoy the rotation and let me know of any problems. – Zan
  11. Condition for XXX, Is Spell Usable = YYY, True
  12. Zan

    Item Count is not working

    !ItemsManager.HasItemById(5512) does work for my .cs file. Thanks Sister!
  13. Zan

    Item Count is not working

    Okay this is odd. If it's XML it creates the item once and done. If I convert it to C# it casts it even if it's in the bag. 13 Aug 2016 07H32.log.html
  14. Try my rough draft I have. I still need to add a few things like AOE. But you can see how my Metamorphosis is setup. Zan's - Havoc Demon Hunter v1.0.0.xml
  15. The settings can be changed to your game play. All settings can be modified under Settings. Shadow Mend can be at what % you set it at. If you want Shadow Mend at 70% just change the number from 30 to 70 :) I gave the players the option to modify settings mainly for different survival situation. In Tanaan some mobs are harder and you may want to raise survival abilities higher.
  16. wManager.Wow.Helpers.ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(uint) Not recognizing amount in Bag. For example I am using ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(5512) == 0 as a condition for Create Healthstone (Warlock) to only use the spell while Healthstone is not in my bags. It will keep casting "Create Healthstone" even while there is one in my bag.
  17. What are you looking to do with the condition? I'll be posting my Destro Lock one very soon and I don't use it as a condition at all. I'm working on one for Havoc at the moment and Metamorphosis is working. It'll be a few days for that one. I want to tweak it out as much as I can.
  18. If I get some extra time I'll look into Disc. I've been working on a Ret Pally and Destro lock lately. It takes me at least a few days to get them to where I'm happy with releasing them. I saw there was a Disc Rota up but I haven't tried it yet. Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it!
  19. You place it in the FightClass folder as you normally would an xml file.
  20. Version 1.0.3


    I feel this rotation is good enough for a release at this time. I will update it if I find errors or things that need to be tweaked out better. If you find problems let me know and I’ll get to them when I can. Interrupts can be toggled on or off and are set to interrupt right before the end of cast. The interrupts used are Silence and Psychic Scream. There are several spells to use for survivability and set to act when your health % drops below a certain level. Mind Blast, Void Bolt, and several other spells will interrupt Mind Flay to be cast. At this time Mind Sear is not interrupted. Most Talents are passive on Priest and the ones I have NOT implemented in the profile are Mind Bomb, Shadow Crash, and Mind Spike. Using my default Settings and Talents posted, it will use Power Infusion and Mindbender/Shadowfiend when we enter Voidform. By picking Legacy of the Void with Power Infusion, Insanity usually goes above 70 in Voidform which keeps the Priest in Voidform longer. Suggestions: use Tier 1 Talent Shadow Word: Void for quick kills and Fortress of the Mind for harder kills. There are various settings that can be modified for your gameplay. In the settings I suggest you pay attention to the descriptions of them all. You have a decent amount of choices. Enjoy the rotation and let me know of any problems. – Zan Note: Stock File is English LUA Version.
  21. I was actually referring to being able to add a value to the Settings Window that pops up instead of only having the option of True and False in the drop down box. Sorry. I should've clarified it further.
  22. How would I go about giving the Settings a Value instead of True or False? I understand with C# it requires an int to do that. I'm just not sure how to implement it in the profile. Any help is appreciated.
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