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WRobot user
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Everything posted by wlhr

  1. trial is only for privat server
  2. haben diese converter je wirklich funktioniert?
  3. Be more critical in the future. 5 stars for a profile must be the best 4 is very good but not perfect 3 is just fine, occasionally stucks etc. 2 the profile is buggy 1 the profile sucks
  4. wlhr


    gibt glaub eine für privatserver
  5. man könnte sagen zum glück nicht^^ man will ja nicht blizzards aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen
  6. naja ob das profil gescheit funktioniert^^ siehst ja, der fliegt auf dem boden rum, also wird er es wohl nicht unterstützen bzw. die vektoren sind zu weit voneiander entfernt
  7. Achso, das war mir nicht bekannt. Unterstützen diese Profile denn Fliegen? Das ist halt erstmal entscheidend ob die überhaupt dafür ausgelegt sind.
  8. good and free and 100-110 in one sentence :D
  9. Musst dein Profil richtig erstellen, das sollte das Problem beheben.
  10. the old rule applies; if they want to fuck you they just do it.
  11. botted with 5 or 6 accounts on elysium but i think vanilla wow sucks :O legion is much better or to say it simple: a different game.
  12. exactly. blizzard has something like a schedule with their bans and IT IS time.
  13. Level characters from 1 to lvl 100? there are some free grinding profiles for that, but grinding will take a lot of time as you know. quest profiles are not free. Farm between zones? yes There's some king of relogger? yes Run dungeons over and over then go to mail and send items? yes How safe is compared to hb or other bots, has any kind of tripwire protection? compared to other bots it was more safe in the past but no one can tell you what the future looks like And what would you say is the most common reason some people are getting banned with this bot? yes, stupidity and player reports. And my most important concern... are vash'jir and tol barad, mapped? i dont know
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