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WRobot user
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Everything posted by Zan

  1. number = 5; i=1; for bag = 0,4,1 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot); if name and string.find(name,"Soul Shard") then if i > number then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot); DeleteCursorItem(); end; end; i=i+1; end; end;
  2. Yes it's only for private servers.
  3. If you can't afford €6.66 / mo then you need to find another hobby.
  4. If you're using a 4K monitor, change the resolution to 1080.
  5. Here is the quick and easy explanation: .xml is using the WRobot Quest or Fight Class editor .cs is written in c# .dll is usually a compilation of several .cs files into one and can also use obfuscation to protect their code written in the file so it cannot be changed. I write .cs and .dll for my questing files to be used in Profiles -> Custom Profile folder in WRobot For .xml Questing you place it in the Profiles -> Quester folder or Gatherer or Fisherbot or Battlegrounder. Depending on what it's used for. For Fight Classes you can place all 3 types into the FightClass folder.
  6. "The Absent Minded Prospector" and change all questid to questname to avoid confusion.
  7. 1 session for 1 yr at 22.99 euro
  8. https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_CastSpellByName
  9. Read the upper left under WRobot please.
  10. He said it will not happen several times. It's better that way than getting a cease and desist and shutting down all versions on WRobot.
  11. I'm amazed at the amount of people who can't read the upper left corner or the home page.
  12. Which WoW version are you playing?
  13. https://wrobot.eu/articles/news/the-begining-of-the-end-of-wrobot-for-official-servers-r124/
  14. Delete bindlocation; ", " You need it to be return hearth;"
  15. I'm trying to point out where you need to put return at.
  16. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/5764-hearthstone-for-multi-language/?page=0#comment-26212
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